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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"The match begins..."

Gekko Hayate slashed his palm downward, then wisely retreated to a corner.

"Hey, kid, I'll give you a chance. Concede now and save yourself a trip to the hospital later!" Hayate, digging in his ear, his eyelids droopy, acted as if the victory was already his.

"No, I cannot. Guy Sensei has taught me that one's youth must never be surrendered lightly. If I lose to you in battle, I'll accept that outcome with joy. But to admit defeat before even trying? That's impossible!"

Lee shook his head, resolute in his response. "I've said before, I aim to become a ninja that Guy Sensei can be proud of. So, I'll give this fight everything I've got. Please, be ready!"

"What a troublesome fellow. So odd-looking, yet so stubborn!"

Disdainfully snorting, a flicker of killing intent passed through Hayate's eyes. "I'm not like Kankuro, who was bested by a woman. Don't expect me to show any mercy!"

"Fighting with all our might is how we respect each other as opponents. I don't want your mercy!"

Lee spoke with intense earnestness. "Let's both exert our greatest strength and clash with the vibrancy of our youth!"

"It seems your Hidden Sand Village isn't so harmonious after all!" Sakura, listening to the conversation between Lee and that Hidden Sand Village ninja named Hayate, couldn't help but chuckle softly, commenting to Temari without even turning her head, "I thought ninjas from your village had a close bond. But it looks like your brother isn't very well-liked!"

"Hmph, and you think Konoha is perfectly united?" Temari's face soured. Though Hayate's behavior in the Hidden Sand Village was embarrassing enough, seeing him still so arrogant in Konoha was unbearable. However, he was one of their own, and Temari didn't want to speak ill of him in front of Sakura.

"As far as I know, the strongest Kekkei Genkai family in Konoha, the Hyuga clan, is rife with internal strife. The longstanding grievances between the main and branch houses are known throughout the ninja world!"

"Firstly, we never claimed that Konoha was without its conflicts. Wherever there are people, there are disagreements. It's nearly impossible for there to be no discord. I'm not a deity; I can't align everyone's thoughts and beliefs. But we in Konoha prefer not to air our village's internal disputes to outsiders..."

Sakura, waving an admonishing finger, unexpectedly darkened Temari's mood further, continuing, "Secondly, your understanding of Konoha must be outdated. The conflicts within the Hyuga family have largely been resolved. The issues you're referring to are old news!"

"Pfft, who are you trying to fool? The oppressive system within the Hyuga clan is a matter of public record. The main family controls the fates of the branch members. Are you seriously telling me there's no resentment? Do you think I'd believe that?" Temari retorted, skeptical of Sakura's words.

"That's all in the past!" Sakura shrugged, not wanting to delve too deeply into the topic. Indeed, the Hyuga clan had been quite corrupt, its main family once dictating life and death over the branch members, dividing the clan. However, with Hinata's progressive influence as she gradually took over clan matters, and through the concerted efforts of Hyuga Hiashi, Hizashi, Hinata, and Neji, the distinction between the main and branch houses had nearly vanished. The cursed seal, once a symbol of bondage and discrimination within the clan, was no longer imposed on the younger generation, and existing seals had been removed by Hinata with Sakura's assistance. While the titles of the main and branch families remained, their relationship was no longer adversarial.

As for those in the Hyuga clan who initially resisted these reforms, Sakura could only sigh at their fate, marked by a series of unfortunate 'accidents'. Despite her inward lament, there was little she could do but offer her assistance in the aftermath.

Meanwhile, as Sakura and Temari engaged in their brief exchange, the battle between Lee and Hayate below had erupted in earnest. Given their diverse ninja village origins, there was no custom of forming pre-combat alliances, and they clashed head-on.

Lee, with no talent for ninjutsu or genjutsu, relied solely on taijutsu, physical techniques. Surprisingly, Hayate, in facing Lee, abstained from using ninjutsu or genjutsu as well, engaging only in hand-to-hand combat.

"Is that Hayate fellow a taijutsu ninja too?" Guy, witnessing the fierce exchange, felt his spirits ignite. "I never expected Lee's opponent to be a practitioner of taijutsu as well. Could this be the work of destiny?"

"Konoha's whirlwind..."

Lee's leg soared, striking Hayate's face and sending him flying. However, Lee's expression remained solemn, sensing something amiss with his last move.

"A substitution jutsu?!"

The figure of Hayate that was sent reeling morphed into a log, its solid wood split from Lee's powerful kick.

"I was careless. I should have detected the substitution jutsu earlier!"

Lee inwardly cautioned himself. In usual sparring with Naruto and others, he could easily discern such elementary ninjutsu. Yet, caught in the thrill of the moment, he failed to perceive Hayate's trick.

"Well, well, bowl-cut. You're quite formidable!" Hayate emerged from the shadows, eyeing the log split by Lee's kick, a trace of apprehension within. He had underestimated Lee, not anticipating such formidable strength. Their taijutsu skills were on par.

"You're strong too..." Lee accepted the compliment sincerely before reciprocating.

"Hah, I am a genius of the Hidden Sand Village. Of course, I'm strong!" Hayate declared, pride written all over his face. "You've proven yourself a worthy opponent, deserving of my full attention!"

"Thank you for the praise!" Lee inhaled deeply, his eyes brimming with determination.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 196: The Lotus of Konoha Will Bloom Again [Continued] 


Iori Daemona Angel

Yoooo it's going well so far, at least Lee won't get half killed by Gaara.


More participants so the matchups are different too.