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As Jean sat cross legged on the soft carpet listening to the morning announcements he began to reflect back to his first day. It was an incredibly embarrassing and humiliating moment listening to Laura speaking to his mother as if he were a child. It was a conversation he never would have expected to be a part of. After spending the remainder of the day dotting around the day care with his pull ups proudly displayed to everyone he tried to stay by himself. But unfortunately with such a bustling room he continuously found himself roped into activities and constantly being mocked and teased for being the older boy still in pull ups. He found himself being constantly checked for wetness. When someone nearby had a messy accident and the pungent smell reached once of the teachers nose she even had the audacity to pull the back of his training pants to check him first.

Of course it wasn’t him who had the accident and he found no struggle with using the toilet. Well since he was no longer allowed that privilege he had to wait for someone to fetch his training potty and plonk it down somewhere private. He behaved himself though; at least Laura mentioned that part as she recounted his day leaving no humiliating detail untold. He sat there silent like a child being retold his bad behaviours for the day; it was such a strange feeling. He couldn’t even recount a similar feeling from his past, he was mostly a well behaved and quiet kid in school he didn’t remember his mother ever having to come down and sit with him in the office.

He looked at his mother and tried to gauge what she might be thinking. Confusion was replaced with awe and what looked like a hint of satisfaction. She gladly accepted her explanation for his new role as a new charge rather than a worker. It kept him busy and out of the house away from his games for the day then she was all for it. She looked down mockingly at him her gaze gravitating towards his exposed pull ups that he timidly tried in vain to cover with his hands. She pried them away and checked for wetness, a look of amused surprise when she realised he was dry. She decided to take Laura’s advice and keep him in them when he was home from the day care. His underwear draw became abandoned replaced with packets of crinkly pants. She even made him come tell her when he needed the loo, making him ask in his nicest voice if she could take him to the potty.

She thankfully allowed him to use the toilet, not wanting the chore of emptying his plastic toilet every time he used it. It was a small victory and he took it in stride, when everything seemed so dismal he had to look for any positive. His weekends were spent at home now, talking with his mates online he was too embarrassed right now to go out in public, worried the crinkles from his jeans would give his humiliating secret away. He toddled around so bashfully now, he was even made to hold his mother’s hand or keep it on the trolley when she took him out with her. He resisted at first insisting he be left to his own but she didn’t like the idea of letting him out of her sight when he wasn’t at day care. She quickly had taken to his new regressed role in the household, her maternal instincts quickly kicking in and memories of her sweet dependable cherub quickly flooding back to her. He would always be her baby no matter what, but this was much more literal now rather than a figure of speech.

As the morning announcements drew to a close and excitable faces scampered off in every direction Jean was finally brought out of his trance. He stood up with a crinkle, thankfully he was allowed to wear pants again and he made sure to always be on his best behaviour lest that privilege be revoked again. He occupied himself like most days in the quiet reading corner, occasionally participating in the craft projects. His mother let him bring his own books with him to day care so he wasn’t left unstimulated with various books intended for early learning which were way to boring and he quickly made his way through those in the first few days. A grumbling in his stomach caused him to shift awkwardly in the large bean bag chair. ‘Fuck…..’ He muttered in disdain. He had managed to avoid doing his number two’s in the day care so far, but it looked like it might be unavoidable today.

He tried distracting himself again with his book, but it was so early in the day that he knew he wouldn’t be able to last the whole time. The alternative to using the potty was out of the question he wasn’t even going to consider the possibility of shitting himself. He kept peeking up from his book hoping for someone to come ask him if he needed to go. They usually did, he hated toddling over to them and timidly asking for them to take him to go potty. So he remained seated the squirming on his seat and the growling from his stomach becoming more frequent as time grew on. After a little squeak came from his bottom he knew he had to go now he had no choice. He scooted off the bean bag , leaving his book behind he strode over to Jean who happened to be the closest.


“I’ll be with you in a minute Jean.” She said waving him off, currently preoccupied with another student.

He looked around noticing all the other workers in a similar situation.

“Jean I really have to go toilet.” He pleaded.

Laura sighed. “You’ll just have to wait a moment I’m busy, try be a big boy please.”

He toddled from one foot to the other; being told no really made him suddenly need to go badly.

She looked and noticed his potty dance, shaking her head with annoyance.

“OK fine, sorry hun I’ll be right back with you apparently someone isn’t able to hold himself for five minutes.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” He said quickly as they quickly went down the hallway.

Jean was a few steps ahead of Laura but she quickly caught up and rapidly gripped his pants hosting them down slightly.

“You haven’t gone already have you…..” She trailed off.

Jean wasn’t expecting it and stumbled to the ground tripping over his own feet. He landed on all floors his pants falling down to his knees. Laura had the privilege of viewing everything, the sound of letting loose and the big log that pushed out of him nestling itself into the pull up. He stayed motionless, to shocked to move unable to comprehend his actions. He felt helpless as his bladder let loose soaking his dirty pull up, reaching capacity it trickled down the sides staining his pants.

He started crying and Laura simply hoisted him up, taking down his pants and leading the bow legged boy to the bathroom. She didn’t bother putting him on the potty what would be the point now. She laid him down on the generously sized changing table they mostly used for storage causing a squelch and another wail to erupt from Jean. She shushed him by inserting a pacifier into the bawling overgrown toddler and ripped off his dirty pull up. Her hand immediately went to her nose, the stink much more apparent from such a bigger boy with a larger mess. Regaining her composure she did the arduous of cleaning the big mess, wiping it away and using a damp cloth to clean his lower end.

Jean remained stunned throughout the whole ordeal; the pacifier was bobbing in and out of his mouth rhythmically as he was changed like a baby. Fresh tears started rolling down his cheeks when Laura brought out a thick diaper with an infantile design and baby block pattern dotting the front. She coed as she coaxed him up and slid it under him, he offered no resistance and grimaced as she plastered his groin and bottom with diaper rash cream. After a thick dusting of powder his diaper was taped shut and she looked down on him with satisfaction.

“I didn’t realise going to the toilet was becoming so hard for you, this will be better for both of us. You won’t need to worry about asking for the potty anymore, you wearing your toilet.” She gave him a confident pat on his crinkly diaper.

He looked up at her desperately; this couldn’t be true that was his only accident since he had been sentenced to pull ups. But she was serious; the expression on her face told him that. She pulled him to his feet and a feeling of familiarity and deja vu washed over him as he was lead out his diaper exposed.

“I’ll be having another talk with your mother today Jean.” Laura said sternly.

All Jean could do was suck on his pacifier, hoping that this wouldn’t be permanent,



please continue this was a great addition


Love it more please