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“Really Claire it doesn’t bother me either way.”

Elliot winced hearing his mother referred to by her maiden name, it caught him off guard hearing it. He couldn’t place the last time he had heard her be called as such, normally it was mum from his own lips or dear from his grandmothers. It was another reminder that his mother had a life outside of his own and he really hadn’t had much place in it till now. The moment his rebellious teen years hit was the end to him accompanying her on outings forgoing personal interactions for the flickering pictures on his various electronic devices. He desperately wanted to take Lin’s bed it was a terrifying prospective that awaited him if he were to give in to the alternative. But judging by the expression on his mother’s face he knew better in this moment, he always had to pick his battles with her and this was one he wouldn’t win.

“It’s ok Lin, I’ll sleep in here.” He offered conceding.

Lin took one last look at both him and his mother and shrugged her shoulders.

“Well alright then, I guess that settles it.”

The tour had pretty much concluded at this point so Lin left them to get settled in. Elliot stood awkwardly in the corner of the room as he watched his mother unpack. She proceeded with her belongings first storing them in the drawers before she started with Elliot’s. As she took out his belongings he finally realised he had been standing there silently like a dunce letting her do everything. He quickly walked over to her his diaper crinkling loudly from his sudden brisk movements. As he went to reach for his bag his hand was playfully slapped away and as another responsibility was snatched away from him.

“I can do that.” He suggested timidly.

She shook her head.

“Honey just let me, be honest you know what you’re like if I let you, everything will just get tossed in.”

He couldn’t help but agree with her sentiment he was pretty lousy when it came to anything laundry related. Besides why did he care so much about such a menial task anyway, it held little value to him, besides the fact it wasn’t helping the lack of maturity he was feeling. It was weird that he felt this was pushing everything to far considering he was standing in the bedroom he would be sharing with his mother and a thick diaper prominently on view. Elliot cringed the moment she started pulling his diapers out. Why had she packed so many of them, he had packed his bag himself but she insisted he give the bag to her when he was finished so she could make sure he took enough of his special pants with him. It was a strange moment when, the concept seemed so simple a diaper for each night it was straight forward and he was more than capable. But considering she had crowned herself monarch of all things diaper related he didn’t think to dwell on it.

That was until now as he stood there watching them be carefully stored in the top drawer next to her underwear that he realised there were way more then he needed. It paired well with the sickening thought that he realised the underwear he had packed were no longer in the bag.

“Wait mum, where did you put my underpants?”

She pretended not to hear him for a moment as she carefully stacked another diaper in the drawer.

“MUM.” Elliot almost shouted.

She didn’t ignore that and quickly her expression changed.

“DON’T you raise your voice at me!” She said, waving a diaper as she scolded him.

She managed to keep her voice down low enough to avoid Lin hearing them argue.

“I’ve been noticing spots on your underwear and I’ve seen you running off to the bathroom on more than one occasion.”

Elliot’s face scrunched up, what was she even referring too? He couldn’t recollect anything like that happening. He had full control over his wettings they were intentional not that he would admit it, but he knew he didn’t actually have a problem using the toilet.

“Mum.” He seethed.

She held up her finger to make him quieter.

“What are you talking about?” He said managing to lower his voice.

“Elliot.” She sat with her hands in her lap, almost like she was ready to deliver him some seriously bad news.

“Don’t fight me on this; do you want me to spank you like a little brat?”

Spank him? Seriously? What was going on with her why was she going so overbearing and treating him like a toddler suddenly?

He looked at her, for any telling sign on her face that would tell him how serious she was.

“No… You can’t spank me…I’m not a.” He paused, the final word caught in his throat and he searched for a better one but she was faster.

“Baby.” She said finishing his sentence.

Elliot gulped, acutely aware once again of his diapered state and how helpless he felt at the moment. He looked down at his feet, to ashamed to meet his mother’s gaze. She gently walked over to him and ushered him down on the bed. Taking his hands in her own she held them lovingly in her lap.

“This is what’s best for you, until we can get your accidents under control.” She caressed his hands trailing her finger over them in a circular motion, Elliot blushed as she continued.

“Maybe it’s the stress of growing up and all the responsibilities that get piled on you; we can see a doctor about it when we get back. But for now it’s best if we keep you padded, you will be well protected and looked after I promise.”

Elliot felt ashamed and belittled as his mother professed her love for him. This was the perfect moment to come clean right now, just say it was all made up. Confess damn it; this had gone on long enough. He so wished he had the integrity and strength to be honest with her, but he couldn’t. The unknown repercussions were weighing too much on him so he kept his mouth shut. Besides it wasn’t like he could tell her then avoid her till she got over it, they were sleeping in the same bed after all. All he could do was tough it out until they got back, the moment they were home he would spill the beans. Whatever the consequences were he would live with it, but right now wasn’t the time he couldn’t deal with it, especially the humiliating conversation that would follow. The true reason why she caught him in diapers and there would be no doubt Lin would find out, he shuddered at the thought.

As his mind raced a mile a minute his mother broke through the trance as her hand playfully danced across the front of his diaper. Coming to a rest over his groin she gently squeezed, checking him once again for any sign of wetness.

“Still dry baby, mummy’s proud.”

She planted a wet kiss on his cheek before standing up and returning to unpacking everything. Elliot sat there locked in a state of comatose as he tried to urge himself to react. Every part of him was frozen and he felt so unsure of himself, it was a sensationally weird feeling being so helpless and having no control. Finally he was brought out of his mental lock when he heard footsteps approaching and Lin appeared at the doorway.

“If you’re all unpacked I thought maybe you would like to go to dinner tonight?” She asked hopefully.

Her manner of her voice made it seem rather hopeful they would say yes, unknowingly groceries were the one thing Lin had forgotten to pick up beforehand. She was unused to cooking for more than herself or the occasional guest, there was no meal she could make enough of that would feed the three of them especially for their length of stay.

“Of course that sound’s lovely.” Claire replied. “What did you have in mind?”

Elliot listened with mild attentiveness as they discussed where they would go to eat. Gloomily he still remained seated on the bed silently wishing for the sheets to swallow him whole and teleport him back in time and erase his memories of the day.

“And what about Elliot?”

Both women looked down at the sullen boy.

“Does he need his diaper changed before we go?”

Another reminder of his diapered state right on time, he grimaced at the reality of the two women talking about his infantile underwear so openly. Not to mention the fact he wasn’t addressed directly instead Lin asked his mother as if she would have better knowledge on the state of his own diaper than himself.

“No he should be fine I just checked him.”

“Alright we’re good to go then.” Lin declared.

He watched the two women grab their handbags before he finally found enough confidence to speak up.

“Pants.” He rather awkwardly blurted out.

Both women turned to him and smiled.

“But Elliot.” His mother spoke.

“I really think we ought to keep a better eye on your diaper.”

His eyes darted between both women, they couldn’t be serious.

“Please…..” Elliot shook as he swallowed his pride. “Please mummy can I wear pants to dinner.”

It pained him to call her such, the first time referring to her by such a juvenile name since he could remember. But in that moment he hoped maybe his desperate attempt to make a connection would let her see reason so he would not suffer through the humiliation.

“I suppposee.” She sighed in submission.

She grabbed a pair of mint green shorts the most repulsive ones he owned and was certain he did not pack them himself. It seemed his mother had added more than just diapers to his luggage. She stood before him and held them open for his legs to step into. It was utterly embarrassing performing such an act especially in company much to his shame. The alternative was much worse and revealing his diapered state to a restaurant full of people was not on the menu. He held tightly onto her shoulders for balance as she pulled the shorts over his diapered waist. He felt anguish as his mother fought to button and zip his shorts over the diaper. They felt purposely tight over him, he had always ignored them in his drawer offering feigned thanks when she had given them to him.

He was worried she would give up but to her atonement she managed to zip them up. It was obvious he had an oddly shaped bulge around his waist but it was infinitely better than having his diaper displayed like some kind of weird sideshow for the world to gawk at.

His mother admired his poofy waist giving him a loving and condescending pat on his crinkly bottom.

“Ok happy now?”

It felt like more of a statement than a question but Elliot still nodded.

“Awesome, were off then.”

Elliot followed the two women out of the room, sighing with despair at the sight of his bloated backside and the crinkling that accompanied it with each step he took.


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