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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


Two figures darted back and forth in the arena, their movements so swift that the group of Genin couldn't keep up. Only the Jōnin could still discern their actions.

After another exchange of blows, they separated, each standing at opposite ends of the battlefield, panting heavily.

"Huff… Such an exhilarating battle! I’m already looking forward to our next duel!" Hayate exclaimed with excitement. However, recalling the real purpose of his visit to Konoha, his expression turned somber.

"Youth never fades. Whenever you seek me out, I'll always be ready to face you!"

Lee's chakra began to stabilize, and his face showed clear signs of fatigue.

"Your ninjutsu can't last much longer, can it?" Hayate deduced after a moment's thought. "It seems I will be the victor in this battle."

"Is that so?" Lee appeared weary, but his words betrayed no doubt about the outcome. "Your speed matches mine when I activate the Fourth Gate, but I neglected to mention: that wasn’t my limit!"

"What do you mean?" A sense of unease crept over Hayate.

"I mistakenly thought the Fourth Gate would be enough to defeat you. But now, prepare to witness my true speed!" Lee declared with a smirk.

From the sidelines, Temari paid little attention to their banter. Seeing Lee's chakra settle, she felt a weight lift off her chest.

"Looks like I've won our wager. When will you deliver the goods?" Temari gleefully asked Sakura, thinking of the vast resources at stake for the Hidden Sand Village.

"You sure about that?" Sakura grinned. "Hayate’s Kekkei Genkai may have evolved to match Lee’s Fourth Gate speed, but that’s not Lee's ultimate pace. His real speed rivals Quicksilver's!"

Lee’s unique ability is his incredible speed, akin to Marvel's Quicksilver. While he hasn't reached Quicksilver's level, his current speed, surpassing the Fourth Gate, can easily dominate Hayate.

"What?!" Temari was utterly confused, not recognizing the reference to Quicksilver, but she felt an unsettling premonition.

Suddenly, Lee vanished. He disappeared from everyone's sight, as if teleporting.

"How is that possible?!" Hayate exclaimed. His Swift Release not only enhanced his speed but also his vision, particularly his dynamic vision, allowing him to attack or defend at these high speeds. But now, he couldn’t detect Lee's movements, implying Lee’s speed had exceeded his vision's limits.

"Bloom, Lotus of Youth..."

A strange cry echoed, but no figure was seen. Hayate felt pain as if an invisible force was hitting him, realizing it wasn't invisibility but Lee's overwhelming speed creating this illusion.

Hayate spat blood, repeatedly struck by Lee's rapid assaults. His body, already injured from the Gate's strain, began to falter. Internally, bones and organs screamed in pain.

With a swift kick, Lee sent Hayate flying, declaring, "I am the victor!"

Coughing up blood, Hayate responded with a bruised smile, "I lost. Your ninja way is right; hard work can surpass talent. I may have lost today, but don't get complacent. Next time, victory might be mine."

"I'll await your challenge, and I will win again! For my youthful spirit won't let me slack off!"

"You're quite the character!" Despite the pain, Hayate grinned. This loss was perhaps his most enjoyable.

"The victor, Konoha's Rock Lee..."

Gekko Hayate signaled for Zabuza and Haku, who had been waiting outside, to declare Lee’s victory.

"He's stable. Take him away," Haku briefly assessed, signaling Zabuza to carry the injured ninja. The casual manner of evacuation left many wondering, was this how Konoha's medics always behaved?

"How did he lose?" A shell-shocked Temari murmured, struggling to accept the outcome.

"Don’t fret," Sakura consoled. "Once you join us in Konoha, we'll aid the Hidden Sand Village. I'll even help with afforestation, ensuring prosperity there!"

Sakura's comfort had little effect, prompting her to shout, "Shikamaru, come console your fiancée!"

Choking on water, Shikamaru exclaimed, "What nonsense are you spouting? Since when do I have a fiancée?"

"Right here!" Sakura pointed to Temari, producing a contract. "She wagered herself in a bet with me. Since she lost, she's now pledged to marry you! Even Uncle Shikaku approved. Better comfort your bride-to-be or face her wrath later!"

Amidst the uproar, bystanders were taken aback. Wasn't this the Chunin Exam? When did it turn into an engagement ceremony? The Hidden Sand Village representatives were especially dumbfounded, with Baki wondering what on earth transpired while he was away checking on Kankuro.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 201: Hinata's Path of Revenge [Part 1] 


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