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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Such incredible speed..."

Iwato's vision blurred for a moment, and then he felt a sharp pain in his arm as fresh blood gushed from the claw marks.

"I warned you to be careful; it's hunting time now," Kiba's figure appeared behind Iwato like a ghost. With a swift motion, his sharp nails tore through Iwato's clothing, leaving deep claw marks on his back, and blood oozed from the wounds.

"Damn it..."

Iwato swung his fist backward, but it missed. Although Kiba's speed wasn't as fast as Lee's, it was still too much for Iwato to keep up with. He felt a deep, bone-piercing pain in his arm and back, unlike any pain he had ever experienced before.

"I forgot to mention that once my claws scratch you, your wounds will be exceptionally hard to heal. Furthermore, they will keep bleeding until they fully heal," Kiba's voice echoed in Iwato's ears, causing him to tremble. If his wounds couldn't heal and continued to bleed, he might die from blood loss without Kiba having to do much more.

As Kiba spoke, he continued his relentless attacks. In just a few seconds, Iwato had several more wounds on his body. As Kiba had mentioned, these seemingly shallow wounds were continuously bleeding. While each individual wound didn't bleed much, the combination of multiple wounds had already soaked his clothes in blood.

"It seems I have to go all out..."

Seeing his wounds multiply and being unable to catch up with Kiba's speed, Iwato's face darkened. He took a deep breath, and Lava Release chakra began to spread from his hands throughout his body.

"Lava Release chakra mode..."

Soon, Iwato's entire body was enveloped in Lava Release chakra, making him appear as if he were wearing armor made of molten lava. He radiated intense heat, causing the ground beneath his feet to crack.

"My Lava Release chakra mode isn't complete, and I can only maintain it for a short time. But it should be enough. Lava Release chakra is extremely hot. Once it touches you, you'll be burned. How do you plan to harm me through Lava Release chakra now?" Iwato asked with a hint of curiosity. He had turned into a porcupine of sorts, ready to burn Kiba if he dared to touch him. This Lava Release chakra form was like armor with a counterattack effect.

"Are you daft? You already said your Lava Release chakra mode isn't complete and can only be maintained for a short time. So, all I have to do is stall you, and you won't be able to keep it up!" Kiba stood not far from Iwato, looking disdainful. "Besides, you can't catch up to my speed anyway. I just need to waste your time, and in the end, I'll win!"

Iwato sighed internally, realizing he had overlooked this issue. He couldn't harm Kiba, but he also couldn't maintain his Lava Release chakra mode for long. If he exceeded its time limit, he would be at a disadvantage.

"However, that wouldn't be very honorable," Kiba pretended to ponder, then suddenly clapped his hands. "I almost forgot, I have a companion!"

"Companion?" Iwato didn't understand what he meant.

"Akamaru, it's your turn..."

With a snap of his fingers, Akamaru, who had been sleeping in the corner, suddenly opened his eyes. His body vanished from his spot and reappeared next to Iwato in an instant. He opened his mouth and bit down on Iwato's leg.

"A ninja dog? How is that possible?" Iwato saw a white blur, and then a small ninja dog had bitten his leg. More importantly, the dog had bitten off a substantial chunk of the Lava Release chakra covering his leg.


Akamaru barked excitedly and chewed on the stolen Lava Release chakra, swallowing it down.

"My Lava Release chakra got eaten?"

Iwato was astonished. His chakra armor was extremely hot and could injure anyone who touched it, even himself when he used it. Why could a small, furry dog gnaw it off without harm?

"Kiba and Akamaru trained together. Kiba gained the ability to transform into a werewolf, with claws that cause continuous bleeding and enhanced physical abilities. Akamaru, on the other hand, gained the power to devour anything, like the legendary Tengu that devours the sun. What's more, most of what Akamaru devours can be regurgitated to support Kiba..." Sakura's eyes sparkled with amazement. She hadn't expected Akamaru to possess such a formidable devouring ability. Due to their joint training, Akamaru essentially acted as a mobile battery, continuously replenishing Kiba's energy during battle.

"Lava Release chakra is indeed impressive!"

Suddenly, Kiba raised an eyebrow and moved his fingers, causing molten lava-like chakra to appear at his fingertips.

"How can you have Lava Release chakra too?" Iwato exclaimed in shock. While the Hidden Rock Village possessed the Lava Release Kekkei Genkai, most Lava Release manifested as substances similar to limestone. The molten lava form, like his, was only possessed by a few individuals. Why did this Inuzuka clan member also have Lava Release?

"Because you have it!" Kiba moved his fingers and scratched the ground, causing the rocks to show signs of melting. "You gave it to me!"

"I gave it to you? Wait..."

Iwato's eyes widened as he lowered his head. He realized that Akamaru had already devoured all the Lava Release chakra from his leg, and it was after that that Kiba Inuzuka gained the ability to use Lava Release chakra. Could it be that this dog had consumed his Lava Release chakra and then transferred it to Kiba Inuzuka?

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 233: Werewolf and Tengu [Part Four] 


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