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Commission short story

Carissa’s hands trembled; she had been feeling nervous the whole drive over here, but now that her car was parked right outside it began to get to her. She checked once again at the crumbled up business card clutched in her palm. Mistress Vixen that was all it said in striking purple font with an address and phone number on the back. She had accosted her at an adult’s only convention she attended with her friends, her dominating presence was intoxicating. She had seen what Clarissa was eyeing off curiously at one of the stalls and quickly put it down as she had approached her.

“I know what you need love.” She said confidently.

She then handed Clarissa her card and walked off seductively, leaving her standing there dumbstruck with a look of shock plastered over her face. She had meant to throw the card out, but curiosity was getting the better of her and for some reason she made the phone call and booked a session. She wasn’t really sure what awaited her; the item in question she got caught fondling was an adult diaper. It gripped her, tickling her curiosity why that could be a fetish that people were into. But after the convention she looked it up online and the idea got her interest. The idea of someone else taking control to that degree that they were treated as nothing but a child. It was domination that she took interest in originally but this was something else entirely. Submitting to someone completely that they take over of everything, even the most basic bodily functions it sounded exhilarating.

Finally Clarissa got the courage to leave her car; she quickly strode over the pavement to the house afraid people would see her. She doubted that anyone in the area knew what was in store for her inside but it still scared her to be seen out in public. She completely ignored even looking over the front of the house her mind was too focused on getting to the front door. Part of her wanted to go back to her car and cancel the whole session, forgoing the deposit she paid up front to lock her in. But the regret would grip at her for some time she had to do this, it was an experience that might help make her more comfortable with her own self-image and she couldn’t forgo that. She lightly tapped her hand on the door, her mind to pre occupied to even notice the adjacent doorbell.

Fortunately with her being expected someone was close by and they quickly approached the door. Clarissa stood back as it slowly swung open revealing a kindly looking woman, not the same one she was expecting. The woman smiled, waiting for her to speak first.

“Oh.. sorry I must have the wrong house.” She choked out, the metaphorical frog finally leaving her throat.

“Oh who were you expecting?” The woman asked curiously.

Clarissa gulped, feeling her forehead start to get a bit sweaty. Was she just supposed to say her name was Mistress Vixen; this was clearly the wrong house.

“Nevermind, it ahhh has to be the wrong place.” She tried to say, tiptoeing around the question.

Clarissa turned around and took her first steps away from the house before she heard the woman speak again.

“Honey, where is your diaper have you been a bad girl again.”

Clarissa froze; her heart racing she suddenly started feeling all tingly. Slowly she looked back around and the woman was tapping against the door frame looking at her in the same way a mother her disobedient child.

“I… don’t need diapers.” Clarissa stammered.

The woman marched right up to her in a surprising change of demeanour and instantly pulled down the waistband of Clarissa’s jeans. The sudden invasion in privacy caused her to yelp, not to mention the potential embarrassment if anyone were to see them from the street.

“Just as I thought you aren’t in your diapers, you’re in big trouble little miss.”

She started stumbling after the woman as she was dragged inside, desperately attempting to pull her jeans back up all the way as she stumbled inside. The whole ordeal was starting to make her feel a bit shaky but she couldn’t deny the tingly feeling she was starting to grow inside. The stranger stopped her at the door way to her house shaking her head as she looked her over.

“THESE can stay outside.” She said gripping the waistband of her jeans again.

She watched on expectantly as Clarissa lowered her eyes and apprehensively pulled down her jeans, stepping out she let them fall to the ground. Her eyes darted back to the street hoping that no one could see her pants less state. She went to step by the woman but her hand pushed up against the doorway stopping her. One glance down at her underwear and Clarissa knew what she had to do. Quickly she took off her panties which had already started to get quite damp with her juices. The woman pushed her palm against her groin and tutted.

“Already wet, you need your diaper before you pee all over my porch.”

Clarissa nodded really started to get into the role she let the woman take her hand and lead her inside leaving her clothes behind her. Finally as they walked down the hall and entered a room labelled ‘Nursery’ in cutsie block font she saw Vixen. She was dressed just as seductively as the first time she met her and looked just as intimidating.

“Looks like mommy found the naughty baby; I have the diaper ready for you little sister.”

Clarissa gulped and followed Vixens gaze to the scaled up change table with a thick pink diaper stretched out waiting to be taped onto someone.

“Come on Clarissa.” Mommy spoke. “Your sister will help you get into your diaper.”

She leant down to remove her socks and pulled away her shirt and bra leaving the woman naked in front of these two intoxicating dominatrix’s. She was led over to the changing table and sat down over the thick infantile diaper. As Clarissa’s bottom settled into the crinkling padding she let out a soft moan causing the two women to laugh.

As mommy started coating her vagina in diaper rash cream and dust her with baby powder, she saw Vixen fetch a camera from the night stand. She came over and whispered into her ear.

“The safe word is I’m a big girl.”

Clarissa nodded bashfully and Vixen started taking photos, for what nefarious purpose she didn’t know, but it excited her endlessly.



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