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“This is so bullshit.” Tai quietly mumbled to himself.

He was sitting in the backseat of his mother’s SUV next to his cousin for what would undoubtedly be the worst weekend in recent memory. Accompanying them were both their mothers, his two uncles and younger brothers had gone along with the rest of the males from the family on a hunting trip. Since all the boys would be away his mother and her sister decided to do a girls trip. Tai hated the thought of hunting and refused to participate, doing his best to dissuade them and not give into the pressure they were putting him under to join in. His mother was a vegetarian too, not that it had much to do with the thought of killing animals he just felt horrible about it. It was grotesque; they were going to make a big sport and spectacle out of it.

You would think at his age none of it would matter and he could just decide to stay home by himself. Unfortunately a fortnight prior Tai thought it a good idea to host a small gathering unbeknownst to his mother and brothers who were gone for the night. It wasn’t really a party just a sizable social get together with his closest friends that resulted in his mother’s favourite vase being smashed during at some point. Couple that with his family returning home earlier than expected and he was in big trouble. There was no point grounding him, he wasn’t working and spent most days at home doing nothing anyway. So his mother did the opposite, playing her reversal she forbid him from being left home alone for the next month.

Tai scoffed at her suggestion, but unemployed and threatened with having his computer confiscated and internet access restricted he had no choice but to comply. It was a pretty shitty feeling when both his brothers were out and he was made to join his mother at the office. She worked for a small company so he mostly sat on the couch in the small crèche style area that they had set up if no one could find a babysitter at the last minute. Ironically it was a similar predicament his mother was in with himself and everyone in the office found it quite humorous. At least he was allowed to bring his switch and watch movies from his tablet, his mother’s boss joked how her daughter did the same things to stop her toddlers from being too rowdy when they were away from home.

Tai was shifting uncomfortably in his seat, he had refused the need for the bathroom at the previous rest stop and now they were midway down the highway with no exit in sight.

“Mum, I have to pee.” He proclaimed.

She groaned. “I told you to go back there, were not stopping you will just have to hold it.”

He sighed, finding himself suddenly needing to go even more and clutching his hand down hard on his bladder. His cousin noticed and sniggered, she stuck her hand in his side trying to get him to break his concentration.

“Knock it off.” He said desperately.

His Aunt chuckled, “I swear it’s like we have a couple of children in the car.”

“I’m not the one who doesn’t know when he needs to use the potty.” His cousin chimed in, poking him in the side once more.

A few more minutes past and Tai was feeling the pressure coming on tenfold. Maybe it was just because now he was thinking about it and couldn’t distract himself but he was getting desperate.

“MUM please can we stop, I really have to go.”

She groaned, indicating the car she started pulling off towards an exit.

“You’re unbelievable you know that, it will probably be another twenty minutes getting back onto the highway.”

Tai pushed down hard. “Thank you, thank you thank you.” He said between his straining and fidgeting.

As they approached the small town his mother pulled up to the first gas station she saw.

“On second thought, they might not be open.” She said, scanning over the building for signs of life.

“I can’t hold it….mum.” Tai pleaded.

Just as she was about to tell him he was going to have to hold it she saw the faintest wet patch growing from his pants.

“OH no you don’t.”

She quickly sprung to life, like a rocket she jumped out of the car pulled open Tai’s door and ripped him from the seat. The momentum made him lose his grip and before he could do anything all three women were watching intently as Tai soaked himself.

His mother had a relieved look on her face, as she took a glance over his shoulder.

“That’s a relief, looks like we saved the car seat in time.” She looked back at her son, watching the pee splash all over his clothes and pool over the pavement.

“Just let me know when you’re finished sweetheart we’ll figure something out.

Tai was humiliated, he stood their unflinching as he looked down in bewilderment. He had no control over himself the urine kept coming, failing to be contained by the thin fabric of his clothing. Finally the flow came to an end. His mother spotted a building a few doors down that had an open sign planted next to the pavement.

“Hmmmm.” She really contemplated going over there before making her mind up.

“Come along.” She said ushering Tai to follow.

He looked back at his Aunt and Cousin who were equally embarrassed for him and laughing at the sight. Unsure where his mother was leading him he was to focused on the streets around and if anyone were to see him. His pants and shoes squelched with each step, completely saturated with his pee. Even his shirt had wet stains from when he tried to stem the flow. Unsatisfied with his walking speed his mother pulled his arm to hurry him and they walked briskly to the front door of a quaint looking building.

Tai didn’t have time to look at the signs before he was dragged through the door to the receptionists desk. A bell chimed as the door pulled open and a kindly looking older woman came to meet with them. She looked at them both quizzically before greeting them.

“Hello and how may I help you both today?”

His mother spoke up. “Look I’m sorry to bother you, but I saw the sign out front and I thought maybe on the off chance you might be able to offer some assistance.”

She gestured down to Tai and the woman craned her neck over the desk and was greeted with the sight of his accident that he desperately tried to cover.

“OH yes I see, well you’re definitely in the right place we have exactly the facilities you need to deal with your son’s ummmm issue.” She tip toed very lightly with her words not wanting to possibly humiliate this older boy any further.

His mother offered her thanks and they both followed the older woman down a winding passage into a rather large bathroom. Tai finally started to piece everything together when he looked around at the childish literature and drawings all over the place, the changing table in the bathroom was the final piece to the puzzle.

“Is this the doctors?” He asked.

The older woman smiled, “No this is a day care sweetie but you were very close.”

Why had his mum taken him to a day care he just needed a fresh change of clothes. The woman rummaged for a moment before pulling something from the cabinet.

“Honestly sweetie you picked the best place to have an accident, we’re well equipped for little boys such as yourself.”

Before he knew what was happening, his mother started pulling his wet clinging clothing away from his body. He thrashed desperately but a sharp slap that echoed off his wet jeans was enough to stop his defiance. He meekly stood there in submission as she quickly left the boy standing before the two women naked. He sobbed as his mother wiped him down with a towel and he saw the older woman folding out a thick juvenile diaper across the tiled floor.

“You’re a bit big for the table, but you’re not the only older boy who needs protection for his wee wees.” She proclaimed.

Tai allowed himself to be laid down on top of the cushiony diaper. He was sobbing louder as his mother took charge wiping diaper rash cream all over his groin and bottom. The older woman noticed his whining and shoved a pacifier into his mouth to calm him like any of her other charges. The wailing stopped but the tears rolled down his face, while he sucked intently on the pacifier watching it bob up and down as he did so. After a quick dusting of baby powder his diaper was fastened tightly offering him some semblance of modesty.

His mother turned to the woman, “I don’t know how I can thank you for this, how much do I owe you?”

She waved her off, “Oh please it’s my pleasure, if you ever feel the need to have someone sit for him think of us next time we could always use more business and we’re well equipped. He would be right at home with the other babies.”

His mother thought for a moment. “Well he is stuck with us on the girls trip and he’s been a right terror so far, maybe I could leave you hear for the weekend?”

His sucking pace increased, she wouldn’t really leave him here with strangers who would treat him like a baby, surely not. He acted almost on instinct or out of shear desperation he wasn’t sure which.

“Mummy please no.” He begged, throwing his arms around her.

She was taking back in that moment, her son calling her mommy for the first time since who knows when. Only wearing his crinkly diaper her maternal instincts kicked into overdrive.

“Ok but only if you promise to be my good baby alright?”

He looked up at her nodding his head. It was quite a sight looking into his puffy eyes as his pacifier bobbed in and out.

The woman looked on and smiled. “That’s ok a lot of boys get afraid and don’t want to leave their mommy’s, let me pack you a diaper bag with enough supplies for the weekend. On the way back you can pop in and spend the day here together and you will see it’s not so bad here little guy.”

She gently poked him on the nose when she finished.

“I think that’s a great idea, thank you again so much we’ll see you in a couple of days.” His mother said shaking the woman’s hand.

“Come along Tai.”

He had no choice but to hold his mother’s hand and walk with her back to the car. There was no telling what his cousin and auntie would say when he returned dressed in his diaper sucking a pacifier. His mother had his diaper bag flung over her shoulder and she looked quite pleased with herself. Her little baby wasn’t going to be some gruff hunter like his younger brothers or her own. No he was going to be much more at home being her little baby for quite some time. She held him tightly as wonderful thoughts flickered through her mind about what their future would hold. But it was a future they would share together, a mother and her baby.


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