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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Where are the ones above? Where's Kiba Inuzuka? Get down here for the match..." Gekko Hayate's voice echoed in the ears of those engaged in playful banter. The group immediately stopped and looked down at the arena.

"Don't just stand there! He's talking about you, Kiba Inuzuka! Get down here for the match!" Gekko Hayate's mood was sour. He had hosted the Chunin Exams many times before, but he had never felt as frustrated as today. Not only did he have few opportunities to participate, but the chaos caused by Konoha's young participants had been unprecedented. From Ino, who initially caused no damage to the arena, to Lee, who was slightly injured, and then the Hyuga siblings who cracked the walls twice, followed by Choji Akimichi, who raised clouds of dust by pounding the ground, and Tenten, who had recently caused a significant explosion in the Central Tower. Gekko Hayate was lost for words.

Gekko Hayate, seething with frustration, gave Sakura's group a resentful look, sending shivers down their spines.

"Kiba, it's your turn. This time, don't demolish the arena. Otherwise, I think the Examiner might start punching you in the chest with their tiny fists!" Sakura warned Kiba with a serious expression. But when she thought about it, Kiba's fighting style didn't involve wide-scale attacks, so he probably wouldn't destroy the arena again.

"I don't have a hobby of tearing things apart!" Kiba's eyebrows twitched a few times, and Sakura's words reminded him of a blue-eyed dog at home. It was good-looking but had a special liking for destruction. It had annoyed its owner so much that they almost sent it to the dog meat market.

"Kiba Inuzuka, do you still want to compete or not?!" Gekko Hayate was on the verge of losing it. Were these troublesome kids chatting casually while he was trying to run the exam? Did they not respect him as the main Examiner? Frustrated and angry, Gekko Hayate let out the loudest cough of his life. "Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough..."

"Kiba, get down there for the match. Look, even the Examiner is about to faint from frustration because of you. If you don't go down now, we might end up with a hefty medical bill!" Sakura threw Kiba down directly, along with Akamaru, who was napping in Kiba's hood.

"Woof?!" Akamaru, still half-asleep, felt a sudden sensation of rapid descent. When he fully woke up, he found himself lying face down on the ground with two people standing there looking puzzled. He was standing on his owner's back.

This typical crime scene made Akamaru panic. His owner better not die, or he would be left all alone, and how would he find a mate, eat well, and drink well?

"Akamaru, don't bark..." Being connected to his dog's thoughts, Kiba naturally understood what Akamaru's barking meant. Being thrown down face-first was bad enough, but now he had to face his heartless dog as well. Kiba's heart was filled with endless desolation.

"Woof..." You didn't die, the one who picks up my poop!

"Don't ever go play with that blue-eyed, black and white guy again. He's been a bad influence on you!" Kiba angrily imposed a ban on his dog. His dog had been so cute, but ever since he started hanging out with that blue-eyed one, Akamaru had changed. He was no longer the obedient and lovable dog he used to be.

"Woof..." Faced with the orders of his caregivers, Akamaru was reluctant but still complied. Well, he could always play with the Siberian Husky next door later; that wouldn't violate the orders, right?

"Kiba Inuzuka, Genin, please get ready. The match is about to begin..." Gekko Hayate reminded him with a stern face. These unlucky kids were still talking to their dogs at a time like this.

"I'm ready!" Kiba's eyes flashed with determination, but his expression remained lazy. "I can start the match at any time!"

"Hidden Rock Village Genin, Iwato..." Kiba's opponent was a Hidden Rock Village Genin with a simple and honest appearance, short hair, and two sharp knives on his forearm. The blades gleamed with a cold light, concealed within mechanisms on his arms and not yet deployed. At first glance, this Iwato person seemed unremarkable, and if you placed him in a crowd, hardly anyone would notice him. However, Kiba dared not underestimate him. Sakura had once told Kiba a lesson: often, the most inconspicuous people were the deadliest.

"Konoha Hidden Village Genin, Kiba Inuzuka..." Kiba also formed a hand seal, and when Gekko Hayate announced the start of the match, he charged directly at Iwato.

"Clang..." The kunai in Kiba's hand clashed with Iwato's arm blades. In the next second, they separated and clashed again. In a matter of seconds, the two had already gone through dozens of exchanges, their rapid impacts resounding in the ears.

Sakura and her team were no strangers to close combat. Close combat had become a required skill for them in the ninja world. In many cases, the outcome of a battle depended on physical combat. Even Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha, as powerful as they were, resorted to physical combat in the end. So, Sakura and her team had put in a lot of effort to become proficient in physical combat. They didn't aim to reach the level of Guy and Lee, but they didn't want to be at a significant disadvantage in hand-to-hand combat either.

Kiba held a kunai in one hand and engaged Iwato in a fierce exchange. Meanwhile, Akamaru lazily found a shady corner, lay down, and closed his eyes for a nap. He trusted his poop-picker. If things got too tough, he would step in.

The clash of arm blades and kunai continued, and Kiba and Iwato also engaged in intense hand-to-hand combat. Kiba was holding back, and yet he was evenly matched with Iwato. Both were quick and launched attacks that could be described as lightning-fast. After a few minutes of grappling, neither of them had gained the upper hand.

"He's quite fast..." Kiba sniffed lightly, then threw the kunai away and grabbed Iwato's hands, using the force to jump high into the air.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 231: Werewolf and Tengu [Part Two] 


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