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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Go ahead, keep acting as you wish. Sooner or later, trouble will find you!" Kakashi sighed, realizing that if he kept worrying like this, he'd probably turn gray – well, he was already white-haired to begin with.

"To be honest, this outcome isn't all that bad, is it? Avoiding conflict and resolving a lifelong matter without fighting, aside from enduring a bit for a while..." Sakura turned her head towards the direction of the Hidden Cloud village. As expected, Shuo, the disciple of the Fourth Raikage, and Zichuo, Killer Bee's disciple, were glaring at them with fiery eyes, almost ready to unleash Fire Release from their gazes.

"Shameless, shameless, and damn it..." Shuo and Zichuo were fuming. Tsubaki was considered quite attractive among their generation of students, and now she had been snatched away by Konoha's ninja. They were seething with anger, wanting to blow up these shameless Konoha ninjas.

"I still don't understand how those two got along so well," Hinata furrowed her brows, puzzled.

"That girl, Tsubaki, has a severe case of social anxiety, so she pays a lot of attention to Shino to make sure he doesn't suddenly turn into a swarm of bugs. And Shino, being someone who practically has no presence, finally has someone constantly paying attention to him. Do you think Shino wouldn't be thrilled?" Sakura explained, bluntly revealing the inner thoughts of the two.

"So, it's just a wonderful misunderstanding?" Ino's jaw dropped. Could there be such a twist in fate? But then she grew melancholic. "Why hasn't my true love shown up yet?"

"Be patient. In your future, there will surely be someone waiting for you!" Sakura reassured Ino, wondering if the pale-skinned little sub Sai from before still had a chance to make an appearance.

"You mean King Yama, right?" Ino looked at Sakura with a face that spelled out her despair. She felt like she was destined for a lifetime of loneliness.

While they were talking, Shino approached, exuding an aura of happiness that almost made Kakuzu's mouth curl above his high-collared coat.

"Shino, can you please tone down that overwhelming aura? You're practically radiating pink bubbles!" Hinata wrinkled her nose, nearly getting goosebumps from Shino's presence.

"I'm very happy..." Shino pushed up his sunglasses, unable to conceal his joy. "If you must know why..."

"Because you've found someone who will constantly pay attention to you, right?" Sakura interrupted Shino's words and then poured cold water on him without hesitation. "Come on, the girl just has social anxiety. You happen to specialize in bugs, and when all those bugs gather, it's scary. She's just keeping an eye on you to make sure you don't unleash a horde of insects!"

"The specific reasons behind it don't matter anymore. We've made a pact to travel the entire ninja world together, documenting every bit of our journey and publishing it for everyone to see," Shino said happily. He didn't mind being interrupted; if he weren't naturally composed, he'd probably be laughing like crazy by now.

"As long as you're happy..." Sakura's lips twitched. She remembered that Shino was still single in Boruto. Naruto and Sasuke's kids were saving the world together, even Orochimaru had created an artificial human baby, and even Akamaru had offspring. Yet, middle-aged Shino was still single, giving off vibes reminiscent of Kakashi and Guy.

In a good mood, Shino hummed a tune and walked to a corner, mentally planning his future travel destinations.

In contrast to Shino and Tsubaki's good mood, Haku and Zabuza, who were waiting to rescue people below, were not pleased at all. They had been standing there for a long time, and neither side had made a move. Without injuries, they couldn't take the injured to the hospital and earn income for it. Without earning income, their rewards from the Third Hokage would definitely be reduced. They were not happy about it.

"Why are these kids so precocious? They're even dabbling in puppy love..." Zabuza grumbled, even considering breaking up these couples.

"Puppy love, who knows if it will last? They might have a big fight someday, and then we can swoop in to save the wounded and make some money..." Haku said with a smile. However, the tone of his voice sent shivers down Zabuza's spine. Since joining Konoha with Sakura, Haku had become increasingly sinister.

Gekko Hayate glanced at the arena and nodded slightly, generally satisfied. Fortunately, the arena hadn't suffered any significant damage, except for a large hole created by a beetle. It wouldn't affect anything, and there was no need for unnecessary repairs.

"The next match will feature Shuo from the Hidden Cloud village against Sakke from the Village of Sound... "

Gekko Hayate glanced at the electronic screen, waiting for the contestants to enter the arena.

"Haha, who would have thought it's my turn already..." Sakke, with his earth-toned cloak and spiky hair, entered the arena, proudly proclaiming his presence.

Originally, Orochimaru had ordered them to test Sasuke's strength in the Forest of Death, but their plans had gone awry, and they hadn't crossed paths with Sasuke at all. Sakke wasn't satisfied with his opponent – an unknown Hidden Cloud ninja. In his eyes, this was an easy kill.

"I thought I'd be the grand finale, but it seems I've been pushed ahead..." Sakke looked at Shuo, who had a cold expression. "Hey, kid from the Hidden Cloud village, I'm in a good mood today. Surrender and save yourself; you can keep your life. Otherwise, don't blame me for showing no mercy!"

"Heh..." Shuo's mouth twitched. Where did this idiot come from? Shuo was already furious because Tsubaki had been taken away by Shino, and hearing Sakke's words only added fuel to the fire.

"Examiner-sama, when can the match begin?" Shuo asked, his face devoid of emotion.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 238: The Three Reckless Ones Who Were Instantly Defeated [Part Two] 


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