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“FUCK.” Mia shouted to the empty darkness.

She had been tossing and turning so much in her sleep that her sheets had twisted into a tight wrap pulling around her like a cocoon. She grunted as she tugged away at them still half asleep, beads of sweat lightly dampening her covers induced by her nightmare. The commotion had woken her mother and she quickly ran into her eldest daughter’s bedroom to see what was causing such a ruckus. She flicked the lights on momentarily blinding both of them as their eyes adjusted to the intrusive yellow glow.

“Mia, what’s going on?” She asked rather groggily.

“Sorry mum it was another nightmare.” Mia tossed around in her sheets again. “Could you give me a hand please?”

She found herself blushing and humiliated having to ask her mother to come untuck her sheets for her, but she hated being restricted in such a way. Her mother’s expression was a mixture of surprise and humility; it was nice having her adult daughter asking for help. She missed dotting around and doing everything for her when she was younger. She still found herself heaped with doing with a good share of her daughter’s housework but when she was younger she used to be much more appreciated for it. She coyly strode over and gently pulled her daughters duvet off and untwisted the bed sheets. Mia stretched enjoying her new unrestricted freedom, quickly her arms darted back down as she shyly pulled her nightie back down when she noticed her mother staring at her exposed panties.

“Did you wee sweetheart?” Her mother asked sounding pretty concerned and not entirely sure of her question.

“What are you talking about?” Mia was shook, there was no chance.

It didn’t stop her own hand slowly reach down and press gently, finding a slightly damp spot, not enough for an accident.

“It’s just sweat mum.” She said feeling quite relieved.

Her mother’s expression made it look like she was still somewhat sceptical, she contemplated checking herself but had to push the thought out of her head.

“We have to do something about your fear of the dark, I really think you should try having your light on again.”

Mia shook her head. “It’s too bright mum we’ve been through this.”

“Well there’s always the other thing we talked about.” Her mother had a sense of hopefulness and longing in her voice.

“Ummm, no it’s not happening.” Mia rolled her eyes and lay back in her bed. Her mind wondered back to the conversation they had shared previously, her mother had offered to share her bed and sleep with her daughter until the nightmares stopped.

Apparently it had worked wonders when she was little, she doubted it would have the same effect on her now she was in her twenties, but there was no chance she was willing to try it now.

Her mother’s demeanour dropped light a light going out, the change in attitude went unnoticed on her daughter she was ready to try go back to sleep, pulling the covers back over.

“Alright well, I’ll head off to the shops in the morning, maybe I can come back with a solution.”

She didn’t bother inviting her daughter along, she was never up early with her sleeping problem she slept better when it was daylight outside and wouldn’t be up until midday. Up at the crack of dawn like any other day she made herself breakfast and stumbled around the house feeling rather lonely and down on herself like any other day. Returning shortly after her daughter awoke with a rather decorative package insider her brown paper bag.

“It’s a night light.” She proclaimed as she watched her daughter unpack her gift.

Her daughter gave the light a thorough inspection as she twisted it around in her hands. It was rather beautiful and it looked so old which was strange because it was still wired up with a regular power socket attached to the bottom of the circular bulb. It had glittering etchings over its petal shaped face, making it look more like some kind of tulip shaped lamp without the stem.

“It’s ummmmm nice.” Mia said trying to find the right words. “Aren’t I too old to be using a night light?”

“I think you’re too old to be scared of the dark and not do anything about it yourself.” Her mother replied bluntly.

Her mother’s cold attitude didn’t go unnoticed, why was she in such a shit mood. Mia supposed she ought to be grateful though. “Alright sorry, thank you I appreciate it.”

It wasn’t enough to shift her attitude and they mostly kept to themselves until that night when her mother insisted on watching her daughter plug the light in. It was a nice cool light, not to bright and not weak enough that it wouldn’t break the darkness that covered her room. It also emanated a bright pinkish hue, which was a bit of an unwelcomed surprise for Mia who detested pretty much anything girly. But she kept her opinions to herself, thanked her mother once more as they said their goodnights before she lay back against her bed. The patterns of the light seemed almost hypnotic and she swore she saw them moving across her ceiling, but before she could really focus on it she fell asleep.

Waking up in the morning was such a strange feeling, her body felt heavier almost. Her mother was standing at her doorway which was strange she would always leave her to wake up on her own. She was trying to focus on what she was saying as she looked over at her phone. Touching the screen it came to life and she realised she had gone the whole night without waking up once. The moment was short lived however when her mother strode over sensing something amiss when she scrunched up her nose at the strange stale odour in the room. She pulled back the bed sheets and immediately a strong whiff of pee blew past her and both women looked down in equal astonishment and disbelief at the soaked bed sheets.

After the rather awkward encounter her mother left Mia to clean herself up and she took away the wet bed sheets to be washed. She couldn’t remember the last time she had wet herself, definitely not in the last decade. She wasn’t sure what could have caused it and that night when her mother switched on her night light again she trounced over to turn it off. Something stopped her though; she stood their hesitant to flick the switch and ended up fighting away the compulsion and slipping back into her bed falling asleep as soon as her body hit the bed. She awoke again to the same sight as the previous morning, her mother standing over her both of them looking down at her wet sheets.

Except this time things felt strangely different, but also normal at the same time. Her mother decided to take charge of her daughters mess, leaving the soaked sheets for a time and took her over to the bathroom. Mia wasn’t sure why she didn’t resist when her mother pulled the wet clinging clothes off her body or again when she was helped into the bath tub that had been filled with warm water. Or even when once more when she decided to clean her daughter with the wash cloth herself. By the time the bath was finished it seemed rather unnecessary to say anything when she decided to dry her, giving her daughter a playful smack on the bottom as she followed her back to the bedroom.

Mia stood at her open drawers unfazed with her own nudity while her mother removed the soaked sheets. Her mind felt sort of foggy while she tried to decide what underwear to put on. For some reason it was like she had a mental block that stopped her from making that decision by herself. She was thankful and relieved when her mother re-entered the room and strode over to the open draw. She picked up an older pair of plain pink cotton panties for her daughter holding them open for her to step into. It was weird right, being dressed by her mother, that wasn’t normal was it? The day went by quickly everything was looked after by her mummy… mum and she didn’t have an accident the whole day. There was one moment where it looked like she wouldn’t make it but she still did and she felt so proud.

She was put back into her pull ups at night because she still had her night time accidents but she didn’t mind, she loved Frozen and Elsa was her favourite. She decided to go to bed dressed in only her pull ups that night, her mum kissing her goodnight before turning on her special night light. Suddenly Mia’s lights jolted open she looked up unsure how long she had been asleep for. She quickly pulled the covers off her and stood up, something didn’t feel right. Why was she dressed in a pull up and why was it soaked, she looked at her night light. Somehow she knew that this was the source of her problem, why else would she be regressing suddenly and pissing herself every night. She had to turn it off before things got worse.

She quickly scampered over to switch it off but as she drew closer the pink swirly patterns came to life. Every stepped increase the intensity and soon it felt like the whole room was spinning.

“Why are you doing this?”  Mia grunted as she desperately pushed herself forward.

It felt like she was standing in the middle of a tornado every step was harder and harder to make, but she was so close now. Her fingers inched towards the light as she clasped it ready to pull it from the socket. Instantly the swirling stopped, but she was still yet to pull it out. Time felt still, like in this moment everything outside the room didn’t exist was this limbo? She felt a cool shiver suddenly feeling compelled to turn around, she remained stationary refusing to relinquish her grip on the light. She watched in mixed horror and astonishment as her room starting changing, quickly resembling a nursery.

She saw herself lying in the crib her sucking on a pacifier her drenched diaper proudly on display. Her mother quickly entered the room, not her real mother this figure brushed right past her. It felt like she was inside a movie, watching some alternate reality, but that was definitely her in the crib she felt the connection. Everything was the same, the body her height even her smallish breasts that never quite grew to the size she hoped. Her mother cooed over her and she squealed with delight as she was picked up and brought over to the changing table. Her mother hummed merrily as she changed Mia’s diaper, she looked so happy was that the life she was facing, she definitely didn’t want that.

But why did she look so happy there, so peaceful almost trapped in the infinite moment of bliss. But what about her mind, would she lose who she was and simply become a passenger in her own body, trapped with no thoughts or control over her own actions. The pink light grew once more, washing over her and gently illuminating the room ever so softly. This wasn’t what the light wanted, she could tell like it was communicating with her. It only wanted her to be happy, it wouldn’t take her mind she could give herself freely to this life and still be herself. It was only there to help push her in the right direction, give her that connection back, her mommy. Had she really missed it that much, was that why she felt so afraid of the dark she wasn’t ready to be a big girl she still needed her mommy.

Slowly and carefully she let go of the light, instantly the room went to darkness, the night light burnt out. She was alone now, what happened she thought she did what it wanted and now she was being punished. She silently wished for it to come back and she stood their bawling her eyes out as pee gushed out overflowing her already saturated pull ups and soaking into the carpet beneath her. Quickly her door swung open and the light switched on as her mother rushed over cradling her daughter in her arms.

“Oh baby it’s ok, shhhhh don’t cry it’s fine I’m here, mommy’s here.” She cooed.

Mia hiccupped and sniffled as she let herself be coddled and held by her mother. She felt a hand moving around her wet bottom, inspecting her saturated padding.

“I’m sorry baby It looks like pull ups weren’t thick enough, but I bought something else too that I know will work. Come with me, we’ll get you into a nice cozy diaper and you can sleep with me tonight, how does that sound?”

Mia nodded bashfully and felt herself being led out of the room off for her first diaper change. She momentarily glanced back and saw the faintest flicker from the night light. She smiled, silently thanking it as she waddled down the hallway her pull up squelching between her legs with each shaky step. This was the path she had chosen, there was no going back.


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