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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Lee..." "Guy Sensei..."

A scene unfolds where a large middle-aged man and a teenager, barely into his double digits, embrace each other in a fit of sobbing. The sight, inherently striking due to their intense emotions, becomes even more notable given the duo's appearance. Their resemblance suggests a father-son relationship, compounded by styles that induce an inexplicable sense of dread. In a moment, Guy and Lee become the epicenter of attention, their actions diverting everyone's focus.

"Are all of you from Konoha this... odd?" Temari, standing next to Sakura, ponders before settling on the word 'odd,' a diplomatic choice, considering the blunt inquiry she wanted to make about Guy and Lee's mental well-being.

"No, it's just them!" Sakura, expressionless, turns away, reluctant to endure the sight of the duo. "Please, don't lump us with these... treasures of Konoha!"

"Konoha's... treasures, huh?!" Temari muses, acknowledging that the title seems fitting. "I like that designation!"

"Guy Sensei..." "Lee..."

The crying continues unabated. By now, Guy and Lee have immersed themselves in a state of self-indulgence, discussing their post-competition plans for continuing their 'youthful training.'

"Listen, you two, enough..." Hinata, unable to tolerate more, silences them with a punch each. She points at the crowd gathered around them, "You've embarrassed Konoha enough. And remember, we're in the middle of a competition. Get it together and prepare to compete. Or do you want me to feed you the herring cans I got from the Land of Water?"

Fear replaces the duo's self-pity, recalling their last encounter with Hinata's wrath. They had provoked her unintentionally, leading to a forced consumption of herring while unconscious. Since then, just the mention of 'herring' rekindles the memory of that nauseating taste.

The herring cans, initially acquired from Zabuza, were reportedly special products from a remote area in the Land of Water. What began as Zabuza's nostalgic keepsake turned into a punishment tool after a mishap at a celebration led by Kiba's restlessness. Hinata confiscated the entire herring collection, intending to use it for a novel punishment method.

The specifics remained undisclosed, but the incident left an indelible mark, ensuring everyone steered clear of herring-related matters.

"Hinata, you bought more herring from the Land of Water?" Sakura and others freeze, dreading the biochemical weapon-grade substance.

"Yes, I went through a lot of trouble to find them in a remote village. They're excellent for disciplinary purposes!" Hinata declares with a sly grin, clearly pleased with herself.


Sakura and the others grimace at the brutal punishment method. The mere scent could drive someone to insanity, let alone consuming it.

"But it's troublesome," Hinata continues, dissatisfied, "Every time we open a can, we have to seal the room immediately. Otherwise, the smell spreads throughout the entire street!"

Recalling the inception of this rule in the Hyuga household, Hinata recounts the chaotic introduction, almost causing the clan head, Hyuga Hiashi, to lose his senses. Since then, even the sight of herring cans gives Hiashi a headache.

"Sakura, perhaps Hinata should discuss this tactic with Ibiki. It could be useful for interrogating spies and prisoners," suggests one of the companions, eager to mitigate the impact on the Hyuga family.

"I'll consider it!" Hinata contemplates, finding the idea quite appealing.

"Hey, main examiner, are the people of Konoha still competing or what?" Hayate from the Hidden Sand Village demands, exasperated, as he stands alone in the arena, feeling like a spectacle.

"Please, Rock Lee, proceed to the stage..." Gekko Hayate announces calmly, unfazed by Hayate's tone in the heart of Konoha territory.

"Lee, go and show everyone the fruits of your years of hard work!" Guy, wiping his tears and aware of Hinata's stern presence, refrains from further antics. "Let them witness your ninja way!"

"Yes, Guy Sensei. I will prove that even without ninjutsu or genjutsu, through sheer effort, I can surpass any innate genius and become a formidable ninja. One you can be proud of!" Lee asserts, his demeanor serious.

"Lee, remember, self-restraint is key..." Guy advises, a proud smile on his face, his shiny teeth reflecting the light.


With a simple acknowledgment, Lee propels himself over the railing, landing gracefully before Hayate.

"Disciple of Konoha's proud Blue Beast—Rock Lee, reporting for duty..."

"Tch, what a weirdo!" Hayate scoffs, his disdain for Lee evident.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 195: The Lotus of Konoha Blooms Again [Part 2]