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Charlie watched his reflection in the passenger mirror, trying to tell himself if he was truly passable or not. Biologically he was all male but the longer he stared at his own image the traces of his masculinity seemed harder to spot. Normally that would be a traumatizing revelation that he no longer recognised himself. But since Anna was determined to bring him out in public if he could pass as a girl then perhaps he could avoid the stares and confused looks under the eyes of strangers. He really hated the prospect of being paraded around dressed the way he was, he figured he was going to put up more of a fight. But the fear of being dropped back at Denise’s and being shoved into diapers again, this seemed the better choice. Even if some part of him still clung to that prospect, retreating back inside out of view of everyone even if it meant he was condemned to thick terry cloth diapers and baby girl dresses.

He wasn’t too keen on the prospect of swimming, especially because of the foreboding passing comment Anna had made before they left the home. He was sure that there would be some kind of humiliating swimsuit awaiting him at their destination. The fact that he had always put of learning meant he was an awful swimmer, the anticipation of being in the water made him more nervous than the fact he would probably be forced into a girly swimsuit. The drive actually went by very quickly which wasn’t a good thing when ideally he was hoping to postpone getting in the water for as long as possible. The anticipation was probably more painful than the actual swimming but with the way everything was spiralling out of control when it came to his masculinity he suddenly felt so timid and afraid.

“Do we really have to do this?”

Charlie tried pleading one more time as Anna pulled into a park.

She turned and looked to him a big smile grew over her face and she gently stroked his hair.

“Don’t worry Charlie Bear, I promise nothing will happen to you I’ll keep you safe.”

It was strange; while her words were condescending the manner in which she said them meant it in the most loving way possible. It actually did make him feel slightly better, which was odd maybe it’s because of how close they seemed to be growing together over the past day. But was such a strong bond possible in this short a time frame, maybe it was everything going on Charlie’s emotions were all over the place. He couldn’t really pinpoint how he felt right now, there was something calming having someone else take charge of your most simple responsibilities. It still didn’t sit quite right with him, he was an adult now and the moment this week was over he would be reclaiming that part of him. If Anna was set on treating him this way for now then so be it, he just needed his normal clothes back and he could deal with her belittling comments. When the wedding was over with he would go back to his isolating ways and distance himself from them again. It felt cold hearted but if anything this past twenty-four hours just proved how he needed his own space.

As they approached the sliding doors of the swimming centre, Charlie couldn’t help but take Anna’s offered hand. He scooched in close to her and kept his head low. With his long hair he was sure that he could fool most people into believing he was a girl as long as they didn’t stare to long. After paying at the front gate and making their way into the women’s change room part of Charlie almost felt disappointed that he hadn’t caught any unusual glances in his direction. Was he really looking that much like a girl the way he was dressed. He felt like he couldn’t win, ideally no one would recognise him as a guy to lessen his embarrassment. But the fact that is exactly what happened meant that he really did pass as a girl. He wasn’t even wearing makeup, only the clothing and his long hair were the sure feminine signs of his ensemble. Maybe someone did notice he was really a guy and they just chose to ignore it, or they were just really good at masking their confusion.

He followed Anna into a private changing booth to avoid him catching glances of any of the other women there. He was made to stand with his nose in the corner like a naughty toddler while she undressed herself. It was quite tempting for Charlie to turn around, Anna was a very pretty woman and he felt quite curious as to what she would look like naked. He had to shake the thoughts from his head, they were sick she was his step mother they were practically related at this point. Even if it they were related by paper and not blood it was an uncomftable prospect to be so curious about her nudity.

“Good boy for waiting, it’s your turn now.”

He turned around and noticed the sleek black material one piece that Anna was now sporting. He was starting to feel aroused being in such an enclosed space with an attractive woman who he was having strange feelings for. Despite his best efforts he felt a stirring in his underwear and made no attempt to remove his clothes at Anna’s request.

She chuckled when she noticed his hesitation and embarrassment and pulled the dress over his head. Charlie did his best to look nonchalant but Anna quickly saw his predicament and smiled sympathetically.

“Looks like someone is excited to see his new swimsuit!”

Charlie blushed but appreciated her attempt to divert his embarrassment away from the fact that it was her that caused his reaction, even though she knew quite well the actual reason why.

He let her pull away his underwear along with his shoes so he now stood naked right alongside her. Charlie wanted to cover his embarrassment so badly but he was afraid if his hands went anywhere near there it would only worsen his situation. Instead he stood awkwardly, his hands scrunched into fists at his side while he waited for whatever outfit his Aunt had planned for him to be pulled out her bag. As she finally revealed the bathing suit it even managed to surprise him. Unfortunately for all the wrong reasons as he realised it was much more humiliating then he had anticipated.

He was expecting a one piece similar to Anna’s at worse maybe some kind of bikini bottoms and top, this was something else. It was indeed a one piece but in very different taste to her own, while hers was plain black his was a bright pink. It had little flowers adorning the points where the straps met the bodice and a thin skirt was attached to the bottom. It even had a princess motif on the front of it making it clearly a juvenile swimsuit meant for someone way younger than him. He wasn’t even sure if he would fit into it, but the material looked stretchy and it was much larger than he expected. Did they really make swimsuits like that for people his size; it was something he thought only a toddler would wear.

Charlie shook his head. “Please don’t make me wear that.”

Anna smiled. “But it will look just darling on you I promise, just try it on for me ok?”

She prepared the swimsuit for him to step into.

“But everyone will make fun of me.” He pleaded.

Anna looked up at him and gave her best reassuring gaze.

“Charlie I promise you won’t look out of place in this, trust me ok.”

That seemed foreboding, but what choice did he have anyway. Sighing he forced himself to step into the bathing suit and let Anna pull it up tightly over him. It just barely fit as it stretched over his body, when he saw his reflection in the changing room mirror he was actually thankful for the skirt as it seemed to cover any sign of a bulge that would be visible in the tight material.

“See you look perfect.”

He was about to dispute her claim but Anna had already unlocked the changing room door and pushed him outside. He stepped awkwardly into the semi crowded room, this time he did get some strange looks. But everyone still seemed to expect the normality of the situation, like he wasn’t a young man dressed in a juvenile swimsuit. Maybe they still thought he was a girl, but his lack of chest was surely the biggest give away along with his height. He didn’t have long to dwell on it though when he felt something being pull over his arms.

“What is that…”

He trailed off when he felt a big rush of pressure grip his arm like he was having his blood pressure tested. Anna had slipped a pair of pink inflatable arm bands over him and was blowing air into them.

“Just to give you a little more confidence Charlie Bear, I said that you would be safe with me didn’t I.”

He couldn’t argue that, he really was nervous but arm bands were for sure over doing it. He wasn’t that much shorter then Anna any water they went into surely he could be able to touch the bottom. He was also begging to question how much involvement in his teaching she had actually planned to be involved in herself. He really looked quite the spectacle now with his swim suit and floaties, hand in hand the pair made their way towards one of the private indoor pools.


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