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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"It seems you've realized..." Kiba said, looking at Iwato's somewhat grim expression, then burst into laughter. "Without the protection of Lava Release chakra, let's see how you'll withstand my attacks!"

"Damn..." Iwato muttered under his breath as he threw a punch toward Akamaru. However, Akamaru's reaction was swift. He released his grip and ran back to Kiba's side.

"Huff... huff..." Iwato panted heavily. The sensation of his chakra being consumed by Akamaru was unbearable. In a short time, he had lost a significant amount of chakra, leaving him feeling weak and powerless.

Iwato's Lava Release chakra mode couldn't be maintained any longer. The lava-like chakra slowly receded into his body, revealing bleeding wounds.

"Let's finish this with one last move, Akamaru..." Kiba shouted, then formed hand seals. "Beast Human Clone..."

Smoke enveloped Akamaru, and when it dispersed, another Kiba stood in his place.

"Kiba meets Kiba..." they said simultaneously.

Kiba and Akamaru, both in their beastly forms, began spinning rapidly, resembling two drills as they charged towards Iwato.

"Don't underestimate me, Earth Release - Earth Flow Wall!" Iwato bit his finger and formed seals, channeling the remaining chakra within him. A thick earthen wall rose in front of him.

"Boom..." The two drill-like attacks repeatedly collided with the earthen wall, with Kiba and Akamaru relentlessly damaging it while Iwato's chakra repaired it. The two sides seemed to be in a deadlock.

However, Iwato's chakra had already been significantly depleted due to Akamaru's absorption and the constant repairs of the earth wall. It was on the verge of exhaustion.

"Feel your own power, Lava Release Kiba meets Kiba..." At that moment, Kiba released the Lava Release chakra he had absorbed from Akamaru. The molten chakra surrounded their spinning forms.

"Boom..." With a muffled sound, the earth wall finally couldn't withstand the high-speed rotation and intense heat. Two large holes were drilled through it, and the two spinning drills, enveloped in Lava Release chakra, made contact with Iwato.

"Pfft..." Iwato spat out a mouthful of blood, his face contorted in agony.

Kiba and Akamaru ceased their rotation, and Akamaru's transformation wore off, returning him to his original ninja dog form.

"I've won..." Kiba picked up Akamaru and placed him back in the pouch on his back. He addressed the fallen Iwato, who couldn't get up. "Your Lava Release chakra mode is indeed formidable. If you were up against a ninja specializing in taijutsu, you would have had an advantage. But unfortunately for you, your Lava Release was countered by Akamaru!"

"It's my bad luck..." Iwato clutched his chest and abdomen, feeling as if his internal organs had been shattered. "I was too arrogant, thinking that having Lava Release would easily defeat you."

"The winner is Kiba Inuzuka of Konoha Hidden Village..." Gekko Hayate announced the match result and then waved towards the exit.

"This guy seems seriously injured!" Haku and Zabuza entered the arena, their eyes lighting up when they saw Iwato lying on the ground. Zabuza, especially, had a sly smile on his face, and even with only his eyes visible beneath the bandages, it was clear he was enjoying the scene.

Iwato subtly shifted his body, aware of the intimidating gazes of these two.

"Hey, young man, don't be shy. We're not demons; we won't eat you," Zabuza said with a smile as he approached Iwato, pressing him down when he tried to move to a corner.

"Well, our team's Jōnin can use medical ninjutsu himself. I can let him treat me, so there's no need to trouble you," Iwato's smile twisted, not wanting to be carried away like the others. Moreover, these two doctors didn't seem very reliable, and he didn't want to be swindled by the hospital.

"Young man, don't be shy. With such severe injuries, medical ninjutsu alone won't cut it. You need systematic treatment to recover quickly," Zabuza said, one hand restraining Iwato's struggling form and the other feeling his pulse. "There's internal bleeding in your abdomen and chest, some rib fractures, varying degrees of organ damage, and it seems like you're showing signs of rabies infection."

Iwato wanted to give this unscrupulous doctor a piece of his mind. How could he know all this by just checking his pulse, especially the rabies infection? Shouldn't that require a thorough examination at a hospital?

"Doctor, he's lost a lot of blood. Make sure to give him a blood transfusion; we don't want him dying from excessive bleeding!" Kiba kindly reminded them from the side, earning an angry glare from Iwato.

"I haven't..." he started to say.

But before he could finish the sentence, Zabuza stuffed a bundle of gauze into Iwato's mouth, silencing him.

"Carry him away. The hospital has just received a new batch of expensive medicines and nutrients. Although they're costly, their effectiveness is undeniable. Use the medicines for his treatment and the nutrients to replenish him. Especially the ones for blood, don't leave any out. Then, send the bill to Hidden Rock Village. We'll have a substantial income from this!" Zabuza said.

"Ugh..." The physical pain was nothing compared to the frustration Iwato felt as he listened to these two unscrupulous doctors openly discussing using expensive drugs. He wanted to curse them loudly, but his mouth was gagged, and his body was firmly restrained.

"By the way, does Konoha only have these two doctors?" Temari asked with a perplexed expression. She had noticed that every time there was a match, these two doctors were the ones who came to handle the injured.

"No, it's mainly because other doctors are too embarrassed to openly swindle people like these two," Sakura revealed the truth. "Haku and Bandages have reached an agreement with Third Hokage. They take the opportunity to use valuable medicines and squeeze more money from other ninja villages. Later, they'll share a portion of the earnings with them. For this, Haku and Bandages have completely abandoned any sense of shame."

"Third Hokage?" Temari stared in disbelief at the Third Hokage, who was sitting prominently in the stands, wearing a kindly smile. She couldn't believe how cunning he could be.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 234: Shino's Resentment 


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