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Elliot spent the remainder of the lengthy trip ducking out from view whenever they pulled up adjacent to another car at the traffic lights. Even though the windows would have obscured much of his diapered state from view, he was paranoid that everyone could tell. This wasn’t the high octane rush he was expecting from being able to enjoy his diapers, the humiliation was awful. After today he was really considering if it was all worth it, unfortunately all signs were pointing to no. He wouldn’t be able to completely go cold turkey right from the get go; he would have to wean himself off them gradually. That way his mother wouldn’t suspect anything was amiss, if he immediately stopped wetting every night and waking up dry then she would question the legitimacy of the last few weeks.

It felt strange conspiring against his mother with such a devious plot complete with all the twists turns and miss direction. But it would make things right again, he got a taste of the diapered life, much more than he was expecting. But the lies had to end, he would never tell her the truth about it, he wouldn’t be able to live it down, and the potential consequences of his actions were very foreboding. Maybe on the odd occasion when he was home alone for the night he might indulge himself, but while he was living under her roof he would have to keep the habit to a minimum. He shifted in his seat; the crinkle of his diaper resonating along with the hum of the car engine gave him a sense of calming. The fact that his diaper was in plain view and he was sitting pants less made him feel incredibly exposed. It would almost be exciting if the feeling wasn’t covered in a shroud of overwhelming dread.

Occasionally Elliot’s mothers hand would drift over when the car wasn’t moving, making its way over to his crinkly padding in the back seat and giving the front a squeeze. He began to think she was enjoying his treatment more than he had been before now. Maybe she just liked the closeness and intimacy that his diapered state had brought them. They were far from distant now; he was no longer offered the same privacy he used to have. His mother would never have dreamed of checking his undies for accidents, but his new found dependency brought with it an assortment of caveats. He would be lying if he didn’t admit to somewhat liking the attention he was being given, even feeling somewhat cautiously optimistic about what responsibilities were been taken away. It felt like a wave of calm had washed over him lately. If it wasn’t the constant reminders prodding him in the back of his head like the blade of a sharp knife, telling him he should feel guilty then it would be perfectly blissful.

It wasn’t long before they finally pulled off the highway and drove into the centre of a small town. Driving down the main street was a stark contrast compared to the city streets close to home. It was still quite populated and bustling, busy enough that when they stopped at the crossing Elliot desperately clutched at his shirt as people walked close by the car.

“Are we nearly there?” He asked desperately.

What he was conveniently forgetting though would be the unavoidable topic of his diapered state as soon as they were to arrive at their destination. He had no doubt he would be teased, all that he could remember of his mums friend when he was younger was how much she riled him up. It had been some time since he could recall her last visit, many years ago by now. He knew they still kept in touch though and his mother had made the visit by herself before. The tension grew and Elliot became consciously aware of this factor, his heart rate quickened as they turned off the main street drawing closer to her place. Elliot’s anxiety hit breaking point when they pulled up the drive way of a quaint suburban home. It was rather plain looking, just like any other house on the street but it did have a very homely feel to it. He wondered whether it would be big enough inside to give him his privacy.

The sound of the car pulling up to the house was loud enough for a kindly looking woman to make her way outside to greet them. Elliot hesitated but his mother was quick to park and rush over to her friend to give her a hug. They greeted each other giddily like high school girlfriends; it was wholesome and almost childlike how excited they were to see each other. He watched them anxiously from the back seat to leave the safe confines of the car, more acutely aware of his diapered state than ever. Finally he saw their attention turn to him; her mother whispered something into her ear and shook her head. The other woman looked on in mild amusement, looking rather puzzled at whatever had just been said to her. They both beckoned for him to leave the car and one more look at his mother’s expression told him he better cooperate or else.

“Here it goes.” Elliot sighed dramatically.

Begrudgingly he opened the car door and regrettably stood away from the car door in full view of both women.

“Elliot don’t be rude, say hi to Lin.” She ordered him.

“H…hi..Lin….” He mumbled.

Lin’s eyes were wide; her gaze fixed over his diaper which Elliot was hopelessly trying to cover with his hands, but ended up just bringing more attention to his embarrassment. Finally Lin managed to slip out of her trance and she quickly regained her composure.

“Elliot… that’s a very….cute diaper you’ve got there.” She said searching for the right word.

She noticed his hesitation and could tell he was incredibly embarrassed meeting her like this. She quickly strode over to him and pulled him into a hug, embracing him with the same enthusiasm as she had his mother.

“It’s so good to see you again; it feels like it’s been forever.” She said quickly trying to change the subject.

She had only learned about his diapers mere moments ago when his mother spoke of them for the first time. It came as a bit of a shock she thought at his age he would have matured more by now. But this seemed like he had reversed backwards in the many years ago she last saw him. Before she fully realised what she was doing her hand crept downward as she still held the hug tight. Unsure if some unforseen will was controlling her movements she grabbed at his diaper and tugged it outward checking to see if he needed a change. Elliot blushed crimson and pulled backward, Lin mentally scolded herself for embarrassing the poor boy as he stood there in shock.

“Sorry Elliot.” She explained. “It was just instincts, thought that might have been why you were too shy to leave the car.”

Elliot could see his mother grinning as she watched the event unfold.

“Honestly surprised after the display he put on the ride here.” She explained.

“I’m not a baby.” Elliot snapped back.

Both women laughed.

“Maybe not.” Lin spoke up. “But you sure are diapered like one!”

Both women laughed again at poor Elliot’s expense, who failed to find a witty retort to respond with.

“Come on guys lets go inside, I’ll show you around.”

Both he and his mother followed Lin inside; Elliot remained far back out of arm’s length lest he be the subject of another unprovoked diaper check. The house wasn’t exactly small, but it was definitely cosy for lack of better word. It was spaciously decorated without over doing it, Lin was clearly fond of horses as multiple paintings adorned the walls, Elliot noticed her own named signed in the corners of each one. He admired the décor as he realised at least they shared one thing in common, Elliot to was fond of horses but more so the ones in history that were rode into battle rather than them in general. It was a bit of a girlish feeling sometimes to be so fond of them when it was such a stereotype that every girl wants her own pony growing up, but he sometimes wished he had gotten that experience when he was younger.

The tour eventually landed them in a rather generously sized bedroom with a double bed in the middle.

“And this is where you will be staying.” Lin cheerfully announced.

He watched his mother put her bags down on the floor, he was suddenly aware that she had also been carrying his and he realised he could of grabbed a pair of his pants and gotten changed by now. As they left to carry on back to the living room to grab something to eat and drink, Elliot realised he hadn’t been shown to his room yet.

“Sorry where am I staying?” He interrupted as politely as he could.

Both women turned toward him.

“You’ll be sleeping with me sweetheart.” His mother said in a sickly cute voice.

Elliot looked back at her, trying to figure out if she was joking.

“Sorry hun only two bedrooms in this house.” Lin interjected.

Reality came in hot and fast, he was to be sharing this room with his mother??? Not only the room, but sharing a bed at his age and to tip it all of he was going to be doing it while diapered. It wasn’t the combination he ever thought would come to fruition, to be a part of at his age. This couldn’t happen, for some reason the first thing to come to mind would be how he would get away with wetting consciously without her realising. Of course he could excuse himself, go off to bed earlier then her or simply wait for her to fall asleep. But in the moment all rational thought escaped him and he was stuck with that singular unescapable hurdle which was currently the forefront of his mind.

“But I can’t, I’m too old for that I ummm, I’ll sleep on the couch.” He said offering the easy solution hopefully.

Lin stubbornly shook her head. “I would be a pretty awful host if I was to let my youngest guest be condemned to the couch for their stay.”

She thought for a moment. “I suppose I could take the couch and give you my room if you so wished?”

It felt bad taking her room but at this point Elliot was willing to forgo all common courtesy in order to avoid sharing the bed with his mother. Unfortunately for him though she took it upon herself to decline the selfless offer.

“No that’s fine Lin you don’t have to do that, DOES SHE Elliot.” She said raising her voice as she directed it toward him.

Elliot gulped, bashfully shaking his head standing their looking more like the bratty toddler he was being treated as. This was going to be an experience he would hope soon to forget.



Poor little guy!!