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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Merely a slight weight, what difference does it make even if you remove it?"

Hayate was confident about his statement. He had trained with weights before but gave up after a short while, deeming the method too torturous. He remembered using 20 kilograms of weight. And this person before him, with a "Watermelon Head", must be using lighter weights. Otherwise, his movements wouldn't have been as agile as they just were.


Two deep, muffled sounds broke Hayate's train of thought. Two noticeable dents appeared beside Lee, making everyone widen their eyes in disbelief.

"How is that possible?!" Hayate exclaimed with disbelief, wondering how those weights could be so heavy. And even with such heavy weights, how could Lee have been so agile before?

"Guy? Aren't you pushing it too far?" Kakashi sounded a bit exasperated. "How old is Lee? Having him wear such heavy weights, aren't you worried it might be too much for him?"

"Kakashi, Lee can't perform ninjutsu or genjutsu. The only thing he can train in is taijutsu. He isn't some prodigy. All he has is his hard work and determination. I've tried to persuade him not to push himself so hard, but Lee refused. He said he wanted to prove to everyone that even without mastering ninjutsu and genjutsu, one can still be powerful. He desires to surpass prodigies through his sheer effort…"

Tears filled Guy's eyes as he looked at Lee taking a stance. He shouted encouragingly, "Lee, go for it! Show them your ninja way, show them your youth!"


With a thumbs-up gesture, Lee's figure vanished from its spot, leaving behind a statement. "For insulting Guy-sensei, I won't hold back this time."

"Such speed…"

Hayate was taken aback, barely registering the thought when he felt a sharp pain on his chin, launching him into the air.

"Right in front of me? No…"

In the next moment, Lee delivered a mid-air kick straight to Hayate's face, sending him flying even further.

"This speed… it's much faster than before," Hayate mumbled, touching his chin and cheek, his eyes shimmering with a hint of malevolence. "So this is your strength? Without the weights, your speed has increased quite a lot. But this self-destructive training of yours can only get you so far. Even with your best effort, you still stand no chance against me…"

Before he finished his taunt, Hayate disappeared from view. The next moment, both figures clashed, creating a muted thud before vanishing once more, only to reappear elsewhere in the arena.

"So, this is the Swift Release? The speed is impressive indeed!" Sakura whispered to Temari, "The guy from your Hidden Sand Village sure is arrogant."

"Even though I dislike his attitude, he has every right to be proud," Temari smirked confidently. "You're bound to lose this bet."

"Really? You're celebrating a bit too early. Swift Release may be fast, but Lee hasn't shown his full strength yet."

Sakura spoke calmly, highlighting that Lee was just using his regular speed. Once he activates the Eight Inner Gates, his speed would increase further. As for Lee's unique abilities, once they are unleashed, even Swift Release won't stand a chance.

Down in the arena, Lee and Hayate's figures continued to flicker at blinding speeds. Their taijutsu skills matched each other, making it difficult to predict the outcome.

"I didn't expect someone with a 'Watermelon Head' like you to be this strong," Hayate commented with a hint of disdain in his gaze. "But how can your hard-earned strength compare to a prodigy like me?"

"Guy-sensei once told me that with perseverance, one can surpass any prodigy. I've always believed in that," Lee responded earnestly. "I can't master ninjutsu or genjutsu. Hence, I focus on taijutsu. I might not be a prodigy like you, but all I can do is try, try, and try. I constantly train hard, believing that one day, I can surpass prodigies."

Hayate sneered, "You want to surpass a prodigy? Dream on. No matter how hard you try, you'll always remain inferior. How could someone like you ever surpass a prodigy?"

Lee's face darkened. "Guy-sensei is not foolish, and he never deceived me. You've crossed the line!"

Hayate laughed coldly, pulling out two kunai. He intended to use his Swift Release to make countless cuts on Lee.

"Eight Inner Gates. First gate, open…"

Lee didn't finish his sentence but instead crossed his arms in front of his face. His internal chakra started surging rapidly.

"Second gate, open… Third gate, open… Fourth gate, open…"

A powerful aura emanated from Lee. His veins bulged prominently, and his skin started turning red. The chakra surrounding him resembled fierce flames, causing the ground beneath him to crack and scatter debris everywhere.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?" Hayate gasped, taken aback by the visible chakra.

"I've poured my heart and soul into mastering this forbidden technique. It's the only technique Guy-sensei taught me — a method that can only be mastered by someone truly committed," Lee stated with unwavering conviction.

With his body enveloped in chakra, he declared, "Now, I can finally prove to Guy-sensei that my hard work has allowed me to surpass prodigies."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 199: The Lotus of Konoha Will Bloom Again 


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