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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Quick, someone come! There's a pervert spying on us..."

A sharp scream erupted, causing a commotion in the entire Hot Springs Bathhouse. Countless towels, soaps, basins, and slippers were thrown in the direction of Jiraiya. However, when a group of angry women, wielding sticks and fully dressed, rushed over, they found the person who had fallen into the hot spring was nowhere to be seen.

In the woods behind the Hot Springs Bathhouse, Jiraiya glared at the group in front of him, his face bruised and swollen, anger burning in his eyes.

"Do you even know what you've just done?" Jiraiya touched his bruised eye socket and wore an expression of heartfelt distress. "You've obstructed a great artist's source of inspiration. Thanks to you, my creativity has been completely stifled. Without inspiration, I can't come up with the next plot. A literary masterpiece, hot in the literary world, has been obliterated by you."

"May I ask, sir, what kind of novel are you writing?" Although aware of the man's identity, Sakura maintained an expression of curiosity, as if genuinely unaware of who he was.

"Sir? Am I really that old? I'm still in my prime!" Jiraiya covered his heart dramatically. "Look closely at this face. Can you call a face that can captivate thousands of young girls an old man's face? Clearly, I am in my prime!"


Sakura and the others couldn't help but laugh. "Sorry, but I really can't see any prime. All I see is a face battered and bruised for peeping into the women's bath!"

"You dare say that?" Jiraiya fumed. "If it weren't for your stick hitting my face, I wouldn't have fallen into the hot spring, wouldn't have been discovered, and wouldn't look like this now!"

"To be a peeping pervert and still argue?!" Hinata coldly snorted, feeling an itch in her palm, eager to deliver a set of Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms to the white-haired man. "A guy like you must write indecent novels!"

"What do you mean by indecent? This venerable me authored Icha Icha Paradise, which is popular throughout the ninja world, with countless fans!" Jiraiya retorted indignantly, proud of his status as a renowned author with a fanbase.

"So, you're the author of that adult book. No wonder. Someone who writes such inappropriate literature is undoubtedly indecent themselves..." Sakura and the others realized, wearing expressions of sudden understanding. "I wondered why it looked so familiar. It's you, Jiraiya, one of the Konoha Sannin and the so-called perverted hermit."

"Knowing my title is enough..." Jiraiya was initially pleased, not expecting someone to recognize him so quickly. However, his triumphant expression froze upon hearing the next words.

"Hey, what do you mean by 'perverted hermit'? This venerable me's title is Myoboku's toad sage, spiritual sage of the Toad Clan, or simply Toad Sage, one of Konoha's Sannin, the heroic Jiraiya, okay!"

"Hehe, aside from writing adult books, you also go peeping in Hot Springs Bathhouse. 'Perverted hermit' suits you well..."

Sakura and the others shot Jiraiya disdainful glances, nearly piercing through his body, significantly deflating his aura.

"I'm the Toad Sage, not a perverted hermit..." Jiraiya struggled, making a final attempt to salvage his reputation. He had to protect his image; otherwise, if Tsunade found out he was being called a perverted hermit, she would surely look down on him forever.

"Perverted hermit, do you know what the scariest thing for an author is?" Sakura suddenly laughed, but her expression was far from friendly.

"Writer's block?" Jiraiya took a small step back, feeling an inexplicable terror emanating from the girl. It was as if he had encountered some arch-nemesis.

"Wrong!" Sakura raised her slender white finger, swaying it in front of Jiraiya's puzzled gaze. "The scariest thing for an author is called 'deadline pressure.'"

"De-deadline pressure?!" Jiraiya almost screamed uncontrollably. Those two words were his nightmare. He used to be a carefree novelist, writing as many manuscripts as he pleased. However, ever since he signed with the Tenka Kai group a few years ago to repay Tsunade's gambling debt, Jiraiya experienced the biggest nightmare of his life – editorial deadlines.

Thinking about the times he was pressured by the editor to submit manuscripts, Jiraiya shivered involuntarily. It couldn't be. He had changed identities multiple times to come to Konohagakure, and there was no way his editors could find him.

"Perverted hermit, forgot to introduce yourself..." Sakura raised an eyebrow, pointing at herself. "I am Sakura Haruno, Konoha Genin, and concurrently the chairman of the Tenka Kai group. And the others with you are shareholders of the Tenka Kai group. In other words, we are your bosses!"

"Bosses? How is that possible?" Jiraiya's eyes almost bulged out. Could his luck be this bad? He had just escaped from the deadline pressure, and now, he had encountered his bosses? It couldn't be. They must be playing a trick on him.

"Jiraiya, I've received letters from your editor. You haven't submitted any manuscripts in the past two months!" Sakura's words instantly shattered Jiraiya's last trace of hope. Unbeknownst to Jiraiya, the real hell was yet to come.

"Also, let me tell you something else. Tsunade recently lost a large sum of money. Since she found out you signed with our Tenka Kai group, she borrowed money from us. Besides herself, there's also you as the guarantor, perverted hermit!"

"What? When did I guarantee Tsunade's loan?" Jiraiya's hand trembled. Tsunade lost a large sum of money? This 'large sum' was probably no small amount. "And how much did Tsunade borrow from you?!"

"As her classmate, the famous Konoha Sannin, and her secret admirer, she naturally used your name as the guarantor when borrowing money!" Sakura smiled sweetly, causing Jiraiya to feel dizzy. "As for the specific amount borrowed, it's not much – just a billion, ten small targets, not much at all!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 251: Shocking Revelation, a certain middle-aged white-haired man... 


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