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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


As Inkao launched an attack from behind Neji, another Inkao appeared in front of Neji, effectively blocking his path.

Caught between a rock and a hard place, if Neji retreated, he would be stabbed by the rear Inkao. If he moved forward or sidestepped to evade, the front Inkao would use ninjutsu to attack him. Neji had just used his "Reversal" technique and couldn't employ it again immediately. In this moment, Inkao seemed to relish the sight of Neji's impending demise, a triumphant smile on her face.

"Do you really think you've got me cornered?!"

In the face of this predicament, Neji calmly leaped backward. The Lightning Release from the front Inkao grazed his nose, and just as Neji's body was about to collide with the blade of the rear Inkao, a surge of chakra suddenly burst from Neji's back, sending the knife-wielding Inkao flying.

"Soft Fist Technique – One Strike Displacement…"

The Soft Fist Technique: One Strike Displacement was originally designed to release chakra from all around the body, freeing the user from opponents clinging to them. Neji's use of it, however, happened to knock away the Inkao close to him.


The Inkao sent flying by chakra landed and turned into a white mist, disappearing. Clearly, this Inkao was also a clone.

"Damn, I didn't expect you to escape like this…"

The Inkao standing in front of Neji was full of frustration. She had planned everything perfectly, but Neji managed to use this body technique to escape. At this moment, Inkao seemed infuriated at the thought of Neji slipping through her fingers.

"First, you deceived me with a clone infused with Lightning Release chakra for a close-quarters attack. Just as I got close, you detonated the clone, releasing the Lightning Release chakra. If I couldn't evade, I would be paralyzed by the Lightning Release chakra, and then you could appear and kill me. However, my 'Reversal' disrupted that plan. Unable to paralyze me with Lightning Release chakra, you had to rely on the cooldown time of my technique to double-team me. Unfortunately, your knowledge of me is too limited…"

Neji stood still, not initiating an attack but calmly analyzing Inkao's tactics. His white pupils seemed to see through people's hearts, making Inkao wish she could immediately dig out Neji's Byakugan and trample on it.

"You don't need to be so pleased. Today's winner is destined to be me..."

Inkao clenched her teeth, her resentment towards Neji growing stronger.

"Let's see!"

Neji didn't argue with her but stood quietly, waiting for Inkao to launch the first attack.


Neji's attitude made Inkao's breathing quicken, infuriating her. However, she quickly regained her composure. She was determined to kill Neji today; everyone warned her not to let anger cloud her judgment.

"The Hyuga clan's attack focuses on the Soft Fist's close-range acupuncture. To deal with this guy, everyone warned not to let him get close. But if I use long-range attacks, he'll surely block them with 'Reversal.' However, that technique has a cooldown, making consecutive use impossible. In that case…"

After analyzing in her mind, Inkao's eyes lit up. She casually threw a kunai from her ninja tool pouch, and behind the kunai floated an explosive tag.

"A kunai with an explosive tag, huh?"

Neji's brows furrowed when he saw the explosive tag. Being hit at close range by such a thing would be troublesome. Moreover, he pondered, "Are you trying to force me to use 'Reversal' to defend, and then seize the opportunity to kill me during its cooldown?"

"Eight Trigrams Empty Palm…"

Having deduced Inkao's intentions, Neji calmly raised his hand and executed an "Eight Trigrams Empty Palm." Chakra surged from his palm, directly colliding with the kunai and sending it flying.


The explosion from the explosive tag made everyone feel uncomfortable, their eyes stinging. Neji and Inkao, the closest to the blast, squinted simultaneously.

"It was actually swatted away? Didn't force him to use 'Reversal,' indeed a bit regrettable. However, the real killer move is here!"

As the explosive tag detonated, Inkao formed several hand seals, and a dazzling light appeared on her clasped hands.

"Storm Release――Inspiring Lock of Subjugation…"

A laser-like light shot out from Inkao's hands at a rapid speed, heading straight for Neji.

"Is this Storm Release's Kekkei Genkai?"

The speed of Storm Release was so fast that Neji had no time to dodge. He was well aware that Storm Release could change direction. Even if he avoided it, under Inkao's control, Storm Release would still pursue him. Therefore, Neji chose to confront it head-on.

"Eight Trigrams Palm. Reversal…"

The laser beam of Storm Release collided with Neji's "Reversal." The two clashed continuously, creating explosions from the collision of chakra.

"As expected, no evasion was chosen, but a direct block with 'Reversal.' However, this is just as I anticipated…"

Inkao wasn't discouraged; instead, she was delighted. Her original purpose in using Storm Release was to force Neji to use "Reversal." She initially thought Neji would choose to dodge first and then use "Reversal" upon realizing Storm Release could change direction. Unexpectedly, Neji acted decisively, using "Reversal" directly without dodging. Although the process differed from her expectations, the result was the same. She successfully baited Neji into using "Reversal," marking her victory.

"This time, you won't escape again…"

The moment Neji stopped using "Reversal," a clone emerged behind Inkao. She quickly formed hand seals, and blue lightning burst forth.

"Lightning Release――False Shadow…"

The dazzling blue Lightning Release rushed toward Neji, who had just ceased using "Reversal." Lightning Release was already exceptionally fast, and with Inkao's preparedness, it arrived in front of Neji almost instantly after his technique stopped.

"You will obediently meet your end…"

Inkao's face displayed a determined expression. Neji, having just halted "Reversal," couldn't use it again to defend. Moreover, False Shadow was a Lightning Release ninjutsu. His peculiar technique could repel close-range clones but had no effect against long-range Lightning Release attacks. Additionally, this was an attack she had prepared in advance. Neji had no time to dodge.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 220: Neji's Forbidden Magic Domain [Part Five] 


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