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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"It can start now!"

Gekko Hayate glanced at them, his expression calm. After all, they were not from Konoha, so it didn't matter much to him whether they lived or died.

"You little brat, it seems like you're eager to meet your end. Don't blame me for being ruthless!" Sakke boasted arrogantly.

Shuo only gave Sakke a brief look but didn't say a word. This only fueled Sakke's confidence, making him feel even more superior. It seemed like his strength had improved, and he believed his imposing aura could intimidate his opponent.

"Is this guy mentally challenged?" Tenten, the team's commentator, looked at Sakke below, who was acting as if he were possessed by a demon. She almost couldn't hold back her laughter. "Why does he think he can easily defeat someone?"

"Perhaps his clothes give him courage!" Hinata cast a disdainful glance at Sakke's outfit. "He's probably afraid he'd forget how to spell 'death' without wearing such an outrageously ugly outfit!"

"Any guesses on how long he can hold his own?" Ino asked with great interest. As the disciple of the Fourth Raikage, if Shuo couldn't defeat someone like Sakke, it might prompt the Fourth Raikage to come to Konoha and settle the score.

"Maybe just one move..." Sakura speculated, resting her chin on her finger. "Being a disciple of the Fourth Raikage, this guy named Shuo has likely mastered the Hidden Cloud Village's secret ninjutsu. Facing someone like Sakke, who relies on brute force, one move might be all it takes."

"And who knows if Haku will be able to rescue him in time?" Tenten chuckled. "Judging by Shuo's expression, he's probably furious right now. If he ends up killing Sakke directly, Haku will probably be heartbroken for a while!"

"No way!" Sakura was confident. "The Sound Ninja Village isn't a wealthy ninja village; it's mostly propped up by Orochimaru. Even if they manage to treat him with good medicine, the Sound Ninja Village probably can't afford it. Haku, who's already obsessed with wealth, would definitely calculate this bill properly!"

"True, the Sound Ninja Village is so poor that they won't be able to pay much in medical expenses. And if they're planning to attack Konoha, they won't have the money to spare even if Haku manages to save the guy!" Hinata agreed.

"Any guesses on who's up next?"

Naruto suddenly became excited. "I wonder if I'll be the grand finale or if I'll be up next!"

"Knowing Grandpa Third Hokage, I bet both you and I will be saved for last. Based on the previous matches, Sakke's two weak teammates were probably meant for Gaara and Zichuo from the Hidden Cloud Village. As for you and me, there's one more from the Hidden Rock Village and one from the Mist Village. It'll depend on luck then!" Sakura knew Third Hokage's intentions well. The official matches a month from now would attract many spectators, making it a perfect opportunity for Konoha to shine. That's why they hadn't faced each other in previous matches, and those who were eliminated were all outsiders, except for Shikamaru, the lazy one.

Apart from their group, Shuo, Zichuo, and Gaara were definitely being kept for later rounds. Just based on their identities, they would be a great attraction in a month, so Third Hokage had naturally arranged three weak opponents for them to ensure they would reach the finals without any problems.

The discussion above didn't disturb Shuo below. After Gekko Hayate announced the start of the match, Shuo used the Body Flicker Technique to appear directly in front of Sakke and struck his elbow, crackling with lightning, into Sakke's chest.

"Lightning Release - Heavy Stream Burst..."

"So fast..."

Sakke managed to exclaim before his body was sent flying, his chest caving in, and blood gushing from his mouth.

"Examiner, I've won!"

Shuo glanced disdainfully at Sakura and the others, feeling the urge to teach Shino, who had deceived their Hidden Cloud Village girls, a lesson.

"The winner of this match is Shuo from the Hidden Cloud Village..."

Gekko Hayate had just turned to leave when Sakke, who was now spitting blood, flew past him. This saved him some effort, as he could simply turn around.

Shuo left the arena, while Sakke, lying on the ground and coughing up blood, looked bewildered. Why had he lost to an unknown nobody? And to make it worse, he had been defeated in a single move.

"Tsk tsk, no hope..."

Zabuza walked over, glanced down, and unenthusiastically hoisted Sakke onto his shoulder. The Sound Ninja Village was poor; they didn't need to waste much effort on helping injured people.

"Hmph..." As Shuo passed by Sakura and the others on his way back to the stands, he let out a cold snort, considering them a bunch of tortoises who had deceived young girls.

"Next, please welcome Zichuo from the Hidden Cloud Village and Tosu from the Sound Ninja Village for their match..."

Gekko Hayate couldn't be bothered to leave. He called the next contestants and, after announcing the start of the match, stood aside, waiting for the outcome.

"Hey, kid, do you want to have a duel with me?" Zichuo carried three swords on his back and wore sunglasses reminiscent of Killer Bee. His manner of speaking was eerily similar to Killer Bee's.

"Sakke, that guy, was careless and got killed by your comrade, but I won't be as careless!" Tosu, who resembled a porcupine in appearance, spoke in a raspy voice.

"Hey, kid, give it your all and fight me..." Zichuo held two swords in his hands and had one in his mouth, making his words somewhat unclear. However, his fighting spirit was evident.

"Hehe, bring it on! Air Slash..."

Tosu extended his hands and attempted to use ninjutsu, but before he could, a shadow flashed by, and he felt a chill around his neck. His ninjutsu instantly halted.


Tosu's body collapsed to the ground, becoming the first person in the preliminary matches to be killed directly.

"Why is his strength so weak?" Zichuo's eyebrows nearly knitted together. He had hoped for a balanced fight, but his opponent couldn't even withstand a single move from him!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 239: The Never-Ending Spiral Pill [Part One] 


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