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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"My bugs can continuously evolve. Just now, your Lightning Release killed the first-generation beetle. However, the second-generation beetle that evolved from its corpse already carries some resistance to Lightning Release. So, your Lightning Release will have reduced effectiveness against the second-generation beetle," Shino explained in a low voice, gently pushing his glasses up.

Intrigued, Tsubaki listened attentively as Shino continued, "In other words, if we had the Third Generation's bugs, Lightning Release would be even less effective against them. And if we had the Fourth or Fifth Generation's bugs, my Lightning Release damage would decrease progressively until it became completely ineffective."

Tsubaki quickly realized the implications and gasped. If the bugs kept evolving like this, they would become invincible.

"Impossible. There's no such thing as a perfect life form in this world. Even if these beetles evolve to completely resist Lightning Release, there will inevitably be other vulnerabilities. Perfection in a single life form is unattainable. To be invulnerable, various different life forms must cooperate, and insects are no exception," Shino calmly stated, emphasizing the balance that exists in the natural world.

Tsubaki's eyes sparkled with admiration. "You seem to know a lot about this!"

"I enjoy reading, mostly about biology, various travel journals, and geographical magazines. I want to uncover the secrets of biological evolution and someday cultivate an entirely new species of insect," Shino replied, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. He had lived in relative obscurity for a long time, and now, someone was paying attention to him with such interest.

"Do you like reading too?" Tsubaki asked, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"Yes, most of what I read revolves around biology or various travel accounts and geography magazines. I want to understand more about the secrets of biological evolution and hope to create a new type of insect one day," Shino's smile widened, though his voice remained calm. "If possible, I'd love to travel all over the ninja world, document every insect, and write a book to help more people appreciate these creatures."

"Traveling the entire ninja world?" Tsubaki's excitement grew. "I once had the same dream - to explore every corner of the ninja world, experience different cultures, and write a travel diary to share my experiences with others."

"Once? Have you given up on that dream now?" Shino inquired, puzzled.

Tsubaki's emotions dimmed. "Not exactly. It's just that I've become a ninja, and the idea of freely roaming the ninja world now seems unrealistic. Being a ninja comes with many responsibilities."

"That's not necessarily true," Shino responded softly. "Even as a ninja, if you really want to, you can still pursue your dreams."

Tsubaki hesitated, then explained, "I'm a Hidden Cloud Village ninja, and outside of missions, it's not easy to enter other countries without being seen as a spy by other ninja villages."

"But what if a caravan commissioned you for a long-term task?" Shino suddenly suggested. "If you enter other countries under the pretext of protecting the caravan, it wouldn't be considered spying, right?"

Tsubaki's eyes gleamed with hope, but she quickly added, "However, I doubt any caravan would hire me for a long-term task. I'm just an ordinary Genin with limited skills, and I'm not very interested in missions. Regular missions are hard for me to come by, let alone long-term ones."

Shino's eyes sparkled beneath his sunglasses. "If you're willing, I can arrange a long-term task for you in the name of the Tenka Kai Group. You can travel across the entire ninja world with the Tenka Kai caravan, document your observations, and if you're willing, share your findings with me. I'll have our publishing company turn it into a book to be sold in bookstores. People should be interested in learning about the cultures and customs of different regions."

Shino's proposal made Tsubaki very excited, but she hesitated. "That sounds great, but it would still require approval from Raikage-sama."

"Don't worry; just leave that to me," Shino assured her. "It shouldn't be too difficult to handle. Raikage won't hold on to this once he knows you're willing."

Tsubaki bowed gratefully. "Thank you so much."

As the conversation unfolded, Gekko Hayate, the examiner, couldn't help but shake his head in amusement at the unexpected turn of events. The young ninja hadn't even fought, yet they were already talking about love.

Sakura commented with a chuckle, "Shino didn't just win the match; he also managed to win the heart of a girl without lifting a finger. People say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, and he's a prime example."

Hinata added, "The master of strategy not only won the competition but also successfully charmed a girl. I never expected this from Shino, who usually keeps such a low profile."

Ino, seeing the two below engrossed in conversation, couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. "Chunin Exam got a mouthful of dog food from him..."

Kakashi, who had been silently observing, closed his beloved Icha Icha Paradise book. He reminisced about his own Chunin Exam experience, which had been entirely different from this lively and romantic affair. "This Chunin Exam is the most chaotic one I've ever seen."

Sakura shrugged, saying, "Chunin Exam is just a standard; it's not the only way to become a Chunin. Besides, Shino bringing a girl from the Hidden Cloud Village to become a Konoha citizen is a reason to celebrate. He's bringing honor to our village."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 237: The Reckless Trio Meets Their Match [Part 1] 


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