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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"What? Ten billion?!"

Jiraiya exclaimed, his voice sharp and high-pitched, resembling a girl who had just experienced something surprising.

"That's right, ten billion. In fact, that's after rounding off the decimals!"

Sakura nodded and pulled out a stack of IOUs from her ninja tool pouch, waving them in front of Jiraiya. "You don't need to worry about defaulting; I have these IOUs perfectly preserved!"

Jiraiya's figure swayed, and his vision blurred. Ten billion? Over the years, the rewards from his missions and his earnings from the Icha Icha Paradise novels added up to about that much. However, after deducting his own expenses and clearing Tsunade's gambling debts, he struggled even to come up with a hundred thousand.

"Oh, by the way, when Tsunade borrowed the money, she mentioned that any expenses incurred in the industries under Tenka Kai would be recorded on your account!"

Sakura looked at Jiraiya with a face full of sympathy. Although the outcome was intentionally guided by them, Tsunade had the final say.

Jiraiya's face turned pale as he clutched the trunk of a nearby tree. He knew Tsunade's spending habits, especially when it came to gambling. If all her expenses were added to his account, he would be in debt for the rest of his life.

"Um, you guys at Tenka Kai don't happen to run a Gambling Den, do you?"

Jiraiya asked with a glimmer of hope. Tsunade's biggest expense was gambling, and her luck in gambling always led to debts. Over the years, Jiraiya had witnessed Tsunade's various attempts to avoid debt, and he couldn't expect anything good regarding her spending at a Gambling Den under Tenka Kai.

"Oh, Gambling Dens? Tenka Kai stays away from that industry!"

Sakura waved her hand, and as Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief, she continued, "However, Haruno Corporation does operate some Gambling Dens. According to the financial reports, Tsunade's largest expense is in Gambling Dens, followed by hotels. She indulges in the finest food and drinks; just last month, she spent over fifty million at a hotel..."


Jiraiya's legs gave way, and he collapsed to the ground. Tears welled up in his eyes. Spending over fifty million in a month— at this rate, he realized he would never be able to repay the debt in his lifetime.

"Also, the fifty million is just the spending at the hotel. Besides that, she owes a considerable sum in the Gambling Dens under the Haruno Corporation, and this debt is increasing day by day..."

Seeing the despair in Jiraiya's eyes, Sakura added fuel to the fire.


Jiraiya reached for his heart, feeling the pain. He wanted to cry!

"Come on, Jiraiya, sign this contract. From now on, you won't have to worry about Tsunade's expenses under the Tenka Kai group..."

Sakura pulled out a contract and waved it in front of Jiraiya, whispering softly.


Jiraiya's eyes lit up as he grabbed the contract. The enormous debt had almost suffocated him, and Sakura's contract seemed like a ray of light in the darkness.

"Yes, just put a handprint, and you won't have to bear this heavy debt anymore!"

Sakura's voice was alluring, like the whisper of a temptress, enticing Jiraiya to make a choice.

"I sign..."

Jiraiya snatched the contract, barely glancing at it, and immediately pressed his bloodied fingerprint onto it.


Sakura took the contract with satisfaction. "From now on, Jiraiya, you officially belong to our Tenka Kai group!"

"Wait, what does 'belong' mean?"

Not yet recovered from the relief of being free from debt, Jiraiya heard two shocking words. He nervously swallowed saliva, fearing that he might have been deceived.

"It doesn't mean much; it just means that you, having signed this contract, are now a member of our Tenka Kai group. The wealth you generate for the rest of your life belongs to us, Tenka Kai..."

Sakura's voice echoed in Jiraiya's ears like a heavy hammer, smashing him into an abyss. In short, from now on, he was a slave of Tenka Kai!


Jiraiya stumbled back several steps. Wasn't the contract about repaying the debt? How did it turn into a slavery contract?!

"In black and white, with your blood imprint. Even if you default, it's useless!"

Sakura stuffed the contract into her ninja tool pouch. "By the way, quickly finish writing the Icha Icha Paradise manuscript, or else the debt will double!"

"What? How can you do this? Icha Icha Paradise is my life's work; I can't produce exciting plots under pressure!"

Jiraiya resisted vehemently.

"You have no right to resist. Either obediently write the manuscript or wait for the debt to double, then go film intimate scenes with Orochimaru to repay it!"

Sakura rummaged through her pouch, pulling out some photos. "Just like this, explicit scenes!"

In the photos, Jiraiya and Orochimaru were entangled in a compromising position. Although only their upper bodies were visible, the images were highly suggestive.

"Why am I the one below?" Jiraiya protested, then realized, "Wait, this isn't me. I've never taken such photos!"

"Whether you took them or not doesn't matter. The key is, if you don't obediently comply, the events in the photos will become reality. I believe Orochimaru would enjoy seeing his old comrade embarrassed, right?"

Sakura's tone was full of threats, and the photos she brandished were like knives stabbing Jiraiya's heart.

"I'll write..."

Jiraiya felt drained of vitality. Must his carefully crafted Icha Icha Paradise be ruined just for meeting a deadline? However, soon after, he remembered another crucial matter.

"Wait a minute, why do I feel like you're quite familiar with Orochimaru? Aren't you a Konoha ninja?"

"We encountered him in the Forest of Death before. This injury is also thanks to him!"

Sakura showed Jiraiya her right hand, wrapped in bandages. Then she said, "But, in a month, he'll also become a slave of Tenka Kai, just like you!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 252: Dragging Jiraiya into the Water [Part One] 


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