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“Hey darling, what’s the matter why are you so stressed? It’s alright just take a breath sit down and talk to me about it. You’re falling behind in your studies, I did tell you to not take on so many classes all at once that it would become too much for you. You’re so flustered just steady yourself, what exactly are you struggling with I might be able to help. There isn’t a specific class it’s just the whole college life in general? You’re an adult now sweetie and that means taking on more responsibilities I still do a lot for you to make your life easier at home. Imagine how other students must be feeling who are living away from home on campus and having to do everything for themselves. I don’t even make you clean your own room you’ve got a pretty sweet deal going on here. 

It’s ok I’m not berating you, people are different you’re just working yourself up to much about school so it’s causing you to do badly. Your grades during the first semester were great so it’s not like you can’t do it. I think you just badly need a break sweetie; we can talk to the administration and see if we can get you pulled out of a couple classes and you can just take them another year. I know it means you will spend longer studying but what’s the rush you have plenty of time to pursue your career after school. I’m not rushing you to move out you can stay here as long as you need; I much prefer your company then staying here alone. So here’s the plan, I’ll go to your school but you have to come with me we’ll get you moved out of a couple of the classes and see how it goes from there does that sound good? Excellent, mommy is here for you my precious girl come give me a hug.”

“Oh no, I really thought that the lower work load would have improved things for you. How can you still be struggling with everything you only go to school three days a week. This should be a piece of cake for you; your grades were excellent in high school. I would say maybe it’s a combination of growing up and becoming independent mixed in with a high pressure schooling environment. But we’ve been through this you have fewer responsibilities then most children do. Most of them clean their own rooms and do chores but you barely make it to the toilet on time. I’m not trying to be mean; It wasn’t really just the one accident though was it? I’m the one doing your laundry remember, I noticed the stains in your underpants. You might have only had the one big accident but those are definitely signs of some close calls, plus the numerous times I’ve caught you sprinting for dear life to the bathroom. 

Hey now don’t cry, I’m just trying to get to the bottom of all of this drama. Is there anything else going on at all, maybe something happened with your friends or is there a boy involved? I just can’t fathom why you would still be struggling so much at school. Maybe you just aren’t ready to be a big girl yet; you always have been my little princess. Just because you’re an adult now it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re mature enough for the big wide world just yet. Everyone matures at their own rate, if anything since you’ve started college you seemed to have regressed rapidly. You’ve stopped calling me mom and started calling me mommy, the close calls with the bathroom and the accident you had the other day. I think it’s best if we pull you out of school for the year and we can see if you’re ready to go back next year. It’s ok you should be able to start right where you left off, it hasn’t even been half a year yet so you wouldn’t be losing a tonne of progress if they make you start again. I think I know just what to do to make everything feel better again, just remember mommy knows what’s best for you.”

“Hey baby, how are you doing today? My my, aren’t you chipper this morning. See what did I tell you, ever since I took control of every aspect of your life everything has turned around for you hasn’t it? Not that there was much left extra for me to me responsible for I was almost doing everything for you as it was. Now you literally have nothing to worry about, I dress you feed you and bathe you. You don’t even have to worry about going to the toilet anymore that’s what your diaper is for! I check you myself so you don’t even need to tell me when you need a change there’s literally no responsibilities left for you. You just sit around all day playing with your toys and watching the television from your playpen. Isn’t it great I decided to keep it from when you were a baby; it really brings back fond memories. 

It’s only been a month and you’ve already adapted to this life perfectly. I almost feel bad at the prospect of having to let you grow up again at the end of the year. But there is no pressure if you don’t feel ready to go back to college next year I have no problem with you extending your break for however long you need. I can tell you’re enjoying all the attention too, I know it can be embarrassing having your friends come around and see you like this but they had to find out sometime. They seemed to be pretty understanding about everything, it seemed like they thought this was best for you too. I guess you’re still just a little baby in their eyes too. Now come on let’s get you some breakfast then we might take you out to the park, even big babies still need their exercise!”   



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