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Thankfully May simply walked away leaving Marvin to his own devices.

“Off you go then have fun playing if you need your diaper changed come get me I guess.”

Were her parting words before she turned her attention to the charges that actually needed her help. She probably wasn’t sure how to process the whole thing, having someone his age in diapers under her care. It was a pretty absurd situation, how was she supposed to act. Marvin tried to let it go but after having been fawned over like a helpless toddler since he arrived at the station it felt weird to be left alone. Not a single person seemed to be paying him any attention here, occasionally someone would glance in his direction but that was all. He awkwardly paced around the room, his shuffling causing his diaper to crinkle loudly. Desperately Marvin looked for something to do, anything to pass the time till his Aunt would be back to pick him up. He kept looking up to the big smiling clock, time was barely passing to the point it was practically at a standstill. He couldn’t keep going like this it was unbearable, he had no idea how long he was even supposed to be left here.

He noticed a few snickering faces in front of him pointing down and laughing, he knew it was at his diaper. He didn’t realise exactly the reason until he remembered the extra weight between his legs and realised the wet spot must be showing through his padding. Looking down confirmed his suspicions and he quickly waddled away from them. Opting to take a seat on a large bean bag chair at least this way his damp diaper wouldn’t be announced to the world. Leaning back further he realised he was quite comfy, maybe he could just sleep through the day. That would definitely pass the time quickly, but would he really be able to sleep with all this noise going on around him. It was worth a shot he thought, closing his eyes he snuggled in and tried to relax.

Barely a moment had passed and they shot wide open at the sound of someone dropping a noisy toy on the carpet. Yeah this was pointless he didn’t stand a chance of having even a wink of sleep. May noticed Marvin looking like he was about to be in the midst of throwing a tantrum and walked over to him.

“What’s the matter grumpy bum, it’s too early to be taking a nap.” She said nonchalantly.

Marvin didn’t respond he still wasn’t sure about May; she was giving him mad bitch vibes. Maybe it was because she was being stuck with him in her class, apparently not everyone wants to put up with having an overgrown toddler in their midst. Not wanting to wait any longer for a reply she strode right up to him and leant over, gripping his diaper and pulling it up.


A one word command but with enough ferocity behind it that Marvin immediately obeyed. Standing at attention and ready for inspection he allowed her to pull forward the front of his diaper. May recoiled at the sight of his groin, letting it snap back into place. She bunched up the front of his diaper pulling it forward.

“Soggy but not soaked, you’ll be fine for now I’m sure you’re used to being in a wet diaper anyway.”

May released her grip standing before Marvin her presence intimidating him even more so now than before.


Marvin looked up, dazed and confused. “What?”

May crossed her arms. “You heard me, I want you to wet your diaper, do it now.”

There was no way this was real, why was this woman being so mean to him she didn’t even know him. He was happy keeping to himself staying away from everyone, maybe she liked the power she held over him someone who was basically the same age as her.

“I…I don’t need to go.” Marvin stammered.

“Yes you do, I can tell your holding it in and babies don’t know how to hold in there wees do they?”

Marvin was teary; he could see she wasn’t going to leave him alone until he did what she asked. So he did the only practical and smart thing he could think of in that moment. He let go and soaked his diaper. May watched on a mix of amusement and disgust as she watched Marvin’s diaper sag lower as he drenched it. Was this his lowest point, wetting on command like some trained animal. He wasn’t even sure at this point, his rapid decline of maturity everything that had led to this point. For sure he had found his bottom, but he just kept sinking lower and lower. Maybe it would keep getting worse, until he realised this was his life now, being treated as nothing more than a diaper wearing loser. Even the thought of going home seemed bleaker, would he still be treated this way by his mum. Would he refuse her if she tried to diaper him like his aunt had, he already knew the answer before the question had even entered his head.

“God you’re pathetic, I wish I could dump you in the other room.”

Marvin wished the same thing, maybe that’s why subconsciously some part of him did this on purpose. It didn’t offer the teary boy any consolation, not while he was squatting down pushing something else into the back of his diaper. May had hardly waited for him to finish before grabbing him by the arm and hurrying him out of the room, banging loudly on the door across the hall she left him there before returning to her class. It was Jan who opened the door to see Marvin bawling his eyes out left in the hall. She was about to ask what was going on when the smell hit her. She gave him the nicest smile she could muster and ushered him inside.



Poor guy