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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Naruto and Sakura walked out of the cosmetics shop together and were quite puzzled. Naruto asked, 'By the way, why does Zabuza use cosmetics on his bandages? Wasn't it Tenten who wrapped them around his face?'

Sakura explained, 'Because he feels embarrassed to work at the hospital as the renowned Momochi Zabuza. To prevent others from recognizing him, he came up with this idea!' She held a scroll filled with a bunch of cosmetics and continued, 'Every day before going to work, I have to apply makeup for him, trying to make sure even familiar faces won't recognize him. However, he is quite tall and stands out, so it takes a lot of cosmetics each time. Unfortunately, their salaries haven't been paid yet, so I have to help him buy them!'

In order not to be recognized, Zabuza even sealed his most cherished Kubikiribocho into the scroll. Every day, he spends a lot of time applying and removing makeup. Fortunately, the one in charge of doing the makeup, Haku, doesn't find it annoying. On the contrary, she is quite interested in experimenting on Zabuza's appearance.

As they were walking and talking, they suddenly heard a cry of pain coming from a nearby alley, followed by a familiar voice shouting for help.

'Quick, let me go!' Konohamaru's small body was held in someone's hand, and his feet dangled in the air, unable to touch the ground. His little face was full of anger.

'Konohamaru?!' Sakura was surprised for a moment and then took out a kunai without hesitation and threw it towards the source of trouble.

'Big sister, they bullied me...'

To avoid the kunai, the person released Konohamaru, who immediately ran behind Sakura and started complaining.

'How did you provoke them?' Sakura asked with confusion. The mysterious cat-eared creature who was holding Konohamaru was clearly Kankuro, and the other girl was Temari. As for Gaara, the precious little panda, he was currently watching from a tree nearby.

In the original plot, Konohamaru was chased in fear by Sakura and accidentally ran into Kankuro. But now, Sakura didn't even try to chase him, so how did Konohamaru still manage to get into trouble with Kankuro?

'I was just about to have lunch and turned around here when I bumped into him. I already apologized, but he still insisted on teaching me a lesson!' Konohamaru said with righteous anger. He was no longer the mischievous kid from the original storyline. With most of the Konoha's next generation of children being influenced by Hinata's education and discipline, hardly any of them dare to be reckless anymore. So, when Konohamaru bumped into Kankuro earlier, he sincerely apologized, but he didn't expect Kankuro to persistently want to reprimand him, which made Konohamaru feel wronged.

'You guys are from the Hidden Sand Village, here to participate in the Chunin Exams, right?!' Sakura looked at Kankuro, whose face was covered in oil paint, and the two cat-like ears sticking up from his head. She raised an eyebrow and said, 'Not bad, you've got quite some courage to dare bully people in the Konoha village!'"Kankuro sneered and said, 'It was this little brat who bumped into me first!' In his impression, Konoha was a ninja village that was particularly weak but still occupied the best geographical location. As long as he showed a strong attitude, Konoha wouldn't dare to do anything to him.

'First, he should have already apologized after bumping into you, but you still persisted!' With Hinata as the big sister, Konohamaru couldn't lie to Zetsu, which means Kankuro might have deliberately looked for trouble. 'Second, I don't know where you got the courage to openly bully the Third Hokage's only grandson in Konoha. Young man, I'm afraid you don't know how it feels to be spanked by the Third Hokage with a stick!'

Kankuro: "..."

At this moment, Kankuro and Temari felt a headache. They didn't expect that in their displeasure, they would end up bullying someone who was related to the Third Hokage. And not just anyone related to the Third Hokage, but the Third Hokage's only grandson. If that person ran to the Third Hokage to complain, he wouldn't let it go easily. If that affected Hidden Sand Village's plans, they would be in big trouble.

"This matter is Sand Hidden's fault, Kankuro, go apologize..." A gust of yellow sand drifted by, and Gaara appeared hanging upside down from a tree beside the alley, exuding a murderous and bloody aura.

"Brother, don't you feel uncomfortable with your brain congested?" Sakura's words instantly silenced the air. "Hanging upside down might look cool, but it's very harmful to your body. If you're not careful, it can compress blood vessels in your brain. If any of them burst, you might spend the rest of your life lying in bed with your nose crooked, eyes askew, and drooling all over the place, ruining your image!"

Kankuro: "..."

Temari: "..."

Gaara: "..."

"Can't you be more normal?" Sasuke appeared on a tree branch not far from Gaara, looking helpless. "Your way of doing things will embarrass our entire Team 7!"

"Do you think I'm embarrassing?" A dangerous glint flashed in Sakura's eyes as she directed it at Sasuke. "It seems like you want those embarrassing photos to spread throughout the entire ninja world, don't you?!"

"No..." Sasuke gritted his teeth and wished he could give someone a stab, but when he thought about his embarrassing photos, he could only force out a smile, even though thunder and lightning were rumbling in his heart.

"That's good then..." Sakura said casually. "I don't want to do anything to you either, but you know, sometimes I'm unreliable. If I accidentally hand those photos to the newspaper, I won't be able to control the outcome then!"

"Please, don't compare me to you. It was just because of the hot weather that I lost my head and said that!" Sasuke's face showed a look of humiliation, with tears in his eyes as he chose to back down.

"Rest assured, I'm very generous. I won't pursue it with you!" Sakura said with satisfaction. Threatening someone requires knowing when to be tight and when to be loose. You can't be too lenient, but you also can't be too strict. You have to make the other person worry, but not dare to actively escalate the situation, so that both sides end up losing.

"Who was bullying my little brother just now? Come out on your own!" A furious female voice suddenly interrupted the scene, causing Sakura and the others to twitch at the corners of their mouths.

"Big sister, you must speak for me!" Konohamaru, as if finding his backbone, rushed forward and threw himself at the feet of the newcomer, crying loudly."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 157: Sand Conceal Trio [Part 2]


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