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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Well, if you don't mind, I can help you recover from your injuries," Karin hesitated for a moment and reached out her arm to Tenten. "Just bite my skin lightly!"

"Huh? Won't that harm your body?" Tenten frowned. "My injuries aren't severe; you don't have to bother."

"It's okay. Helping you recover won't have much of an impact on me," Karin smiled and said, "Let me do what I can to help."

"Well, alright," Tenten hesitated for a moment but didn't refuse Karin's offer. She could tell that Karin wanted to fit in with them, and the best way to do that was to share their trials and tribulations.

Tenten gently bit into Karin's wrist, feeling a warm surge of chakra entering her body. The vital chakra quickly healed Tenten's injuries.

"There, all done."

In just a few seconds, Tenten released her grip and looked at the bite on Karin's wrist. Suddenly, she felt a bit embarrassed.

"Here, scar removal cream. Apply it, and it will quickly eliminate scars. Use it morning and evening for a month, and your old scars will be gone," Sasuke extended his hand, holding a small porcelain bottle. "This is a secret Uchiha clan scar removal cream, it works well."

As Konoha's beauty, the Uchiha clan naturally had various beauty products, including scar removal cream. Karin, despite her young age, only had a few old scars on her arm. With the scar removal cream, they would heal quickly.

"Sasuke, you're beyond redemption. You're giving her scar removal cream at a time like this?" Sakura looked at him with a disappointed expression. "You should take the initiative to apply it to Karin; it might help improve your relationship. Who knows, while you're applying it together, you might end up alone and ignite a passionate spark, creating the next generation of the Uchiha clan... Oh, Kakashi-sensei, why did you hit me?!"

Sakura was getting carried away with her words when Kakashi hit her on the head. She turned to see that not only Kakashi but also the others were looking at her with disbelief. Temari, who was escorting her little brother, Gaara, was particularly cautious, shielding him as if he were a fragile chick.

"Stop reading those explicit books, Sakura!" Kakashi sighed with concern. "You're just a twelve-year-old girl; you should be more innocent!"

"Pfft, Kakashi-sensei, reading Icha Icha Paradise isn't impure. It's just a simple romance novel, maybe with a little suggestive content and a few bikini pictures added. Look at how embarrassed you are!" Sakura rolled her eyes and said, "I've read more explicit scenes than Icha Icha Paradise; it's practically tame!"

"So, what have you been reading then?" Kakashi's heart ached. If Sakura considered Icha Icha Paradise mild, he could only imagine what she had read.

"Kakashi-sensei, you're too innocent!" Sakura shook her head and sighed. "At this rate, I'm worried about your harmonious married life with Sister Ayame!"

"Children, stop discussing such topics!" Kakashi blushed, finding it uncomfortable to discuss adult matters with his students.

"Sigh..." Sakura gave Kakashi a rude gesture. Then, her eyes lit up as she turned to Temari and Gaara. "Temari, do you want to be the main character in my next book?"

"The main character in your next book?" Temari took a cautious step back. "What kind of book? Please don't tell me it's one of those explicit ones."

Considering Sakura's casual attitude towards certain books, Temari thought it was a distinct possibility.

"No, no, I'm talking about the 'Misguided Love' series!" Sakura couldn't help but roll her eyes. "A cold-blooded, bloodthirsty little brother, a soft-hearted older sister who wants to get close but can't muster the courage, and a team leader Jōnin with inappropriate feelings for her students. The little brother locks up the older sister, and well, certain explicit scenes develop. Oh, and your lazy brother Kankuro can be a supporting character!"

"You're unbelievable..." Temari was blushing as she covered Gaara's ears. She couldn't allow her pure-hearted little brother to be tainted.

Though Temari had only recently grown close to Gaara, she had become a total sibling enthusiast. Compared to her lazy brother Kankuro, Gaara was much more adorable. She regretted not realizing Gaara's cuteness sooner, but it wasn't too late to protect him now.

"Lock up... the sister?!" Gaara overheard Sakura's words and muttered with confusion.

"Yeah, it means to keep Temari locked away so that she belongs only to you... Uh, never mind! What are you all doing?!" Hinata and Ino, flanked on either side, dragged Sakura away, and Tenten covered Sakura's mouth with her hand.

"Ahaha, sorry about that. Sakura had a little mental breakdown just now!" Kakashi laughed awkwardly. This troublemaker, not content with spreading her unusual thoughts in Konoha, was now trying to spread them to other villages. This was going to make Konoha lose face all over the world!

"She has these moments of craziness," Sasuke said with a dark expression, recalling the time Sakura had created an illusion while he was using his Three Tomoe Sharingan, showing him scenes of his older brother and Shisui getting intimate. She had even added a soundtrack to it.

"Ughh... let me go... I'm not sick..." Sakura, being held firmly by Hinata and the others, struggled even harder.

"Gaara, in the future, make sure to stay away from her. Don't let her corrupt you," Temari said as she pulled Gaara away. These people from Konoha didn't seem normal at all, and she had to protect her innocent little brother.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 230: Werewolf and Tengu [Part One] 


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