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“Good Morning Melony, I’m surprised to see you here so early.” 

“Well I couldn’t really sleep well I was up for most of last night thinking about Dylan.” Melony replied while stifling a yawn. 

“I know it’s hard to process but Dylan is a very special boy he’s afraid of losing you.” Cheryl confided in Melony as she clutched her hand. 

“I’m not going to leave him, but you have to see it from my position, I was supposed to be married by now and it just feels like I’ve wasted my time with someone who is too immature to be that person in my life.” 

Melony gently pulled her hand away and turned to avoid eye contact with Cheryl. She felt horrible because of the feelings she was had and now here she was saying them out loud to Dylan’s mother of all people. She really wanted to stay with Dylan she loved him, but she wanted to get married and have a proper future. How could she one day expect to have kids if she was already married to someone who was immature to be one himself. 

“I get it Melony I really do, but not all men are the same. Dylan loves you so very much and yes he’s more immature and childish then other guys but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing. I mean think about it this way, how many men try to find any excuse to avoid spending time with their wives so they can go off drinking and partying with their mates. All those ‘late night at work’ excuses, where they end up cheating on you with someone hotter and younger. Stumbling home drunk at all hours of the night, the same sorry it won’t happen again excuses. Believe me when I say I went through all that already with my husband. But you won’t have to worry about all that, just think of that peace of mind you will have when you go out with your girlfriends and knowing your husband is at home safely tucked away in his diaper. Do you think he’s going to go off looking for other women; of course not he needs his partner slash mommy to take care of him.”

Melony paid careful attention to what Cheryl was saying, absorbing every bit of information while mentally debating it with herself. She had been feeling rather maternal lately, seeing Dylan being fed and looked after by his mother and then seeing him waddling around in a diaper brought something out of her. She loved Dylan and maybe this was for the best, Cheryl was right if the alternative to having a husband in diapers was having one that ran around drinking and partying while flirting with other women she knew what she would prefer. He did look rather cute and helpless too standing in the living room in his wet pants and he was never much of a man. At the very least she could try it out and see how it went.

“Alright Cheryl, I’ll give it a shot after all he did look rather cute in his diaper.” Melony said giggling.

“He’s just had his breakfast I’m sure he can’t wait to see you.” 

Cheryl beamed at Melony, she was so happy that she was accepting of Dylan. Part of her almost wanted Melony to leave him so Dylan would have no choice but to move back in and be her fulltime baby. But that was selfish and she did her best to dismiss those thoughts. She would be more then complacent to be Dylan’s babysitter, as long as she got to see her baby a few times a week that would be enough for her. Maybe she could move in with them and be his fulltime nanny while Melony worked she could work from home and look after him. Her imagination was bombarded with numerous ideas to keep her baby close and she did her best to keep her cool when she laid eyes on her son waiting so patiently in his chair for mommy to return.

“Dylan there’s someone here to see you.”

Dylan’s head whipped around and he frantically tried to cover his thick diaper to no avail as he saw Melony follow Cheryl into the room. Melony went wide eyed as she took in the full view of her boyfriend. He was sitting there with an empty bottle in front of him wearing nothing but a bib and a diaper. She relaxed herself as she walked over toward the shocked looking overgrown toddler.

“Hey Dylan, can you stand up for me please sweetie.” Melony asked as gently as she could manage. 

Sweetie, did he hear her correctly. Dylan was shocked by her reaction at his babyish attire he expected her to just walk out that moment and never see her again. He quickly processed what Melony had just asked of him and stood up in front of her. Melony walked over and gently pulled Dylan’s hands away that were still trying to hide his bulky diaper. 

“Are you wet baby, do you need me to change you?” 

There was no malice in her voice, no sense of sarcasm or teasing. She was genuinely asking if he needed his diaper change, maybe she wasn’t mad at him. Dylan gently shook his head but Melony still cupped the front of his diaper sticking to fingers in to check for wetness like she had heard that mothers did. Satisfied she pulled them out and gently turned Dylan around; pulling open the back of his diaper she completed the routine. She span Dylan back around and smiled at him.

“Sorry but you can’t trust a baby to know when they have a wet diaper.” 

She gently poked tickled his sides producing a babyish shriek and giggle from Dylan. He always had been ticklish and Melony loved to rub her feet against him and tease him when they were in bed to get that same boyish laugh. Suddenly everything clicked into place for Melony, Dylan had always been her baby. His reluctance to do anything without her, always letting her take charge of things, not being able to drive and his inability to hold a job. Now here he was back in diapers and suckling on a pacifier right where he belonged. Being in charge of their relationship had always come naturally to Melony, the only difference now is she would have complete control over every aspect. She pulled Dylan in for a hug and sighed, ‘I think I could get used to this’ she thought to herself. 



This story always bring a smile in my face now I want to see his new mommy rsrs