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Suddenly jolting awake, Charlie gripped down hard on his nightie pulling hard on his groin he held on desperately.

“I have to pee, fuck, fuck.” He moaned.

Very clumsily he tossed over and managed to loosen the sheets enough to jump out of bed. With both hands still wrapped firmly around his crotch Charlie dashed into the dark hallway. Moving off of instinct he stumbled through the darkness to wear he remembered the bathroom was and loudly banged through the door, managing to free a hand momentarily to turn on the light. Disregarding thoughts of privacy he had left the door open giving anyone who thought to walk past clear view of what he was about to do. He didn’t have time to lift up the toilet seat and quickly plonked down. The second Charlie let his grip go the built up pressure released spraying the front of his nightie in pee before he could pull it out of the way. Very uncoordinatedly he pulled it up at the front causing his penis to dribble over the seat as he manoeuvred it back inside the bowl.

He took stock of the situation, blinking away the sleep from his eyes he adjusted to the bright bathroom lights as his urine splashed against the porcelain. As his stream slowed to a trickle he heard footsteps booming down the hallway and before he had even thought to cover himself Anna was standing at the doorway. The view before her was quite a spectacle, her stepson bashfully holding up the front of his wet nightie with both hands giving a clear view of his gentiles as he tinkled away.

“Charlie what’s going on?” She said, yawning sleepily.

“I…ummmm woke up and had to go bad, sorry can you close the door.”

His request went unanswered, Anna walked over to him rubbing her eyes and yawning once more. Charlie didn’t move but looked bewildered as his step mother now stood over him, thankfully his flow had come to a full stop. She rolled up some toilet paper in her hand and wiped down the seat in front of him.

“I can do that, you don’t need to.” He explained dazed and confused trying to grip what was happening.

Again he was ignored as Anna took more toilet paper and started dabbing it against his crotch. Charlie blushed crimson, what the hell was she thinking, but worse why wasn’t he trying to stop her. It must have been how sleep deprived he was right now, still not fully awake. He sat there like a good little boy holding his nightie as she made sure all traces of wetness had been wiped off his body. She pulled him up from the seat before taking off his slightly damp nightie, making sure to hold the wet spot away from his body so it didn’t come into contact with his skin.

She ditched it in the hamper with the rest of the dirty laundry before washing her hands, urging Charlie to do the same. In no mood to resist he cleaned his hands and dried them before holding hers as she led him down the hallway back to the bedroom. The walk was silent as most of the incident had been both parties equally tired leaving everything go unsaid. Anna retrieved another Nightie from the same drawer, pretty much identical to the other except this one a bright lilac purple colour. Charlie lifted his arms as she pulled it over his body, it fit just the same as the other had meaning his genitals were dangerously close to exposure. But after having Anna seeing him nude this many times it felt like a moot point by now. She pulled the covers back over as he crawled into bed, tucking him in with the same efficiency as before. She planted a kiss on his forehead giving him the weirdest feeling of Déjà vu. Suddenly jolting awake, Charlie gripped down hard on his nightie pulling hard on his groin he held on desperately.

“I have to pee, fuck, fuck.” He moaned.

Very clumsily he tossed over and managed to loosen the sheets enough to jump out of bed. With both hands still wrapped firmly around his crotch Charlie dashed into the dark hallway. Moving off of instinct he stumbled through the darkness to wear he remembered the bathroom was and loudly banged through the door, managing to free a hand momentarily to turn on the light. Disregarding thoughts of privacy he had left the door open giving anyone who thought to walk past clear view of what he was about to do. He didn’t have time to lift up the toilet seat and quickly plonked down. The second Charlie let his grip go the built up pressure released spraying the front of his nightie in pee before he could pull it out of the way. Very uncoordinatedly he pulled it up at the front causing his penis to dribble over the seat as he manoeuvred it back inside the bowl.

He took stock of the situation, blinking away the sleep from his eyes he adjusted to the bright bathroom lights as his urine splashed against the porcelain. As his stream slowed to a trickle he heard footsteps booming down the hallway and before he had even thought to cover himself Anna was standing at the doorway. The view before her was quite a spectacle, her stepson bashfully holding up the front of his wet nightie with both hands giving a clear view of his gentiles as he tinkled away.

“Charlie what’s going on?” She said, yawning sleepily.

“I…ummmm woke up and had to go bad, sorry can you close the door.”

His request went unanswered, Anna walked over to him rubbing her eyes and yawning once more. Charlie didn’t move but looked bewildered as his step mother now stood over him, thankfully his flow had come to a full stop. She rolled up some toilet paper in her hand and wiped down the seat in front of him.

“I can do that, you don’t need to.” He explained dazed and confused trying to grip what was happening.

Again he was ignored as Anna took more toilet paper and started dabbing it against his crotch. Charlie blushed crimson, what the hell was she thinking, but worse why wasn’t he trying to stop her. It must have been how sleep deprived he was right now, still not fully awake. He sat there like a good little boy holding his nightie as she made sure all traces of wetness had been wiped off his body. She pulled him up from the seat before taking off his slightly damp nightie, making sure to hold the wet spot away from his body so it didn’t come into contact with his skin.

She ditched it in the hamper with the rest of the dirty laundry before washing her hands, urging Charlie to do the same. In no mood to resist he cleaned his hands and dried them before holding hers as she led him down the hallway back to the bedroom. The walk was silent as most of the incident had been both parties equally tired leaving everything go unsaid. Anna retrieved another Nightie from the same drawer, pretty much identical to the other except this one a bright lilac purple colour. Charlie lifted his arms as she pulled it over his body, it fit just the same as the other had meaning his genitals were dangerously close to exposure. But after having Anna seeing him nude this many times it felt like a moot point by now. She pulled the covers back over as he crawled into bed, tucking him in with the same efficiency as before. She planted a kiss on his forehead giving him the weirdest feeling of Déjà vu. He didn’t have long to dwell on it though, he felt himself falling back to sleep before Anna had even left the room.

Like before Charlie felt himself being ripped from his sleep with a jolt. This time the curtains had been drawn back and the bright early morning light was beaming down over him.

“Wakey wakey Charlie bear.”

Charlie heard Anna’s voice before he could even make out her figure, his eyes rapidly blinking away trying to adjust to the bright light.

“What time is it?” He asked rubbing his eyes.

“It’s time for you to get up.” Anna said confidently not giving him an actual answer. “I know all about your midday sleep ins but that’s not happening in my house.”

Charlie flipped over, pushing his face into the pillow and groaned. He felt the covers being pulled off his body leaving his bare bottom on display, is nightie pulling up higher over his body at some point during the night. He quickly turned over and desperately pulled it down, minimalizing his moments to not expose himself.

Anna sniggered. “Well now look who’s suddenly decided to show some modesty.”

He blushed at her comment; it wasn’t like he had been willingly exposing himself to her. Or had he, the memories of that nights escapades suddenly washing over and reminding him of that stark reality. Anna chuckled at his silence and strode over to the wardrobe.

“Let me see what can we put you in today.”

Charlie watched as she shuffled through the wardrobe before things quickly clicked into place.

“Wait, my clothes I’ll just wear them I don’t need to borrow anything else.”

Anna continued browsing the wardrobe. “Sorry I haven’t even put the washing on yet, I’ll dot that later with the rest of my load.”

“What the hell why haven’t you done it yet.” Charlie asked quite rudely.

Anna poked her head from outside the wardrobe door, her forehead was scrunched up and she was staring daggers at him.

“There’s no sense doing a half load, besides I didn’t hear YOU offering to do it last night.”

She continued her rummaging as Charlie sat there staring blankly. She was right; he should have offered he just assumed she would have done it straight away. At his age he ought to be doing his own washing, it was one of the only things he really did at his dads place. Whatever monstrosity Anna pulled from the closet would be a result of his own inactions, really only having himself to blame. He sat there in trepidation as Anna finally settled on an outfit she pulled it from the hook.

“Ta-da.” She said very ceremoniously as she held a dress in front of her.

Charlie gulped as he took it all in; of course it had to be a dress anything else would have been too easy. No he had to be humiliated in the worst way possible, that’s the direction this week had been heading in as soon as it had begun when he first arrived yesterday. It was a rather simple sundress, pale white with short spaghetti straps. Little etchings of flowers dotted the bottom running across the hemline and two little purple daisies were stitched on where the straps joined the top of the dress. It was definitely juvenile probably not worn by Danni for many years he imagined.

“I don’t think it will fit.” Charlie said hopefully.

Anna waved him off. “Nonsense, it will fit just as well as the nightie, you just will need to be careful when you bend over.”

Another reminder that he would be spending the day going commando until his clothes had been washed and dried. Anna draped the dress over one arm and coaxed Charlie to raise his as she pulled the silky nightie from his body. She spent a moment examining the front as if she expected or anticipated there to be another wet spot. Fortunately it was dry, Charlie had no issue with bed wetting in the past he had simply not been forced to sleep at an early hour, and most nights were spent playing computer games. Anna continued with her mission, quickly retrieving a pair of frilly purple socks she leant down and proceeded to fit them over Charlie’s feet. He didn’t protest he was too busy concentrating on how dangerously close his junk was to his stepmothers face.

Anna scrunched up her nose. “Hmmm, I think we better consider shaving this hair off your legs if you’re going to be wearing dresses, it just doesn’t sit well does it?”

Charlie simply rolled his eyes, he would be out of these clothes as soon as his were ready and wasn’t planning on ever returning to his step sisters clothes.

Anna paced around the room opening drawers as she searched for something.

“Now there’s no way Danni’s old sneakers would fit but you do have smaller feet I think you would be able to squeeze into a pair of sandals she stopped wearing not too long ago.”

Charlie screwed up his face before asking. “Wait a minute, why do I need shoes?”

Anna kept looking; finally she found them under the bed. “Well I can’t let you come to the shops in just your socks you need shoes on.”

Charlies mind raced. “WAIT I’m not leaving looking like this.”

She couldn’t actually be planning to take him out dressed this way, could she?



A "déjà vu" for Charlie, a "déjà lu" for the reader ... :-)