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What a horrible and crappy situation Glenn had found himself in. He had always been afraid of water, being completely honest it was part of a long list of things he wanted nothing to do with. Bugs, mice, snakes, flying and water were sitting right there at the top. The most typical and juvenile fears he just seemed to tick every box on the list. The only test he ever managed to score full marks on and it had to be the ‘am I a big scared baby’ one. There was no rational explanation for his fear of water, nothing bad had happened in his child hood to cause it. No PDST, nothing pushed down into the deep recesses of his mind to be forgotten about. He simply just didn’t like water; it meant skipping classes in high school and refusing to take any form of swimming lessons.

Now in his late twenties with a steady job a loving girlfriend he had still managed to avoid any of it. Beach trips resulted in him spending most of the time on the sand; not wanting to get his hair wet was the easiest excuse. Occasionally wading in but never letting the water reach past his knees. Eventually his partner Ellen caught on and confronted him about it. The conversation went as you probably expected the surprised reaction that he was afraid of water and the fact he had always managed to avoid going swimming. She wasn’t angry about it; she cared for him and was more concerned over the fact that he was afraid to share it with her. Of course being the kind, compassionate person she is, she insisted that she would help him conquer his fears.

Her rationale being that if they were to have kids someday he would need to know for their safety. Which was fair honestly, how could he be a father and not be able to be the strong role model for them. It also gave him butterflies when she mentioned kids, they were talking about getting engaged, moving slowly over a few years now but things were starting to heat up since they moved in together. He agreed with her rather convincing argument and that had led them up to this moment. Walking into the aquatic centre they had their own private pool booked, apparently Ellen’s best friend worked here and was going to assist them.

Before they could approach the reception counter beyond the sliding doors, they were quickly greeted and pulled aside by Allie.

“Hey guys, good to see you both.”

Glenn returned the greeting in a very sultry manner, much less enthusiastically then he normally would have.

“So Glenn.” Allie continued, giving him her full attention. “Are you excited for your first swimming lesson?”

He shrugged, “I guess, I don’t know it’s not really a big deal.”

Allie grinned. “Awww, sounds like someone is just trying to cover up being a bit nervous, its ok Ellen’s here too we will both take very good care of you.”

The trio walked down a hallway following behind Allie’s lead. Glenn couldn’t help but look in on one of the pools through the glass windows and seeing someone diving off a large platform, he flinched as they landed in the water, unintentionally squeezing Ellen’s hand tighter that up until this point he hadn’t even realised he was holding. Allie saw his reaction out the corner of her eye and quickly spoke up.

“Don’t worry Glenny, that’s much to advance for you, I promise today will be easy I’m taking you right back to the begging, you’ll be fine.”

Glenn wasn’t sure what to feel about that, he didn’t have any idea what it could mean. He also didn’t really appreciate the pet name Allie seemed to have conducted in this moment. It made him feel even more belittled coupled with the fact that two girls his age one he was dating were about to teach him how to swim. As they rounded the corner Allie stopped in front of a much more colourful looking area. She led them inside and it was a rather small looking pool, incredibly juvenile with cute aquatic animal stickers plastered over the walls. Looking at the water height measurements he realised he would be able to touch the water even in the deepest parts. That thought had actually managed to relax him quite a bit.

“I just have to go grab everything I’ll be right back.” Allie said as she walked off into the office.

Glenn scanned over the room it was definitely intended for teaching babies or toddlers to swim. But if it meant that he wasn’t going to be in too deep water it was a price he was willing to pay. He felt a tugging at his shirt which brought his attention.

“What are you doing?” Glenn asked Ellen, confused by her sudden intrusion.

“Move your arms please.” Ellen said sweetly.

Glenn chuckled, swatting away at her hands. “I can undress myself, besides aren’t their change rooms somewhere.”

Ellen looked annoyed. “No we’re going to get you changed right here OK.”

Why was she looking so serious Glenn wondered. “Wait what if Allie walks in, I don’t even have bathers here you said we would get some.”

Ellen returned to her tugging, more forcefully this time. “Stop putting up a fuss, you let me get undressed or we will take you into the deeper pool.”

It was an empty threat, one that made no sense and Glenn truly realised that. But it was still enough to make him pause for a moment, letting his resistance fade away he allowed himself to be completely undressed by his girlfriend. His underwear, the final piece of clothing he allowed to be stripped away from him falling onto the pile with the rest of his clothes against the tiled floor. Now standing completely in the nude, blushing from head to toe he covered himself desperately as Allie returned.

“I see you got little Glenny ready; here this will fit him.”

Allie handed over a pair of underwear and some kind of plastic arm bands to Ellen. He quickly recognised them as floaties, but the more pressing issue was the bathers when he recognised them as a pair of swim diapers.

“Woah, I’m not wearing that stuff, what the fuck guys.” He whined, taking a step away from them, but making sure he was still covering his nudity.

His reply earned him a sharp smack on the bottom from his girlfriend.

“Don’t swear.” Ellen spoke in a very sharp tone.

Allie chuckled. “Glenny you have to start from the begging like I said, all the little babies wear this while they’re learning.”

“But I’m not a baby.” Glenn said matter-of-factly, reeling from the stinging feeling across his bare bum.

His eyes moved between the two of them but once again he found himself submitting. They both quickly realised his change in demeanour, Allie watched on with an almost sinister grin as Ellen knelt down. He stepped in when prompted and the blue plastic diaper was pulled over his legs. His penis was only on display for a moment but Allie looked at it with interest, half attempting at supressing a giggle. With the crinkly pants pulled firmly across his waist he felt the arm bands being placed over him before Ellen gently blew them up. It felt funny, having something so tight over his arms, like having his blood pressure checked.

After being dressed they took a step back to admire him, he caught his own reflection off the glass and felt humiliated. They had degraded him, he looked like a baby it was awful. They seemed happy though, this time Allie took over and slowly led him down the steps into the water. It was a strange feeling, after never really spending much time at the beach it had probably been at least a year since. This time he could feel the implications of the situation, he shook slightly as he was taken over to the deepest part of the water. It was still just over waist deep but it felt unnatural, it distracted him so much that he forgot about the diaper he was wearing.

Allie got straight into the lesson, like he was any other student. She held his arms as he kicked in the water splashing everywhere. It wasn’t actually the worst time and he was really feeling more relaxed as the hour lesson dragged on. He didn’t even mind the fact that Ellen was watching in on the sidelines taking pictures of him in his juvenile appearance. She even managed to catch him smiling on some of the photos. He honestly felt rather disappointed when it was time to get out, his diaper sagging as it tried to hold in all the pool water that had seeped in. Ellen couldn’t help but snap another photo at that sight. After she had towelled him off he felt a strange pang of sadness when she helped him into his underpants and not another diaper. The feeling was replaced with excitement that he tried his best to contain when they discussed his next lesson. It might have been only a week away but he would be counting down the days.

The next one wasn’t private though and Ellen would be in the water to help him that time, but if anything that seemed even better.



Great story ! Hoping you continue