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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"You're so cute. Why would you want to be a Ninja? It's not a good thing to always risk your life," Kagetsuki nagged like a concerned mother. "In my opinion, a delicate girl like you should stay at home and be a good daughter..."

"Do you look down on girls?" Hinata raised an eyebrow, a hint of displeasure flashing in her eyes.

"It's not that. I just feel that a girl as cute as you shouldn't be in a dangerous profession like a Ninja," Kagetsuki chuckled. "In fact, apart from Lord Fourth Raikage and Lord Killer Bee, Lady Yugito Nii is also one of my idols..."

"You admire the Fourth Raikage and Killer Bee?" Hinata narrowed her eyes, interrupting Kagetsuki. She seemed to recall Sakura giving her some photos. Given Kagetsuki's admiration for the Fourth Raikage and Killer Bee, she wondered if those photos could shake his faith.

"Yes, mighty men like Lord Fourth Raikage and Lord Killer Bee are the ones I aspire to be like!" Kagetsuki's face showed intense admiration, as if he was looking at his gods. "One day, I hope to stand beside them and be their right-hand man."

"Hmm..." Hinata's expression shifted slightly, feeling an oddly flamboyant vibe from him.

"Although I'm currently not very strong, I believe that with effort, I can achieve my dreams!" Kagetsuki's expression turned a bit melancholic. "To be honest, I would've loved to face off against that kappa-head we encountered earlier. He might look odd, but he's strong. And he's a hard worker. I could've learned a lot from him."

"Oh? Do you think I'm not worthy of being your opponent?" A cold glint flashed in Hinata's eyes. It seemed that the muscle-heads from the Hidden Cloud village needed a lesson.

"Well, it's not like that. I just feel it'd be unfair to you if we battled. It'd feel like I was picking on you..." Kagetsuki hesitated for a few seconds before confessing his true feelings. Honestly, he was dissatisfied with the idea of fighting Hinata. Despite being a Genin in name, his abilities were far beyond that. He wanted to fight against someone like Lee. Fighting a girl didn't excite him.

"Really?" A vein popped on Hinata's forehead as she smiled brightly. "Speaking of which, I happen to have two photos of your idols. Want to see them?"

"My idols' photos? You mean Lord Fourth Raikage and Lord Killer Bee?" Kagetsuki was taken aback and then skeptical. "You're joking, right? You're a Konoha Ninja. How could you have photos of them?"

Ninjas' information is typically confidential, especially village leaders and Jinchuriki. But how could photos of Fourth Raikage and Killer Bee be taken by someone from Konoha?

"In addition to being a Konoha Ninja, I'm also a shareholder of Tenka Kai. With some money, I can even get a photo of the Land of Lightning's Daimyo!" Hinata replied calmly, "Although their photos are more expensive, it's just pocket change for me."

Kagetsuki felt an overwhelming urge to punch something. He had heard of Tenka Kai, a major corporation. Knowing now that he was face to face with one of its shareholders was envy-inducing.

"I don't particularly like the Hidden Cloud village, but you seem decent. I'll give you these photos for free." Hinata's face was kind, but her inner thoughts were devilish.

"Ah, thank you! You're truly kind..." Kagetsuki gratefully accepted what he believed was a kindness, completely unaware of the shock he was about to experience.


Hinata handed him the photos with an increasingly radiant smile.

"I've always wanted photos of Lord Raikage and Lord Killer Bee, but their photos aren't publicly available..." Kagetsuki treasured the photos, showering Hinata with gratitude. But the very next second, his face froze when he saw the content.

"What photos did Hinata give him?" From the stands, Kakashi wondered as he saw Kagetsuki's sudden silence.

"Do you remember the border incident between Land of Fire and Land of Lightning?" Sakura hinted with a smile.

"Wait, those photos are..." Kakashi swallowed hard, recalling a traumatic memory. Would Kagetsuki mentally collapse from the photos' contents?

"Exactly what you're thinking!" Sakura's confirmation made Kakashi sweat.

"What photo?" Naruto, sitting nearby, finally caught on and turned green at the revelation.

"Poor guy..." Sasuke sighed deeply. To be hit with such a mental blow before a match was cruel.

"Later on, remind Haku and Bandage (Zabuza) to take him to Konoha's hospital. He might need some counseling," Kakashi suggested with concern.

"Ibiki might be best for that job. He's familiar with psychological issues," Sakura recommended.

Kakashi internally rolled his eyes. Ibiki? Was she trying to traumatize Kagetsuki even further?

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 203: Hinata's Path to Revenge [Part 2] 


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