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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"This matter, telling us won't make a difference. The two victims, one is below, and one is here. You better seek their forgiveness!" Sakura remained unmoved by the apologies and instead shifted the issue to Hinata and Neji.

"Uh, well..."

Upon seeing Hinata, both Shuo and Zichuo were stunned. Wasn't she the girl who had sent them to the hospital after the Hidden Cloud village's another exam a while ago? After some commotion, it turned out she was the kidnapped victim from years ago. The expressions of Shuo and Zichuo became even more awkward.

Shuo and Zichuo felt like they were gossiping about someone's scandal behind their back, and then, turning around, they found the person standing right behind them, having heard everything without missing a word. This feeling was quite uncomfortable.

"If Neji is willing to spare her life, I won't object. If Neji is determined to kill her, I hope you won't interfere!" Hinata said expressionlessly. "As for the Hidden Cloud village, we're not so bored as to retaliate. If you don't provoke us, we won't bring up that matter from the past again!"

"Don't worry about that. I can assure you in my master's name that Inkao's actions are her own, and Hidden Cloud village won't intentionally cause trouble over this matter!" Shuo directly brought up the Fourth Raikage, asserting his authority in the situation. Hidden Cloud village wasn't so bored as to confront Konoha over a moderately talented Genin. Of course, if a war broke out someday, that could be a different story.

"Yes, and the Chunin Exam is bound to have casualties. If something unexpected happens, it's normal..." Zichuo chimed in, not wanting to escalate the situation.

"Then let's just watch the match in peace!"

Hinata turned her head back, staring intently at the ongoing battle below.

Seeing this, Shuo and Zichuo could only exchange a smile, then turned and walked back to their own territory. Judging by the attitude of the Konoha team, it seemed they wouldn't pick a fight with the Hidden Cloud village over Inkao's words.

Meanwhile, in the arena, Neji and Inkao were already entangled in a fierce fight. Despite Sakura and others finding Inkao annoying, her strength was undeniable. With a short knife, she skillfully targeted Neji's vital points with each strike.

While Neji didn't use any weapons, his palms were covered with chakra. Faced with Inkao's short knife, he didn't fall behind. Neji seemed to handle the fight effortlessly, while Inkao appeared to be putting in all her effort, making it clear who was stronger and weaker.

"Gentle Fist..."

After dodging another attack from Inkao, Neji seized the opportunity, turned around, and slapped his palm on Inkao's abdominal area. Chakra penetrated through his palm, like a needle, piercing into Inkao's body, causing her to clutch her stomach in pain and kneel down.

"Damn it..."

Inkao stood up, holding her stomach, and glared at Neji as if she wanted to devour him.

"Do you want to continue?" Neji asked expressionlessly.

"Today, I will definitely kill you..."

Inkao's face revealed a fierce expression. After taking a few deep breaths to alleviate the pain, she once again charged forward with her knife.

"Since that's the case, then..."

Neji wasn't a saintly person. If Inkao insisted on fighting him to the death, Neji wouldn't hold back. In an instant, he moved towards Inkao.


Inkao was struck in the abdomen by a Gentle Fist attack. Her movements were already sluggish due to pain, and Neji, showing no mercy, deftly brushed aside Inkao's arm with a palm. Then, with hands moving as fast as lightning, Neji rapidly struck Inkao all over her body.

"Gentle Fist, Eight Trigrams――Two Palms... Four Palms... Eight Palms... Sixteen Palms... Thirty-Two Palms... Sixty-Four Palms..."

A complete set of Eight Trigrams, Sixty-Four Palms, hit Inkao without missing a beat. The pain was evident on Inkao's face. After the sixty-four strikes, she spat out a mouthful of blood. However, a sly smile appeared on her face.

"You fell for it..."

In an instant, Inkao's body turned into a burst of lightning, heading straight for Neji. The one struck by Neji's Eight Trigrams, Sixty-Four Palms wasn't the real Inkao but a clone infused with Lightning Release chakra. Inkao's desired outcome was to engage Neji in close-quarters combat using Gentle Fist, allowing her to detonate the clone when Neji was physically close and vulnerable. With Neji having used up his chakra for Gentle Fist, he would need a moment to react, taking advantage of Neji's weakened state.

Indeed, after completing the entire Gentle Fist sequence, Neji experienced a brief moment of stiffness. Although the recovery was in the blink of an eye, the timeframe was long enough. Seizing this opportunity, Inkao detonated the clone, directing the Lightning Release chakra towards Neji at close range, exploiting the moment when Neji was unable to react promptly.

"Byakugan brat, just obediently die for me. I'll use your corpse to commemorate my father..."

Inkao, concealed in the shadows, flashed a malicious smile. Soon, she could avenge her father, and she no longer cared about the potential conflict between Hidden Cloud village and Konoha.

However, Sakura and the others did not display panic on their faces upon seeing Neji in a precarious situation. Setting aside Neji's unique abilities that could counter Inkao's move, even without such abilities, Sakura and her team doubted that Inkao could easily deal with Neji.

In fact, just as the lightning was about to envelop Neji's body, he chose not to retreat and evade. Instead, he rushed forward, chakra surging from his acupuncture points.

"Eight Trigrams Palm――Reversal..."

A chakra-formed sphere directly annihilated the lightning. When the sphere came to a halt, the ground had already been carved into a pit by the rotating chakra. Neji stood unscathed in the middle of the pit.

"You're celebrating too early, brat..."

When Reversal stopped, Inkao's figure emerged from behind Neji, slashing a knife towards him.

"As far as I know, the Hyuga clan's Reversal can't be continuously activated. You just used Reversal, so how do you plan to resist an attack now?"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 219: Neji's Forbidden Magic Domain [Four] 


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