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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Kankuro…" Temari took a moment before it dawned on her, realizing that the figure below was indeed her brother. Anxiously, she called out to Gekko Hayate, "Hey, chief examiner of Konoha, my brother has already lost. Why haven’t you stopped the match?"

"According to the rules of the competition… cough… the match cannot be halted arbitrarily unless one party concedes or is completely incapacitated," Gekko Hayate explained between coughs. "Your Hidden Sand Village contestant hasn’t surrendered, nor has your team’s Jōnin, and whether he’s truly incapacitated is not clear to us. Thus, I cannot stop the match now!"

"But…" Temari was flustered. Given Kankuro’s state, he couldn’t possibly voice his surrender, let alone make a sound.

"Don’t worry, Temari. Kankuro’s life isn’t in danger. Ino seems aggressive, but she’s actually very soft-hearted. She wouldn’t inflict life-threatening injuries. There’s no need for such concern," Sakura reassured her, approaching to offer comfort. "Also, our Konoha medical team is on standby. They’ll provide immediate aid once the match ends. Kankuro will be fine!"

"Are you sure?!" Temari’s gaze darted towards the so-called medical team, her expression darkening. She could understand the masked doctor, but was the muscle-bound man, wrapped tightly with only his eyes visible through the bandages, also a doctor?

"Despite his appearance, the bandaged man is a renowned surgeon from Konoha’s hospital. He’s conducted numerous major surgeries with precise incisions. His partner, Haku, is even more skilled. With them around, you have nothing to fear," Sakura boasted, praising Zabuza, albeit truthfully. After all, his precise cuts came from his background in the Mist Village’s assassination squad.

"But Kankuro looks like he’s on his last legs!" Temari remained apprehensive. Kankuro was but a blur, flung around so violently. Could he truly withstand such treatment? "If this continues, I fear he might suffer a cerebral hemorrhage!"

"How could that be?" Sakura giggled, waving off the concern. "A ninja’s physique isn’t so weak. Such minor trauma won’t cause a hemorrhage. At most, he’ll have a concussion, nothing serious!"

"I…" Temari felt a chill. Wasn’t a concussion serious? Her brother wasn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed; a concussion could ruin his life!

"Look, Ino has stopped."

Pointing to the arena, Sakura drew Temari’s attention to the motionless black lump in the corner.

"Kankuro…" She rushed to his side, flipping him over to check his condition.

"Don’t worry; your brother’s fine, relatively speaking. Just a few broken bones and some organ displacement due to the centrifugal force, plus a slight concussion. But otherwise, he’s in good shape. He’s not going to die!" Haku reassured her after examining Kankuro, trying to offer some 'good news.'

"…" So, it had to be a fatal injury to be considered serious?! Temari resisted the urge to hurl Kankuro at this indifferent doctor. Broken bones, concussion, organ displacement… and they say it’s not serious?!

"According to the competition rules, we, Konoha, will cover your brother’s medical expenses. Don’t worry too much. If you wish to see him, you can visit the hospital after the match," Haku clapped Temari’s shoulder, signaling Zabuza with a look. "Take him to the operating room for bone-setting."

"You don’t have a stretcher?" Temari scanned the surroundings. Without a stretcher, how would they transport Kankuro to the hospital?

"Stretcher? That’s a waste of effort for someone as light as him," Zabuza dismissed the idea, carelessly tossing Kankuro over his shoulder and walking away.


Temari thought she heard the sound of a bone cracking, and Kankuro, still unconscious, seemed to foam at the mouth even more.

"Cough, according to the competition rules, the winner is Yamanaka Ino from Konoha…" Gekko Hayate announced the result impassively, ushering the dazed Temari back to the stands.

"The next match will be between Rock Lee from Konoha and Hayate from the Hidden Sand Village…"

Once Ino returned to the stands and the electronic screen displayed the next set of names,

"Guy Sensei…" Lee suddenly clenched his fists, tears streaming down his face.

"Lee…" Guy matched his tears, an emotional gaze locked onto Lee.

"Guy Sensei…" "Lee…"

The two, dressed identically, sporting the same hairstyles, and even similarly thick eyebrows, embraced each other in a tearful grip. Their bright green bodysuits, bowl-cut watermelon hair, and pronounced features combined with their weeping made onlookers shiver unconsciously.

Such a sore sight for the eyes!

"Guy Sensei, did you hear? It’s finally my turn to take the stage…" Lee sobbed, "Our youth has not been wasted!"

"Lee, well done. I knew you could do it…" Guy cried out, his large eyes glistening. "After training with me for so many years, the time has come for the hidden dragon to emerge from the abyss!"

"Guy Sensei, I may not be the most talented, but I will strive to showcase my youth…" Lee sniffled, his voice full of determination.

"Lee, what nonsense are you talking?!" Suddenly, Guy struck Lee, sending him flying. "Youth has nothing to do with talent. You’ve always been hardworking, and I’ve seen your youthfulness. Now, show everyone your ninja way, and let them see that even without ninjutsu talent, we can shine…"

"Guy Sensei, I understand. I will make the Lotus of Konoha bloom once again…"

Lee dove into Guy’s arms, both overcome with emotion.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 194: The Lotus of Konoha Blooms Again [Part 2] 


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