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“I can’t I’m watching the brat tonight.”

Emily complained as she chatted away on her cell phone.

She looked over to her younger sister who was just out of earshot and too young to really understand anything being said in the conversation.

Awww that’s too bad.’ Came the somewhat sarcastic reply.

“Bitch……” Emily muttered as she hung up the phone, angrily tossing it to the sofa.

She crooned her neck back, looking over her shoulder into the kitchen. Her sister was still siting their quietly colouring away without a care in the world.

She turned her attention back to the television, picking up the remote she randomly started scrolling through the channels. Unsatisfied she discarded the remote in the same manner as her phone; leaning back she let out a frustrated groan.

“Ughhhh, fuck this.” She said turning back to her sister.

If I have to be stuck here watching her I’m at least going to get fucking high. She rationalised.

Strolling confidently she trounced through the kitchen. “I’ll be in my room ok?”

She took the tiny nod in stride, she knew her basics she would know to come find her if she wanted something. Emily made her way to her bedroom, it was pretty messy in need of a clean but she would always leave it until her mum was fed up enough to do it herself. Carefully stepping over discarded laundry, no longer sure what was clean and what was not. Emily turned to her old jewellery box, hidden away under a stack of old gossip magazines. Removing the ornate dolphin topper revealed a secret hidden compartment. As a child she used it to write little notes and secrets down that she kept hidden from everyone, these days it served as a hiding spot for her weed and papers that she didn’t want her mum finding out about.

Grabbing the gas lighter she had tucked away earlier since her mum confiscated her actual lighter she quickly rolled the joint, wasting no time to light it up. The euphoria she felt from each puff was definitely worth the risk of getting caught. She already had her window open, the air freshener by her window seal and breath mints at her side. This was a process she was well versed in, her mother had only caught her twice, and she threatened her each time but never followed through. This was the first time she did it when her sister was home; normally she would wait for them to both leave the house together for the day. Lying back against her bedhead she put on her headphones and relaxed. Any thoughts of negativity quickly left her, this was her escape from reality and it felt awesome. All worries subsided any care about going out tonight with her friends drifted away, replaced with a breezy calm feeling. She felt her eyes getting heavy but being unable to avoid the temptation she nestled lower into her pillows before passing out.


Her eyes shot awake and her heart rate quickened as the headphones she fell asleep wearing were yanked away from her and she woke abruptly from her peaceful slumber.

“Wh…what’s going on?” She stammered.

“I’LL TELL YOU WHATS GOING ON.” Her mother said seething with anger.

She took Emily’s discarded joint from the bedroom floor and held it accusingly in front of her.

“I came home to your sister bawling her eyes out, running to me in wet pants terrified that I would tell her off for not making it to the toilet in time and letting her pull ups leak.”

Her mother had to take a breath to calm herself down enough to continue, lowering her voice slightly so it wouldn’t travel beyond the room.

“Instead of watching her LIKE you were supposed to, you were hiding away in here getting high.”

Emily shook her head. “I wasn’t hiding I told her—“

“Don’t want to hear it, ANY of it.” She said cutting her off.

“You will be sorry for this, I’m so ashamed of you, and honestly do you even give a shit about either of us now. What if something happened to your sister, I can’t believe you would be so careless.”

A tear appeared in her mother’s eye and she left the room, too deeply disappointed in her daughter to remain there any longer. She even left the joint she picked up on her dresser, which was worse than her keeping it. It meant she no longer cared what Emily did, the crushing realisation swept over her and it felt awful. She remained in her room for a moment, listening to footsteps and a door shut, she looked out her window down onto the front lawn and saw her mother and sister leaving somewhere. Rather than stay their wallowing in her own self-pity she promptly got up and cleaned her room. It was a pretty satisfying feeling tidying it all up and putting everything away, she opted to rewash all the clothes on the floor unable to tell what was clean any longer. With her room tidied she walked up to her weed stash taking everything including the rolled up joint, and threw it in her trash.

“There that will make her happy.” She said grumpily.

Eventually she heard the car pull in and saw her sister skip merrily into the house a new toy in hand, her mother carried some shopping bags with her. She thought about going to greet them but wanted to see if she came up first. She listened to the door open and like she hoped her mother appeared at her door way.

Emily quickly spoke first. “I’m sorry ok, I shouldn’t have done that, look I cleaned my room and ummm I threw out the weed.”

She pointed over to the bin by her bedroom door the final resting place of her small stash.

Her mother shook her head. “That’s not going to make things better Emily.” She placed the shopping bag on the floor and walked over toward her rather menacingly.

“But this might.”

She yanked Emily to her feet who then let out a small eep, wasting no time she quickly undressed her daughter practically ripping the clothes off her. She was to shocked to fight back or put up any resistance, finally standing there in just her bra and undies, it was quickly unclasped and the panties pulled roughly down her legs.

“Mum….. Why…. STOP.” Emily demanded.

She tried to cover herself but her mother was quick, she pulled her nude daughter over to her bed and threw her across her lap.



“You……Will…..Do…..What…..Ever…..I……Say…….Understand?” She spoke calmly, her hand coming down sharply on her daughter’s naked backside between each word.

Emily sobbed as her bum was blistered, screaming ‘YES’ but having her plea go unanswered as she was spanked anyway. Finally her mother relented pulling her off her lap and leaving her lying on the bed using both hands to rub her red bottom. She retrieved a package from the bag, tearing it open she took out what was unmistakably a pair of pull ups sporting a very similar design to the one her sister used.

“Now you will see what it’s like to be in her shoes.”

Emily was still bawling as her hands were yanked away and the pull up was forced up her legs and onto her waist. She slapped her fists against the bed helplessly as her mother stood over her holding her still she stared daggers into her daughters eyes.

“Don’t even think about taking this off, this is what you wear from now on and I want nothing else covering it.”

Emily looked down and brushed her hand against her plastic padding, recoiling as she heard it crinkle.

“Get up you’re going to learn what it’s like to be babysat properly.”

She stood up and watched her mother leave the room, as she followed out she took sight of her own reflection. It was a sight to behold, her puffy eyes from all the crying, her nude body sporting the crinkly pull up with its cutsie princess motif on the front. As she turned she saw the redness on her thighs glowing from underneath the pull up.


Emily jumped as her mother came back into her room and gave her a shock. With all her emotions running wild since being woken from her nap she hadn’t even thought about her bladder. It started quickly and rapidly filled up her babyish underwear. The hissing was loud enough that her mother noticed right away, watching on with the same look of bewilderment as her daughter had. It managed to hold the full wetting and now sagged heavily between her legs. Emily looked at her helplessly, unsure what to do next.

Her mother smirked. “Now you get to have the full experience, come on I don’t think you need a change just yet.”

Emily reluctantly clasped her mother’s hand and walked off to see her sister, rehearsing the apology she was preparing in her head. Hopefully if it was good enough maybe this punishment wouldn’t last very long, but considering the amount of shopping bags her mother had brought home, it felt somewhat unlikely.



Love this story hope for a second part