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“Don’t mind me.” Anna called out.

The shower curtain offered some modesty for Charlie but the clear side put him on full display for all to see.

“ANNA, what the fuck get out.” Charlie shouted to his intruder.

Anna dropped the pile of dirty clothing she had retrieved from the hamper and threw open the shower curtain, her tamper flaring. Before Charlie could process a response she had already gripped him by his ear and pulled him out from beneath the running water.

She quickly drew her free hand and slapped it across his wet bottom.

“DON’T.YOU.TALK.TO.ME.THAT.WAY.” She yelled sternly, giving him an increasingly rougher slap between each word to emphasise her point.

“Ouch ok, stop I’m sorry, IM SORRY.” Charlie wailed.

“What was that, can you repeat it please mister.” Anna said, taking a moment to pause her assault.

Charlie shivered as he regained his composure. “I’m sorry for swearing.”

“Good boy.” Anna smiled at his submissiveness. “I think you’ve been in there long enough anyway, I’ll dry you.”

Charlie was too afraid of another spanking to put up any resistance, he meekly allowed her to start drying him with a towel. He looked at her confused as she paused at his front, covering her growing smile with her hand.

“Oh…ummmm is that it?” She said stifling a giggle.

Charlie blushed crimson the moment he realised what she was laughing at, his hands quickly shot down covering his groin.

“Don’t be so modest its ok, nothing to be ashamed of.” Anna said condescendingly. “Your little guy just never grew up, some don’t it happens.”

She started to pull away his hands but he kept his grip firm.

“Now that’s enough of that.” Anna said slapping his hands away. “I still have to dry the little guy.”

“I can do it.” Charlie said bashfully, his face growing redder by the moment.

“No that’s alright you let me take care of it for you Charlie bear.”

Charlie cringed at another mention of his pet name Anna sometimes insisted on calling him. The feeling was amplified by the fact that he was standing in front of her stark naked and having his insecurities been proving right.

“Although…” Anna stopped for a moment as she trailed off, one hand gently cupping his intimates. “I’m not sure Charlie bear is a suitable name for you, I think baby bear would be a better nickname for someone with a tiny little peewee wouldn’t it?”

He wasn’t sure if the question was rhetorical or not but feeling the most submissive he had in his life as far as he could remember he simply nodded.

Anna had a stunned expression; she couldn’t believe he had actually agreed with her. She had only been playing with him, trying to get a rise out of her unruly step son. But seeing him in this moment it was like crystal clarity. She saw how much he really needed a maternal figure in his life, this was the way she would bond with him the solution to both their problems. If she had to emasculate him in order to bring his regressive feelings to the surface then that is what she would do. Maybe she should slow it down though, it was obviously bothering him. His teary eyed expression, she felt awful suddenly for making him feel embarrassed and mocking him.

“Oh Charlie bear I’m so sorry for teasing you.” She said throwing her arms around him.

Charlie burst into tears but didn’t refuse the hug, allowing himself to be pulled closer into her. It felt relaxing having this intimate moment after just experience his lowest point in a long time. He let her hold him as he sobbed quietly into her shoulder; she gently cooed and stroked his long hair. When the sobbing had slowed down to a sniffle she finally let him go but clasped his hand gently in hers.

“Ok Charlie bear let’s get you dressed.”

Charlie shuffled along behind Anna as he was led back to his temporary bedroom. He actually found himself not bothering to cover his privates; Anna had already seen them at this point what would it change. His free hand hung limply to his side and he enjoyed having someone hold his hand, hers was so warm it felt so nice.

When they reached the room he was ushered in to sit down on the bed. He watched as Anna rummaged through a drawer setting her eyes on a silky looking blue nightie.

“Now I know what you’re thinking, or probably going to say and make a big deal out of it.” She waited a moment before continuing. “But all your clothes are dirty and won’t be dry till tomorrow and I can’t let you go around the house naked before bed time.”

She held the nightie in front of her, it was small but it might just fit him he was a bit of a scrawny boy after all.

Charlie knew the implications if he allowed himself to wear such a girly item of clothing. He wouldn’t ever be able to forget it; if anyone knew apart from Anna especially his friends he would be mortified. But how would they find out, he would never say anything and he hoped that he could trust Anna to do the same.

Finally breaking through the mental barrier Charlie put his arms up giving the signal he wouldn’t put up a fight. Anna gave him the sweetest smile before pulling the silky nightie over his head letting it drape over his body. She stood him up and checked the fit, at the same time Charlie could see his reflection in the wardrobe mirror. It hung just long enough to cover his bottom and groin, if he were to bend over it would leave nothing to the imagination.

“Unfortunately Danni’s underwear wouldn’t fit you, this nightie is almost a t-shirt but you’re mostly covered if you accidently show yourself it will just be the two of us and I’ve already seen plenty of it.”

Charlie wasn’t sure if she was teasing him again or not, but the smile she had, her warm grin made him feel like she was being sincere. Before he could fully make his mind up about her intentions she had already gone back over to the dresser plugging in a hair dryer. She scooched over towards him and pulled him back down onto the bed, turning the noisy machine she started ran her hands through his hair as she dried it.

Charlie couldn’t remember how long it had been since he paid this much attention to his hair, it was normally so greasy and oily. It did feel nice to have someone do this for him, it was a shame the illusion was ruined when he looked down to see the nightie pulled up his body from his position and his tiny junk hanging out. He could last one night like this he hoped, his clothes would be dry tomorrow and this day would be put behind him. One humiliating experience he could forget about, at least the worst day was over with now. Surely the embarrassment he felt had plateaued nothing could top it he hoped.

Anna set down the drier and ran her hands through his hair, leaning over she took a big whiff and smiled.

“I love that you used this shampoo, it suits you much better having a sweet strawberry scent. You’re such a sweetheart I much prefer you like this then in your usual unkempt rough attire.”

Charlie felt himself relaxing further, he didn’t agree with what she was saying but he couldn’t ignore how nice it felt being looked after this way. He couldn’t remember the last time he had this much attention he was normally so distant with his family, this was actually a nice change. He just wished he wasn’t wearing his step sister’s old nightie but beggars can’t be choosers.

He allowed Anna to coax him under the sheets; she gave him a kiss on his cheek before leaving to turn off his bedroom light.

“Goodnight Charlie Bear.” She said from his doorway. “I know we’re going to have an amazing time this week, get some rest baby, sweet dreams.”

She flicked the switch, leaving the door open a small crack to allow some light into his room. Charlie wasn’t even sure what time it was but at this point he was so exhausted he didn’t care that he had effectively been put to bed like a child. He gently closed his eyes and almost as quickly drifted off into sleep, the memories of his first night still strong on his mind.


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