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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Um, can we not bring up that matter?"

Jiraiya's expression was incredibly awkward. He could almost foresee that if news of him being deceived into signing a contract to sell himself got out, it would become the laughingstock of the entire ninja world.

"Alright, for the sake of Uncle Minato, I'll keep this contract confidential!"

Sakura's words relieved Jiraiya, but after regaining his composure, his eyes inadvertently glanced toward Naruto.

"When you mention Uncle Minato, who are you talking about?!"

Jiraiya's heart raced. He had an agreement with the Third Hokage that when Naruto officially became a ninja, he would come back to guide him. Why did the situation now feel a bit off?

"Naruto's dad!" Sakura pointed at Naruto and said, "By the way, if Uncle Minato sees you, he'll probably be very happy!"


Jiraiya nervously swallowed, his face suddenly turning pale. Minato had been dead for so many years, and now they wanted him to meet Minato?

"Well, let's go, Perverted Hermit, and pay a visit to Uncle Minato!" Sakura clapped Jiraiya on the arm, activating the power of the Soul Gem. "And Aunt Kushina Uzumaki. It's been years; they must miss you!"


Jiraiya had a lot of doubts that he hadn't asked yet. Why did Naruto know about his origins? And why did he seem to hold no resentment about these matters? Most importantly, what did it mean to ask him to meet two deceased individuals?

However, before Jiraiya could voice his questions, he felt a momentary blur, and the scenery in front of him completely changed.

"Is this Genjutsu? No, it's not Genjutsu…"

Jiraiya's initial reaction was that he had fallen under Genjutsu. However, whether he disturbed his chakra or bit his tongue or pinched his thigh, the scenery remained unchanged.

"Jiraiya Sensei, you're back in Konoha…"

Minato Namikaze saw the figure in front of him, pinching his own thigh and grinning, and his eyes filled with delight.

"Eh? Jiraiya Sensei actually came back?!"

Kushina Uzumaki's expression wasn't too pleasant. Naruto was already twelve years old, and this lecherous old man only decided to return now. During those tough years when Naruto was bullied, this guy was nowhere to be seen.

"Minato?! And, Kushina Uzumaki?!"

Jiraiya took a sharp breath. His neck felt rusty as he slowly turned his head to look behind him.

Golden hair, blue eyes, a man with an exceptionally gentle smile, and a red-haired woman staring at him with murderous intent. Wasn't that his disciple and his disciple's wife?!

"Ah…" Jiraiya was scared out of his wits. His body instantly reacted, and he knelt down on the spot, hands clasped together, trembling, tears streaming down his face.

"Minato, Kushina Uzumaki, Sensei knows he let you down. I know Naruto has suffered a lot in these years, but now I'm back. I'll make sure to teach Naruto well, and I won't let him suffer anymore. You can rest assured in the other world; there's no need for you to come looking for me..."

Jiraiya cried, snot and tears flowing. Minato Namikaze was almost getting embarrassed watching him.

"Jiraiya Sensei, you also know that Naruto has suffered a lot in these years…"

Behind Kushina Uzumaki, chakra chains waved incessantly, and her whole body's murderous intent was almost turning into substance.

"As our Sensei, you actually watched Naruto suffer while you went out and enjoyed yourself?"

"Ah… no… don't hit me. I was wrong, please don't hit me, Kushina Uzumaki, it wasn't intentional…"

Jiraiya's two legs were almost running out of the illusion. Even if his lungs were about to burst, he didn't dare to stop. Judging by Kushina Uzumaki's tone, getting caught would mean getting beaten to death.

"You unreliable old pervert, letting Naruto be bullied. If I don't beat you today, I won't be called Kushina Uzumaki…"

Kushina Uzumaki, holding Sakura's specially made giant wooden hammer, chased after Jiraiya. The hammer even had Tailed Beast chakra provided by Nine-Tails, making it look like she wanted to kill Jiraiya on the spot.

"Pervy Sage, watch your step…"

Sakura's finger moved, and a small vine emerged from the ground, blocking Jiraiya's path.

"My step?!"

Jiraiya subconsciously looked down, and his feet were suddenly tripped by the vine, causing him to stumble and fall face down on the ground.

"Jiraiya, you old rascal, accept your punishment!"

Kushina Uzumaki jumped high, holding the giant hammer, and ruthlessly smashed it down on Jiraiya.


Jiraiya's miserable scream came from under the hammer. The huge hammer completely covered him.

"Hmph, letting this guy be so unreliable…"

Kushina Uzumaki coldly laughed, threw away the broken handle in her hand, and contentedly walked back to Minato Namikaze's side.

Waving her hand to throw the hammer aside, Sakura pointed her finger to poke the motionless Jiraiya.

"Hiss, don't move, it hurts so much…"

Jiraiya slowly climbed out of the human-shaped pit in the ground, grinning and gasping for breath.

"Now, can someone explain to me what exactly is going on here?"

Having been hit by Kushina Uzumaki's hammer, Jiraiya had calmed down. Looking at everything around him, he became more and more shocked.

Ignoring his disciple and his disciple's wife, those Uchiha clan members in black-red cloud jackets, the clearly sinister Uchiha Itachi, Jūzō Biwa, and Zabuza, the child-like Yagura Karatachi from the Mist Village, and most importantly, if he wasn't mistaken, those four giant creatures over there should be Two Tails Matatabi, Three Tails Isobu, Four Tails Sun Wukong, and the Eight Tails - Gyuki, and the strongest of them all, the Nine-Tails.

With so many people gathered together, if they intended to cause trouble, the entire ninja world would be in chaos.

"The origin of this matter dates back over a thousand years…"

Sakura began to give Jiraiya a history lesson about the ninja world. She went on and on, and by the time she stopped, Jiraiya was completely dumbfounded.

"Wait, you said earlier that the leader of the Akatsuki Organization, who killed Minato back then, was Nagato?!"

Jiraiya had been investigating the Akatsuki Organization for so many years, and now someone was telling him that another one of his disciples was the one who killed his first disciple?

"Strictly speaking, it was a corrupted Nagato…" Sakura corrected Jiraiya's statement. If not for a series of conspiracies and deceptions, Nagato would probably still be a sunny youth striving for peace. "Since Yahiko's death, Nagato hasn't been the same as before!"

[Ah, Exams over!]

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