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The moment they arrived back home Marvin instantly toddled out the car in practically a sprint to the front door. It was quite a spectacle for his Aunt and Cousin seeing the overgrown baby running across the driveway with his soaked diaper hanging low and swinging between his legs. He eagerly awaited his Aunt so she could open the door, the pacifier moved rhythmically between his lips as he cautiously surveyed the neighbourhood. Finally she opened the door and the near naked boy waddled off to his bedroom. The moment he reached it he shut his door behind him and jumped under his bed sheets. Finally he had isolation away from everyone; he would spend his days in here until he could return home and never see any of these people again. He watched his phone on the bedside table, almost trembling with anxiety he awaited Leah’s message. Suddenly he still realised the pacifier remained tight between his lips.

He quickly ripped it out but the urge to put it back in was to overwhelming so he timidly reinserted it. He was to ashamed to admit to himself that in such a short timeframe he had already grown accustomed to the comfort that it presented, and told himself that if his Aunt were to catch him without it maybe she would punish him further.

“Marvin.” He heard his Aunt’s muffled voice from the hallway before she entered his room unannounced.

“I need to change your diaper, it looked soaked.”

He shook his head and pulled the covers further over his head, only his face remained peeking through, transfixed on his phone screen for any sign of life.

Mildred sighed. “Alright then, some babies like keeping their wet diapers on just make sure you don’t stay in it too long or you’ll get a rash.”

Amazingly she left the room, giving him his privacy and letting him sulk the afternoon away. He wasn’t sure how long his eyes managed to stay open before the morning events became too much and he fell asleep from the mental exhaustion.

When he awoke he could feel someone tugging at him, he went to grip down on his pacifier but at some point it must have fallen from his mouth leaving it feeling empty. The sensation of having his legs pulled up was enough that his eyes opened and grew wide as they rested on the intruder.

“What are you…” He trailed off sheepishly.

“You needed a diaper change.” Jill said plainly.

Marvin squirmed helplessly when he recognised the voice belonged to his cousin and not his Aunt.

“JILL STOP.” He demanded rather pathetically.

His protest was cut short as a cool wipe was brought down over his groin as she carefully wiped away any trace of stale pee. He couldn’t bare it, having his aunt do this to him was one thing, having a stranger like Jan too but this. His cousin who was younger than him and always competing with him now cleaning his private parts and changing his piss soaked diaper. He kicked his legs out in frustration but Jill quickly ducked out the way and slapped his inner thigh.

“DON’T.” She commanded.

Marvin looked up at her timidly waiting for what would happen next, he was still aware that the wet diaper was lying under his bottom and it felt so cold and clammy now. At least a clean diaper didn’t make him feel this dirty and unclean.

“You know what will happen if you don’t cooperate.”

She gestured to her mobile phone perched on his dresser by the door. He knew he had to comply with her, anything to keep her happy and make sure the humiliating photos and videos she had of him would never see the light of day.

“I want to go home.” He said feeling his lip tremble.

Jill reached over and grabbed the pacifier that had fallen during his nap and held it out for him. She chuckled as his head rose slightly to her hand and he latched onto it without the need for it to be forced on him.

“Why would you want to leave cousin you just got here.”

Marvin lay helplessly as the dirty diaper was pulled from beneath him and bundled up with the wipes before she retrieved a fresh one.

“Why isn’t Auntie doing this?”

Jill grinned.

“Because she can’t always be there to change your diapers, she needs help, besides she went to bring us back dinner and asked me to check in on you.”

He grimaced as she squirted diaper cream on her hands and delicately wiped it thickly onto his privates.

“I always knew you were the baby of us cousin, it was just a matter of time before you showed your true colours.”

Marvin stayed silent; he wasn’t going to give in to her taunting.

“All those years of following along when we were kids I would let you pick everything. I used to look up to you could you believe that.”

She shook her head chuckling as she dusted the new diaper with powder before liberally covering his lower half.

“My how far you’ve fallen in such a short time too, what’s your mommy going to say when you go back and she ends up on full time diaper duty.”

He blushed as she pulled the diaper up and sealed the taps over him, each one she did slower than the next to savour the moment. She held all the power over him now and they both knew it, all that remained to be seen is what would she do with it, how far would she take it.

She leaned over to whisper in his ear.

“What do you think Leah would say, I bet she won’t want a baby for a boyfriend. Maybe if you ask her super nicely she might come and babysit you.”

That was enough Marvin finally had it and without thinking about any repercussions he sat up and pushed Jill hard. He watched red in the cheeks and fuming as she fell to the ground not fully realising what the consequences of his actions would be.


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