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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard



Just as Kiba leaped into the air, a blade arm swung right beneath him. If Kiba hadn't jumped, the blade arm would have cut through his waist.

"You started by using an Earth Clone to secretly divert my attention, then your main body used the Rock Concealment Jutsu to hide and launch a surprise attack from behind..."

Kiba pushed off with his arms, swiftly moving to the side, and only then did two kunai knives land where he had been.

"Remarkable reaction speed," Iwato said, somewhat surprised. From detecting the sneak attack by Iwato's main body to evading it, Kiba had executed this sequence of actions in just a few seconds. Such quick reflexes and decisiveness left Iwato amazed.

"Thanks for the compliment," Kiba replied, rubbing his nose. Suddenly, he tossed a Shuriken at Iwato's Earth Clone and charged towards Iwato's main body.

"Fang Drill Jutsu..."

Kiba's body rapidly spun, resembling a drill as he headed toward Iwato's main body.

"Did you plan to use Shuriken to hinder my Earth Clone and then swiftly defeat me with ninjutsu?"

Iwato quickly formed hand seals, causing a stone slab to rise in front of him, blocking Kiba's path. "Earth Release—Earth Return..."


The stone slab shattered instantly as Kiba crashed into it, continuing his assault on Iwato.

"You fell for it..."

Iwato suddenly smiled as Kiba collided with the Earth Clone and his body rapidly began to melt, turning into a pool of clay.

"I am the Earth Clone, and a sticky one at that. Sticky Earth Clones possess strong adhesion. Once they touch you like glue, they'll stick to your body. If I can delay you for just a moment, my main body will have ample time to defeat you..."

As the clone transformed into clay, Iwato, who had previously blocked the Shuriken with the Shuriken, approached Kiba, now stuck in the clay. A determined smile played on his face.


However, just as the blade arm was about to reach Kiba, his body trapped in clay suddenly turned into smoke. Meanwhile, the Shuriken that Iwato had knocked away transformed into Kiba and rapidly rotated in the air, heading toward Iwato.

"So, your main body transformed into a Shuriken while your clone attacked my sticky Earth Clone..."

Iwato instantly understood Kiba's sequence of actions. Without hesitation, he formed hand seals, using 'Earth Release—Earth Return,' and swiftly moved aside.


Kiba shattered the stone slab that rose from the ground. However, with the slab's delay, Iwato had time to react and had already moved to the side when Kiba crashed through it.

"You're pretty quick!"

Kiba stopped and said, "Moreover, this sticky Earth Clone is something I've never seen before. A clone made of sticky soil with adhesive properties is a great choice for immobilizing opponents."

"Did you know I was the main body from the beginning?!" Iwato looked at Kiba in disbelief. "How did you realize something was amiss?"

"Your scent gave you away!"

Kiba touched his nose and chuckled. "The scent of the main body and the clone is different. Even if chakra and appearance are identical, the smell of a living person and soil can never be the same!"

"What? Scent?" Iwato was dumbfounded, learning for the first time that distinguishing between the main body and clone could depend on scent. "So, the Inuzuka clan from Konoha has this ability too?"

"No, this is my unique ability!" Kiba denied Iwato's assumption. "My situation is rather special. I'm the only one who can distinguish between the main body and the clone based on scent!"

"..." Iwato fell silent, not knowing how to respond. However, he soon regained his focus, adopting a combat stance. "I'll give it my all from here on!"

"Alright, I'll take it more seriously too!"

Kiba shrugged, displaying a relaxed and comfortable expression. His carefree attitude furrowed Iwato's brows.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Iwato snorted in irritation and charged towards Kiba like a gust of wind. His hands were now covered in a substance resembling lava.

"Is this Lava Release chakra?" Kiba dodged to the side, glancing at his clothing. When he had evaded earlier, his clothing had accidentally brushed against Iwato's fist. In that instant, the fabric had been reduced to ashes, revealing the high temperature on Iwato's hands.

"Be careful; my hands have a high temperature. Even stones would melt if touched..."

Iwato warned, and the temperature on his hands became even hotter.

"Well, as long as I don't let you touch me..."

Kiba grinned, revealing his sharpened pupils that resembled a beast's gaze. His hair began to grow, cascading down his back and hardening. Pointed ears emerged from his hair, and four sharp canine teeth grew in his mouth. His fingernails turned into claws, and his back slightly hunched, resembling a hunting wild animal.

"Fortunately, Kiba's werewolf transformation doesn't actually turn him into a wolf but something similar to Inuyasha..." Sakura whispered to herself. If Kiba's werewolf transformation had turned him into a half-human, half-wolf creature, the Inuzuka clan might not have been able to accept it.

While the Inuzuka clan fought alongside ninja dogs, it didn't mean they would accept their own clan members turning into half-human, half-wolf beings. Luckily, Kiba's werewolf transformation only occurred when he wanted it to and resembled Inuyasha's appearance rather than the wolf-headed creatures from Western mythology.

"Is this an Inuzuka clan Secret Technique? I thought the Inuzuka clan fought alongside ninja dogs? Why has he been fighting alone?"

Iwato glanced at Akamaru, who was sleeping in the corner with narrowed eyes. Without the support of ninja dogs, were the Inuzuka clan still the same?

"Get ready; the werewolf is about to start hunting..."

Kiba grinned widely, exuding a wild aura. His gaze resembled that of a predator, causing Iwato to take a small step back, unable to control himself.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 232: Werewolf and Tengu [Part Three] 


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