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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"A well-calculated move, using ninjutsu to launch an attack when I ceased my retaliation, forcing me into an unavoidable situation, leaving me with no choice but to face it head-on. Unfortunately, you overlooked one thing..."

Facing the imminent Lightning Release, Neji remained calm and composed, contrary to Inkao's inexplicable sense of panic.

"It will definitely succeed!" Suppressing the turmoil in her heart, Inkao stared at Neji, only to be frozen in place. "How is that possible?!"

At the moment when Lightning Release was about to strike Neji, it suddenly vanished without a trace, with no warning. The disappearance of Lightning Release left Inkao bewildered.

"What on earth is happening?"

Inkao was dumbfounded. In her anticipation, Neji should have been hit by Lightning Release and met his demise. Why did Lightning Release suddenly vanish?

"Could I have fallen under Genjutsu? No, my chakra has no issues, and Zetsu isn't a Genjutsu technique..."

Initially suspecting Genjutsu, Inkao quickly dismissed the thought. Hyuga clan's Byakugan could only be used for Gentle Fist techniques, unlike the Sharingan capable of casting Genjutsu. Her chakra flow showed no signs of Genjutsu influence. If she wasn't under Genjutsu, why did Lightning Release disappear?

"Hehe, trying to attack Neji with ninjutsu is quite fanciful!"

Sakura and the others wore expressions of disdain.

"Hey, Neji's Forbidden Magic Domain is becoming more proficient!" Kakashi squinted, expressing admiration.

"Neji's primary combat method is the Gentle Fist in close combat. Although it's potent in melee, it has limitations at a distance. If the enemy creates space, Neji becomes vulnerable to ninjutsu, easily drained until defeated. The Forbidden Magic Domain perfectly compensates for this drawback. Once activated, Neji can freely inhibit chakra flow within the domain. In other words, whether it's ninjutsu or Genjutsu, both will dissipate within the domain. In this situation, the enemy is left with only taijutsu against Neji, who, possessing the Byakugan, gains an advantage in close combat..."

The ability awakened by Neji is the Forbidden Magic Domain. Once unleashed, Neji can restrict chakra flow within the domain. Any chakra entering the domain dissipates instantly. In a sense, Neji is a natural nemesis for ninjas, as they heavily rely on chakra. However, within the Forbidden Magic Domain, they cannot release chakra externally, forcing them to rely on taijutsu or other non-chakra-dependent attacks.

"I forgot to mention, ninjutsu attacks are ineffective against me..."

Neji assumed the stance of Gentle Fist, and an invisible octagonal domain enveloped Inkao, giving her a sense of inevitability.

"Next, experience the power of Gentle Fist up close. Gentle Fist Art: Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms..."

"Trying to get close for a Gentle Fist attack is nothing but a dream. Storm Release—Lightning Cloud Quake..."

Inkao widened her eyes, biting down on Kiba to extract her chakra, using an S-rank ninjutsu she currently struggled to control. Although she diligently studied this ninjutsu, her current strength made mastering it extremely challenging. One wrong move could even result in self-inflicted injuries.

The previous Inkao wouldn't have impulsively used such an uncontrollable ninjutsu. However, Neji's attacks had triggered a sense of crisis in her. For the sake of survival, she disregarded the risks and attempted to confront Neji with this technique.

Dark clouds began gathering around Inkao as she unleashed the Lightning Cloud Quake. The lightning within the small cloud exuded a volatile aura. While the Lightning Cloud Quake was incomplete, Inkao was sweating profusely. The energy within the cloud was too unruly for her to control. Inkao even sensed signs of the ninjutsu slipping out of control.

"Thinking of surrounding Storm Release outside your body to block my Gentle Fist? You're too naive!"

Without hesitation, Neji rushed to Inkao. In her shocked gaze, the Forbidden Magic Domain silently activated, causing the previously unruly thundercloud to vanish without a sound.

"As I said, ninjutsu attacks are ineffective against me..."

Neji's hands relentlessly struck, rapidly penetrating Inkao's skin as chakra attacked her from within.

"Wow... Cough..."

Inkao spat out a mouthful of blood. The injuries from forcibly using the S-rank ninjutsu took a toll on her body, leaving her in a heavily wounded state.

"Final move, Gentle Fist Art: Eight Trigrams—Breaking Mountain Strike..."

Violent chakra erupted from Neji's palms, crashing into Inkao. She was sent hurtling backward, slamming into the arena's wall before coming to a stop.


A muffled sound echoed as cracks resembling a spiderweb formed on the arena wall around Inkao. With such a heavy blow, Inkao was barely holding on.


Inkao's body, previously pressed against the wall, moved slightly. From the wall, she weakly fell to the ground, streams of blood flowing from her mouth. Her entire being looked disheveled.

"You've lost..." Neji walked up to Inkao, his expression calm. "You once said that losing to me was a fate destined by destiny, but now it seems that destiny has been broken."

"You... Wow..."

Inkao gasped urgently, coughing up more blood.

"Living with meaningless hatred every day, you're truly pitiful," Neji remarked, glancing at Inkao before turning to leave.

"Wait and see. One day, I will avenge my father..." Inkao spoke vehemently.

"Self-deception is a pitiable trait. Knowing your father was wrong but refusing to admit the truth," Neji ignored Inkao's shouts, leaving without further acknowledgment.

"..." Unwillingly, Inkao clenched her fists. If Neji had mocked or ridiculed her, she might have harbored more resentment. However, Neji's current indifference left Inkao feeling not only emotionally distressed but also lost. Must she continue living with hatred?

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 221: The Legendary Titanium Alloy Dog Eyes [Part One] 


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