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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Congratulations on smoothly passing the Chunin Exam preliminaries. The official third round of the exam will take place in a month. At that time, prominent figures and officials from the Land of Fire, renowned ninja world merchants, the Fourth Kazekage of the Hidden Sand Village in the Land of Wind, the Fifth Mizukage of the Mist Village in the Land of Water, and many spectators will be present to watch your matches. We hope you all will achieve good results..."

The Third Hokage took a puff of his cigarette, blew a smoke ring, and proceeded to deliver a lengthy motivational speech to a group of people, but the dragging tone left everyone drowsy.

"Cough, before that, you need to draw lots to determine your opponents. However, since there are fifteen of you who passed the exam, aside from seven pairs for matches, one person will have a bye..."

Gekko Hayate interrupted the Third Hokage, earning a displeased look, as if the Third Hokage would have knocked him out if not for the public setting.

"I wonder who's so lucky!"

Anko walked out holding a small wooden box, her smile carrying a sinister charm, resembling Orochimaru more and more.

"There are fifteen pieces of paper inside, with fourteen of them depicting different pairs. The person who draws the same pair will be their official match, and the one left without a pair will have a bye..."

Anko placed the box in front of the group, licked her lips provocatively, a true Orochimaru number two.

"All right, cuties, come and draw..."

"Anko-senpai's personality is becoming more twisted..." Sakura rubbed her arm, Anko's tone sending shivers down her spine.

"Anko-senpai's chakra feels off..." Naruto carefully sensed and said, "There's an aggressive chakra, mixed with a cold aura. It's similar to what we encountered with Orochimaru before. The most concentrated area is Anko-senpai's neck..."

"Curse Mark..." Once Naruto mentioned it, Sakura understood the abnormal chakra. It was unmistakably Orochimaru's Curse Mark. Could it be that Orochimaru failed to plant it on Sasuke and instead placed it on Anko?

"Hurry up and draw..."

Receiving Anko's constant urging, the group exchanged glances and queued up to draw lots.

"I actually have a bye?"

As soon as Temari opened the piece of paper in her hand, she exclaimed. Her paper was blank, devoid of any drawings. Obviously, Temari was the lucky one with a bye.

"Sasuke and Gaara in one pair, Naruto and Shuo in another, me and Zichuo in a pair, Hinata and Neji in a pair. What about the rest of you?"

Sakura, after looking at the papers held by the others, asked Tenten and Lee.

"We forfeit..."

Lee and the others said in unison.

"Are you sure you want to forfeit?" The Third Hokage asked again. Since the main focus of the official match a month later wouldn't be on Tenten and her group, if they wanted to forfeit, the Third Hokage wouldn't force them. With their strength, they could easily be promoted to Chunin.

"Sure!" Lee and the others nodded, their decision firm. Since their opponents were teammates they sparred with frequently, missing this match wouldn't make much of a difference.

"Well then, since you've all chosen to forfeit, there will be only four teams participating in the third round of the Chunin Exam a month later!"

The Third Hokage nodded and said, "Use this time to improve your skills and aim for good results in the third round of the Chunin Exam!"

After a few words of encouragement, the Third Hokage left, and Temari, Gaara, and others also departed, returning to their respective ninja villages.

"Everyone, go back and rest for now. Tomorrow, we'll meet at the Hot Springs Bathhouse to discuss the plan for the next month..."

Sakura stretched lazily, finally relaxing. Since the Chunin Exam started until now, she hadn't stopped. Now, there was finally some time for rest.

The next morning, after breakfast, everyone gathered at the Hot Springs Bathhouse, ready to relax in the hot springs.

"Sakura, aren't you coming down for a soak?" Hinata asked Sakura, who was sitting at the edge of the hot spring.

"My energy from last night has completely dissipated. I went to the hospital to have Tsunade bandage my wounds, and she gave me strict orders not to touch water until the wounds heal. So, I can only watch you guys..."

Sakura looked forlorn. She had hoped to relax in the hot springs, but Tsunade had banished that idea.

"That's a shame! But once your injuries heal, we can do it again as compensation!"

"That's the only option!" Sakura sat by the hot spring, watching everyone frolic in the water. Her frustration grew.

When the group finished bathing and came out, Karin looked up, puzzled.

"Why is there someone on the roof of the bathhouse? And this chakra is so strong..."

"What?" Hinata was surprised. Activating her Byakugan, she confirmed that on the roof of the bathhouse, there was a figure slowly moving towards the building with the hot springs. Fortunately, they had already finished bathing; otherwise, this creepy peeper might have seen them!

"Tenten, grab your equipment. Let's catch the pervert..."

Sakura's expression was gloomy, her eyes filled with murderous intent. Since someone dared to approach them recklessly, she wouldn't spare them.

On the roof of the Hot Springs Bathhouse, a middle-aged man with white hair was inching toward the building with a determined expression, as if on some great mission.

When Sakura and the others quietly climbed up, this was the scene they witnessed. Recognizing the familiar attire, Sakura knew who the peeper was.

Exchanging glances, the five people bent down, stealthily approaching.

"Is it enjoyable?"

As the man prepared to peek down, Sakura asked softly from behind.

"I haven't seen anything yet..."

Jiraiya, wearing a headband with the character for 'oil,' instinctively replied. Then, realizing something was wrong, he subconsciously turned around, only to see a baseball bat enlarging in front of him.


Sakura smacked Jiraiya off the roof and into the hot spring, creating a splash of water. Following that, numerous slippers and stools rained down, accompanied by screams.

"Capture the pervert..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 250: Shocked, a middle-aged man with white hair unexpectedly... [Part 2] 


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