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Dance class….. It used to be an escape for Cindy, something to take her away from all the stress in her life. It still didn’t sit well that her mum paid for the class, especially at her age but that was the only drawback she felt from taking it. Lately everything in life had been building up on her and taking its emotional toll on her. Being almost thirty years old and still living at home while all her friends had gone off and moved out starting careers straight after college. Some of them got married and had kids, she hadn’t even gone on that many dates let alone being with someone long enough to consider that kind of stuff. Her mother didn’t think she had the emotional maturity for that stuff, but she just really didn’t find any interest in making that sort of commitment.

It wasn’t like wanted to spend her life alone she did want to meet someone but she was just very insistent on meeting the right person. Couple that pressure with the fact she had recently been let go of her job it had all just come crashing down on her at once. The icing on the cake was now she found herself having issues with her bladder. It started as a once off, waking up to a wet bed the day after being fired. Her mother quickly took care of the wet sheets when she heard her distraught daughter sobbing on her soaked bedspread in the middle of the night. Things only progressed worse from there till it began happening nightly.

Eventually leading her mother, fearful of permanently damaging the mattress insisting she wear some sort of protection. Unfortunately the last minute decision to pick up something meant she returned with a juvenile packet of princess pull ups for her to wear instead of something plain meant for adults. But with her smaller frame she fit them quite well, after putting up enough of a fuss that she got her first spanking in as long as she could remember. Of course with Cindy’s luck the pull ups weren’t enough, she started wetting even heavier. It was like her bladder was challenging her juvenile underwear and she began soaking right through them. Insisting on the fact that it was her mums fault for getting the kids version instead of returning with something more mature she came back with diapers.

Now her nights were spent being diapered by her mother right after dinner. Something she insisted on doing and not letting Cindy take charge of by herself. Apparently she wouldn’t do it right, couldn’t handle the responsibility of putting on her own diapers. The wetting eventually wasn’t contained to just night time though, she found herself having smaller accidents during the day. Nothing like at night time thankfully, just smaller dribbles into her panties as she found herself running to the bathroom without much warning from her bladder. This got her put right back into her princess pull ups only this time it was during the day. Her panties temporarily confiscated due to the fact her underwear drawer was now full and consisted of only her humiliating plastic apparel.

Fortunately it didn’t seem like her day time wettings were getting worse, but she still had to suffer the constant potty reminders from her mother. She also took it upon herself to constantly check her grown daughter’s state of underwear. Pulling the back or front out and sticking her hand inside for wetness. This wasn’t only when they were home either that would be to easy, numerous times when they were shopping she would find the back of her pants being pulled away from her. Curious shoppers looking in on the spectacle, mixed looks of intrigue, disgust, laughter. It was humiliating yes, but in her mums eyes this was what was best and she saw nothing unusual about it.

Dance class was her escape from this reality, as it always had been. Her best friends were her dance team and each year they would try something new. She loved all the different classes she had taken through the years, tap, tango, learning the waltz even some hip hop and alternative. The one she had never tried though even when she was younger was ballet. She had always found it to girly and refused to be dressed in anything pink especially a tutu. This year her mother had insisted on it for some reason, she relented after all she was the one paying for it. Unfortunately after her mother discussed her bladder issues with the teacher they both thought it best she move to a different class. She didn’t realise that meant being demoted to the most juvenile ones though, now she found herself dressed in that very same pink leotard and tutu she had sought to avoid all her life. At least she wasn’t the only one in pull ups though, but she was definitely the oldest by far.

She refused to let her friends know what class she was taking, now she was no longer part of the team she simply told them she was no longer interested in dancing. For some reason her pull up always seemed to crinkle more in dance class, perhaps it was because it was rubbing up so tightly against her cute little outfit. It made her feel even more juvenile. She was ashamed when they did their first performance and all the parents including her mum watched on and she stood out like a saw thumb doing the routine and being twice the height of the others. All their phones coming out, taking photos and videos, no doubt they were being shared around to other members of their families. She could only imagine the questions they would receive. ‘Who is that girl, why is she dressed like the others? Was it some kind of bet?’ It was common knowledge by now that she was in pull ups too, after the incident wear she had forgotten to use the toilet and her pull up had overflowed soaking her outfit.

That was the worst day so far, she quickly found herself re-joining the class dressed in only her diaper. It was one thing doing her routines in pull ups but wearing nothing but a thick diaper, made her look like a clown. She couldn’t do any of the moves properly with the thick padding between her legs. The instructor found it hilarious of course, constantly making fun of her lack of movement. She went from top of the class to the bottom that day, everyone quickly finding themselves above her not even equal. Cindy was terrified that she would return next week dressed in a diaper but her mum had shown leniency for the first time. She cried with joy when her mother dressed her in her pull ups that morning. A weird feeling being so excited about wearing the same plastic underwear a toddler does but nevertheless she was ecstatic.

As time grew on her mother announced that it had now been a year since her bedwetting had started. Time really had moved fast, it made her feel rather down on herself actually. She hadn’t shown any signs of improvement on her toileting capabilities. She still soaked her diaper ever night; her mother had started ordering them from a special store online. They were much cuter but way thicker than her old boring white ones but for some reason she preferred them. She found herself being put in them earlier and earlier as each day past now. As soon as she was put down for her midday nap she was dressed in her diaper. Even after waking up wet she was left in her diaper, her mother’s reasoning being it was thick and could handle more. There was no sense letting it be thrown out when it had a much larger capacity.

So she spent every afternoon toddling around in a wet diaper, only been changed out of it at dinner time after being given her bath. Another thing her mother had taken over from her insisting on it so she could make sure she remained hairless for easy changes. Even though she was practically treated as a baby these days she still enjoyed every moment of her dance lessons until her friends found out. Her next performance they were all front row seats to the spectacle seeing her dressed in her cute little fairy outfit it all became too much and she burst into tears. Her bladder chose that exact moment to let go flooding her costume.

She was quickly rushed off the stage and they held a short intermission. Luckily they had a spare outfit that she could wear and much to her disdain she was return to the stage only this time with an obvious diaper bulge underneath. It was humiliating being forced to do her routine, struggling with every move due to the thickness between her legs. Worse than last time now everyone would see that she was nothing more than a baby. They all cheered though at the end of the performance, she saw her friends speaking to her mother they obviously would find out everything now. Her life and how she was basically no more mature than anyone else on that stage if not less than. She saw them exchanging phone numbers, when she intervened and asked why she was horrified. Apparently her mum was looking forward to a bit of time to herself and graciously accepted their offers for babysitting.

They swarmed her quickly as soon as she approached them, calling her cute names and prodding at her diapers. She saw the almost sinister grins across their faces though, how bad could they make it though. She could only wait and see, hoping for the best but she knew deep down it wouldn’t end well.


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