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“HEY, DISHES.” Libby shouted at Rachel.

She rolled her eyes, if she wanted to be spoken to like a child she would have stayed at home with her mother. It sounded like such a sweet deal, moving out of home at nineteen and getting to live with her best friend. Her job as a receptionist paid decently well so she could easily afford her share of the rent. But she wasn’t in the same mind as Libby; she didn’t want to spend all evening cleaning after work she needed time to unwind. Most of her evenings were spent ungracefully perched across the couch; hands dusty with chip salt as she binged watched her shows on the television. 

“I’m still waiting.” Libby said with a hiss. 

Rachel groaned before getting up and muttering ‘fine’ as she unenthusiastically trudged over to the sink. As usual her efforts were half assed and the dishes were left to dry on the sink instead of doing herself and putting them away. She quickly sped off to bed before Libby would see it and make her come finish the job. Instead of going to sleep she quickly switched her phone over to the Wi-Fi and spent the next few hours continuing her binge until she fell asleep.

Her eyes slowly opened and she yawned quit relaxingly. This had been the first time she managed to wake up naturally without the need of her alarm going off. It was a surprising turn of events for someone who normally set several alarms to make sure she woke up on time. Which was about the same moment the feeling of terror washed over her, she quickly ruffled through her bed sheets discovering her phone not attached to her charger. She forgot to plug it in and the streaming had run the battery dry overnight.


She quickly threw the phone on charge and raced to get ready, still half-dressed she ran to the kitchen to check the oven timer and saw that she was already supposed to be there. With the time it took her to drive in she would be at least an hour late. Quickly as she could she threw her clothes on and with messy hair and her charging cable still dangling out her phone she ran to the car. 


The day went as you might have expected a berating from her supervisor and a consequential conversation how this wasn’t her first instance of underperformance. With the harsh review of her work ethic came with it a reduction in her hours until she could show improvement in her role. Rachel spent the day sitting sulkily at her chair doing her best to put on a good face but wanting to do nothing more than go home and cry in her sheets. So that’s what she did, storming into the house ignoring Libby and running to her room sealing herself away for the night. She opted to neither eat dinner of have a shower; she had the day off tomorrow so she would have plenty of time later for all that. Continuing the pattern from the previous night Rachel soon fell asleep, her eyes red from all the crying and rushed make up still caked over her face staining her sheets.

There was a moment of panic when Rachel woke up again sometime later that morning  before she realised she didn’t need to go in to work today. It didn’t make her feel any better though and she pressed her face into her pillow fighting the urge to cry again. As she untwisted herself from her bed sheets she realised something felt off. She felt so gross and cold and….wet? Was that the right feeling, she didn’t have a shower last night maybe that’s why she felt so disgusting but something wasn’t right. She unceremoniously threw her sheets from her body and looked down at the huge wet spot between her legs soaked deeply into her work jeans. She felt panic as she tried to justify the sight in her mind as she came to the conclusion that she had wet her bed during the night for the first time in as long as she could remember. But her train of thought was broken as her bedroom door burst open and Libby stormed in. 

“RACHEL we need to talk, I’m sick of doing all your chores like your some kind of…..” She trailed off as she looked down at the soaked girl, make up streaks down her face from crying still in her work clothes and soaked in her own piss. 

“What….the…fuck…. did you piss your bed?” She asked, shooting her with a look of bewilderment. 

“I… ummmm.. no I didn’t please… get out.” Rachel stammered as she choked on her words.  

“Unbelievable.” Libby grumbled as she awkwardly left the room leaving Rachel to deal with her mess. 

Rachel looked back to the wet spot on her bed and down at her jeans fighting the urge to cry. She started to tear up but fought the compulsion not wanting to completely portray the image of some kind of bedwetting toddler. Mustering her will she pulled off her sopping and filthy clothes and loaded them in the washer with her sheets. She relaxed under the warm shower and tried to forget what happened. But alas the burden was to great and no matter what she kept looking back at the fact she pissed her pants after being put on leave and having Libby yell at her. The downward spiral was apparent and she didn’t know what to do from this point. 

She spent some time in the shower before leaving after hearing Libby banning on the door asking her to finish up. Rachel sighed before switching off the tap and wrapping a fresh towel around her body. Stepping into the hallway Libby stood impatiently as she waited for Rachel to finish.

“Took you long enough, are you at least clean?” 

“Yes why do you care?” Rachel asked, not stopping to hear the response she pushed past her and went to her room. When she got there she spied something peculiar on her bare mattress that wasn’t there when she left. Approaching the foreign object she recoiled as she picked up the juvenile pull up dotted with birds and tea cups. 

“What the fuck…” She mumbled in confusion. 

“What’s the matter; need help putting it on too?”

Rachel turned to face her intruder, Libby stood in the open doorway arms crossed watching her expectantly. 

“Why is this here?” She asked in disgust. 

Libby walked confidently to her and snatched the pull up from her hands. 

“Why do you think, I’m sick of you acting like a lazy bratty toddler and now you’re pissing yourself like one too.”

She unfurled the pull up and held it open with both hands. 

“Drop the towel.” She commanded. 

“Like I would ever do that.” Rachel scoffed. 

She tried coming off cool and confident but a true look at her demeanour could see she was feeling increasingly anxious and shaky. 

It all happened so fast, the moment the words exited Rachel’s mouth Libby had dropped the pull up to the floor. She yanked the towel away from her so fast that she yelped, falling back on the bed she perched Rachel over her knees and brought her hand down hard. 

“LIBBY FUCK OFF.” Rachel wailed. 

It didn’t stop her if anything it only propelled Libby forward. All those months of pent up frustration doing everything for her lazy roommate. All those dirty dishes, doing two lots of washing, the piles of trash not being taken out. All that energy went into each blow, she was on a mission she didn’t even process Rachel’s cries as she shook her fists and bawled like a child. Finally as her hand stung a matching red to her friends bottom she stopped the onslaught. Now she was much more placated and there was no struggle as she once again opened the pull up. This time Rachel stepped right in as she cried and sobbed, sniffling as her nose leaked onto her palm. 

The craziest thing happened though even coming as a shock to Libby. As the pull up entrenched itself around Rachel’s waist a loud hissing sound came from her lowers as she quickly peed into the thirsty padding. It took her by surprise, the doorbell took her back to her senses and she quickly retreated from the room. It wasn’t long before two figures approached Rachel room this time. Libby stood with Rachel’s mother in tow, a mixed look of disappointment and sympathy plastered on her face. 

“Ohhh Rachel.” She spoke softly. 

The wet state of her pull up was obvious by now Rachel knew she had soaked it, but the reason why she had done so on instinct remained unknown to her. 

“Mummmy.” She whined pathetically.

Her mother held her regressed daughter close and felt her wet pull up squelch against her leg. 

“I’m taking you home sweetheart, Libby’s an adult now she shouldn’t be expected to care for you she has too much responsibility now. 

As Libby looked on she felt relief wash over her, finally a break from this overbearing woman child. For Rachel she had never felt more humiliated, lost and scared, but seeing her mother here actually brought her some familiar comfort. Another twinge and her bladder came and she didn’t think twice before letting go into her already drenched pull up, causing it to sag dangerously low. 

“You definitely need a change.” Her mother said as she cupped her daughters padding.   


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