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“Wakey Wakey, rise and shine sleepy head. You’ve got a big day ahead of you. Pee yew! Someone made a dirty diaper last night, I know you’re anxious to see what the surprise is but we have to get this nasty thing off you and into something clean. Lift your legs up that’s a good boy, you’ve really gotten used to this routine haven’t you? Your such a bashful little one aren’t you, nawww you still get all embarrassed and blushy when I talk to you like a child but deep down you know you love all the attention. There we go, lift your bottom up and we’ll slide a nice thick clean diaper on today. You’re definitely a heavy wetter so the thicker the diaper the better.

Alright now you’re all nice and cosy in your clean diaper I suppose we better get you dressed. Let’s see, what have we got here…. You know I really do like it when we show off your adorable diapers and it isn’t that cold today. I think we’ll forgo shirts and pants but I do have these adorable mittens and booties to keep your fingers and tosies all nice and warm. Here we go, can’t forget the bonnet. Wow, I mean you look ridiculous but it definitely suits you. Alright then, it’s going to be hard to walk on the slippery floor in those so you better just crawl like a baby. That’s it you’re a natural come on down the stairs and see your surprise that your mommy has in store for you.”

“SURPRISE MY DARLING BABY BOY, what’s the big occasion? Have a read of the banner sweetie “Mommy’s Baby 4 Life.” Everyone’s here to celebrate your newfound infancy. We all agree that this is a much more suitable life for you; the big wide world is much too scary for my little guy. We’re officially acknowledging that your new found infancy is permanent. But before we do that come lie across mommy’s lap so I can give you your morning bottle. There we go that’s a good baby take your baba. Your new highchair arrived today too, now we have everything that an adorable little baby needs. So after you’ve had your bottle and give you a chance to say hello to everyone I’ll strap you in and you I can feed you your breakfast.

Of course since I’m working fulltime at the moment as much as I love spending time with you mommy needs to keep bringing in her salary to buy all these nice things for you. But don’t you fret little one, your babysitter has agreed to move in and become your fulltime nanny! She’s just decided that she wants to do a major in childcare and early learning so she will be with us for the next four years! Isn’t that fantastic news, I know how much you love spending time with her. Now unfortunately you can’t go to school with her every day of the week. So whenever she is too busy to look after you I have arranged with a friend that runs a local day care to enrol you and treat you like any other baby in her care. I can tell from your silence that you’re just too excited to say anything. Trust me baby I know what’s best for you; ohoh looks like someone has a wet diaper. Don’t worry I’ll get the babysitter to change you then we can open some presents!”

“Did you have a good day today little guy? Maybe it was a bit much for you all this excitement you look exhausted. I’m so excited to move in with you and your mommy, it’s going to work out so much cheaper on rent and she said she’s still going to pay me a very generous salary. I don’t mind changing you all the time either I’ve gotten quite fond of our bonding moments during your little changing sessions. Isn’t it great that your mommy kept this playpen, the one piece of furniture that you hadn’t physically outgrown yet. Did you know that now we’ve thrown out all your big boy stuff we had been keeping it in storage but not anymore. Anything that was still in good condition we gave away to charity, so it’s all moved on to a better place. 

All my girlfriends are super excited to look after you as well, I promised them that when they come over or I take you with me to school they can help change you and feed you. I imagine some of the students in the early learning class at college will love the opportunity to practice looking after a baby even if you are a bit bigger then most. Maybe I can talk to the teacher about using you as a demonstration in front of the whole class. I bet that would be embarrassing huh, but you don’t need to worry about that kind of thing anymore. Babies don’t get embarrassed and that’s just what you’ve become. You’re yawning sweetie, come on let’s get you upstairs and into bed it’s been a long day. If you cooperate and ask very nicely the girls will come and read you a bed time story.”



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