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The group shuffled onto the bus and Cody found himself ushered onto the same seat he had initially arrived in. He felt grateful to be given the window seat, between Nancy sitting next to him and the tall headrests he was mostly obscured from view. The big window to the side of him gave him a good view of the outside but he was pretty confident it was difficult to see into the bus. At least that’s what Cody hoped, the thought of anyone looking in and seeing him in his diaper made him uncomftable and he shuffled awkwardly trying to push himself out of view.

Nancy noticed him shuffling about. “What’s the matter sweetie got a case of the wiggles?”

She gently pushed the palm of her hand against the front of his diaper checking for wetness.

“Looks like you’re dry, you don’t have to worry about the toilet anymore, so just let go if you feel the need to have a wee.”

Cody blushed at the realisation his toilet training had officially been revoked. Nancy reached over and pulled the back of his diaper up giving it a slight readjustment making sure it was still on tight. He froze as she ran her hands over him, why did he like it so much when she touched his diaper. When he felt Nancy’s hands pulling away he found himself sliding closer to her.

She smiled. “Well then it seems like this little guy likes having someone rub his diaper huh?”

Cody blushed but nodded, Nancy quickly responded by pulling him close enough that she could sit him on her lap. The sight was comical; he was only a head shorter than her and planted firmly over her legs. He thought he would be crushing her but she didn’t even grimace, looking back at him with a big smile grinning ear to ear. She pulled one arm around him for support and continued fondling his diaper. He closed his eyes and found himself nestling his head against her shoulder. Nancy hummed gently into his ear, his diaper crinkling with every stroke. Cody was in bliss he never wanted this moment to end. The bus roared to life adding a gentle rocking motion to his euphoria as it rumbled down the country road.

Cody felt his eyes dropping and he fought hard to stay awake, falling asleep would mean an end to this day. He would be going home; it would be as if this day never happened, a strangely pleasurable memory he would cherish. Never in a million years would he have fathomed himself in this situation, let alone finding himself embracing it. Tomorrow would be back to the daily grind, starting college being an adult back to his big boy life. It’s a shame really; that this whole experience was so short lived. It was a gift truly being able to have this experience without judgement and being so cared for. Cody never understood why everyone treated this whole situation as if it was normal. He was a young man, out on a day care field trip and spending the entirety looking more like a toddler than the real ones.

Ah well, he guessed none of that really mattered now, the reasons why and how. He had to focus on just staying awake at this point; it was becoming increasingly more difficult. It had been a long day, a very strange….. weird day. He hadn’t actually figured out how he was going to be getting home, the day care had to be close by the college hopefully he could catch another bus or call his mum to come and get him. He suddenly realised he hadn’t had access to his phone all day or any of his belongings really. They would have everything he assumed, hopefully his clothes would be returned to him when they got back. There were so many uncertainties awaiting his return, but for some reason Cody didn’t dwell on any of them.

He should have been terrified of the unknown of what was waiting at the end of this trip. Would all the parents be there, would they see him dressed the way he was. He didn’t even know what time it was, should he have already been home by now? What if his mum had been calling asking where he was? But those thoughts went unanswered never lingering, too busy focusing on the gently movements of the bus, Nancy’s gentle humming and her rhythmic breathing. All of it was just so… intoxicating; he couldn’t fight any longer, his eyelids closing shut he instantly fell asleep.

Cody felt himself drifting in and out of consciousness, he was still so tired it was hard to not fall asleep. Had he already, he wasn’t even sure anymore. No longer could he feel Nancy’s chest moving up and down and did his seat feel different now? The rumbling felt different like he was travelling over a pavement, he could feel the wind against his face and since when was there a strap pulled across his chest. Wait a minute, he was outside now; the crippling realisation was enough to jolt him awake. The sun was still out and very bright, it took a moment for his eyes to adjust and his mind even longer to really visualise what his eyes were seeing. He was rolling across the footpath, strapped inside a baby stroller.

He looked far off into the distance and saw a bunch of people around his age; wait was that the college was he really being wheeled over there. He started to panic, looking down he was still completely nude except for his thick damp diaper. Wait it was damp now, he didn’t have time to contemplate he had wet himself during his nap; the more pressing issue was who was pushing the stroller.

“Hello… what are you doing where are you taking me, please stop.” He wailed desperately.

He jolted forward slightly as the stroller came to a sudden stop. The person pushing him quickly stepped into his field of view and he was greeted with Nancy’s smiling face.

“It’s ok Cody, we will get you out of that wet diaper soon, just hold on a bit longer for me.” Nancy reached into her breast pocket and pulled out a pacifier, dangling it in front of Cody she held it at his lips expectantly.

Cody didn’t reach for it but he opened his quivering lips slightly, inviting her to push it inside. “There’s a good baby.” Nancy said before returning to the rear of the stroller.

She began pushing again and Cody sucked frantically on his soother. This is it, he thought to himself, his life would be over everyone would see him and think he was a pathetic loser. He would never live this down, he shifted anxiously in the stroller but he was strapped in tight. Nancy was pushing him closer and closer, suddenly she veered to the left before anyone had a chance to see the overgrown baby strapped into the stroller. He looked up as they passed through the great and was greeted by the ________ sign, a large happy sun smiling down on him. He turned his head sharply looking around and taking in his surroundings as he was wheeled through the sliding doors.

Cody tried pushing himself further back into the stroller anything to avoid being seen in here. There weren’t as many people as he thought but he definitely noticed some strange glances in his direction. To make matters worse he felt his diaper warming and desperately pushed his palms into his padding as he realised he was wetting himself again. He sucked harder on his pacifier actually enjoying the soothing feeling it was giving him. It wasn’t enough to completely alleviate him from his woes but it was the only thing offering him any sort of comfort right now. Finally Cody was pushed inside an open room; it was empty apart from him and Nancy finally affording him some privacy. The bright lights were switched on illuminating the childish classroom.

It looked even more juvenile then he originally expected colourful chairs and tables dotted the room; the walls were plastered with childish art projects and a big fluffy carpet covered one corner of the room covered in large bean bag chairs. Nancy parked the stroller leaving Cody to look out over the room with no angle to see if anyone would come through the door behind him.

“Ok Cody.” Nancy started walking in front of him. “Just wait here a moment I will be right back.” Turning around she paused suddenly taking interest in Cody’s diaper. She smiled as she knelt down and pushed the front of her palm firmly against his padding.

She grinned broadly, clearly she realised he had wet again. Before standing back up she gently planted a kiss on his forehead before leaving the room, gently closing the door behind her. For the first time today Cody was finally left to his own devices. He sucked rhythmically on his pacifier and contemplated spitting it out, but a strong growing part of him was saying not to. Turning his attention to the straps gently but firmly holding him down, he tried pulling them off. After twisting and turning for a moment, his diaper crinkling the whole time he eventually gave up. Clearly whoever designed this stroller had done so in a way meant to keep its occupant locked firmly in. Another thought crossed his mind, who would make a stroller this big and why did Nancy have it. Not to mention the juvenile diaper he was wearing, it fit like a glove not like a child’s diaper it would look obviously stretched to his size.

Before he could dwell on the matter any further he finally heard the door open behind him. He froze in his chair this time he heard two sets of footsteps approaching him.

“Cody, baby, Mummy’s here did you have a good day?” His mother spoke as she leaned in over him.

Quickly without giving it much thought Cody spat out his dummy and tried covering his diaper with his hands.

“Mummy… MUM I ummm this isn’t what it looks like I can explain.” He said panicked.

She smiled as she extended her hand reaching for his diaper. Cody recoiled and tried in vain to pull away but the breaks on the stroller were held firm and he saw Nancy looming above him holding it still. He grew stiff as a board as her hands traced the length of his diaper, stopping and resting against the squelching padding that pushed against the seat.

She smiled warmly. “I think we better get you into a fresh diaper, this one might not last the car ride home.”

Wait, another diaper? This day was supposed to be over, no one else was supposed to know about it. He was a big boy, an ADULT not a stinking baby why was this happening. The tears streamed down Cody’s face almost as quickly as he emptied what was left in his bladder into the waiting diaper as he bawled his eyes out. All his frantic movements had caused the diaper to loosen and streams of wee rushed out the sides soaking his seat and running down his legs.

“Oh baby, my sweet Cody its ok, shhhhhhh.” She cooed softly.

She quickly brushed off his pacifier before replacing it in his mouth, Cody reluctantly found himself unable to resist as it was pushed inside his mouth. She released the latch and gently pulled him to the carpet laying him on top of a change mat that Nancy must have just prepared that moment. He sobbed pathetically as the pacifier bobbed up and down in his mouth. He did nothing as he lay there watching Nancy retrieve another diaper looking thicker than the one he had on. His mother pulled back his soaked diaper exposing his shame to both women. She made short work of it, obviously like riding a bike she never forgot how to diaper her baby boy. Sliding a few wet wipes over his groin and bottom she placed them into the dirty diaper before balling it up and replacing it with the fresh one from Nancy.

She coaxed him with a gentle tap on his knee and Cody raised his bottom allowing her to lay the fresh padding beneath him. He was lowered back down and could instantly feel the extra thickness this one had. Squeezing some ointment onto her palm she ran cool baby oil all over his bottom and crotch and he felt an insurmountable amount of shame as his penis grew in her hand.

“All baby boys are the same.” Nancy spoke and both ladies laughed.

Cody was red faced and fresh tears continued rolling down his cheeks as his mother gave him a generous dusting of baby powder before tucking down his penis and pulling the diaper up over him. She taped the four tabs firmly but not too tight and gave him a gentle pat on his crinkly padding, looking mighty satisfied with her work.

She gently pulled Cody into her arms cradling him as Nancy had earlier.

“I know you have a lot of questions baby, but don’t worry this is what’s best for you.”

He could hear something whirring in the distance and watched as Nancy strode over giving his mother a freshly warmed baby bottle of milk. She accepted with thanks and removed Cody’s dummy replacing it with the nipple. Cody looked up at his mum with his big red puffy eyes, he was afraid her warm smile offering little comfort to the situation. She coaxed him pushing the bottle up further and he finally started sucking quickly feeling the warm milk flow into his mouth.

“I know you had a good time Cody, I don’t want you to worry though. I promise you’ll be back here tomorrow, and the next day and the next.”

He increased his sucking as he contemplated what she meant by that.

“No more college for you, my baby isn’t ready for growing up yet, I think we’ll take it by year and see how you go.”

That was it then, a year as a baby it was hard to imagine the life that was waiting for him. At least he would spend a lot of time with Nancy when his mum was working. But what about a social life, he had so many questions to ask. But right now all he could do was suck on his bottle as he looked up at the two women now in charge of his life, cooing and fawning over him. Maybe it wouldn’t be all that bad…. Right?

This is the end for the Wrong Bus story line, but there will be one more smaller chapter an epilogue of sorts toward the end of this month! I will also revisit this over time as I become a better writer making it a more fleshed out story with better revision and writing.



Wonderfull story ! Really want to know what happened next how is life for him now he is a baby boy