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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


Sakura's words made Kakashi struggle frantically, and the ominous premonition in his heart grew stronger.

"Kakashi-sensei, there's no need to struggle. The Wood Release that's binding you now has been deliberately infused with Naruto's Yang Release. You won't be able to break free!" Sakura stood with her right hand raised in front of her chest, holding Naruto's right hand with her left hand. Threads of golden chakra with a faint glow flowed out from Naruto's body. In an instant, Kakashi felt the intense malice emanating from the Wood Release. His chakra was tightly suppressed, and the powerful suppression prevented him from using chakra to resist.

"The most disgusting aspect of Wood Release is its ability to absorb chakra. So, Kakashi-sensei, are you ready?" Sakura's mind shifted, activating the chakra-absorbing effect of Wood Release. The chakra refined within Kakashi's body began to be continuously absorbed by the trees, transforming into nutrients for their growth. As the trees grew larger, Kakashi's whole body weakened.

"Naruto, leave a clone here to keep an eye on Kakashi-sensei. Don't let anything happen to him!"

"Understood. Kakashi-sensei, don't worry. With my clone here, you won't get hurt!"

Naruto smirked and glanced at the exhausted and dispirited Kakashi, creating a clone that hid in the surrounding trees. He then followed Sakura and turned to leave.

"Kakashi, you brought this upon yourself. It's forgivable if heaven causes your misfortune, but it's self-inflicted and unforgivable!" Sasuke shook his head at Kakashi. This guy was a classic example of self-inflicted suffering. If he had been honest about the situation from the beginning, no one would blame him. But he chose to go around in circles like this. Now, who can he blame?!

"Hey, Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, don't leave me behind. Please release me quickly..."

Kakashi gasped for breath, feeling helpless and on the verge of tears. His chakra was constantly being absorbed, making him weak. The feeling of utter powerlessness was akin to suffering from sexual exhaustion. What's worse, Sakura had a good grasp of the balance, not absorbing too much chakra to harm Kakashi, but also not absorbing too little to deprive him of the feeling of exhaustion. As he watched the three of them walk further away, Kakashi looked up at the sky, feeling as if he saw his halo rising to heaven.

One hour later, Sakura and the others finally returned. They had a strong smell of blood on them, and their expressions were ice-cold.

"Sakura, can... can you release me now?"

Kakashi looked weary, his appearance becoming much more haggard. Dark circles had formed under his eyes, something he had never experienced before. His silver hair had almost turned pale, resembling that of an old man.


The control of chakra was severed, and the trees that had bound Kakashi lost Sakura's chakra supply. Soon, their binding force disappeared, and they returned to being ordinary trees.

"Ugh, couldn't you all give me a hand here?" Kakashi slumped on the ground, leaning against a tree, and began to pant heavily. The extreme emptiness of chakra in his body made him feel as if he had truly experienced sexual exhaustion. His back and legs ached, and he felt mentally drained.

"Not in the mood..."

Sakura and the others were in a bad mood, even Naruto, who was usually the liveliest, had lost his smile!

"Hey, did something happen to you guys? Can you tell me?" Kakashi could tell from their expressions that they must have encountered something during the bandit extermination. He directly asked.

"It's nothing. It's just that I was momentarily softhearted. I saw a child crying and wanted to spare him, but..."

Sakura forced a bitter smile and shook her head. When she saw the child crying so heartbreakingly, she thought of sparing his life for a moment. But who would have thought that in that instant when she turned around, the child would pick up a knife from the ground and stab it towards her.

"If Naruto hadn't blocked the knife for me, I'm afraid what you would see now, Kakashi-sensei, is me with a stab wound through my abdomen!"

Although Power Stone had the effect of being immune to physical attacks, that was only under the premise of activating the power of the gem. In normal circumstances, Sakura was no different from an ordinary person and would still be injured by a knife stab.

"Naruto, are you okay?!" Kakashi looked up and saw a wound on Naruto's abdomen caused by a knife, but he didn't see any bloodstains.

"I'm fine. My recovery ability is strong. This kind of injury is nothing to me!" Naruto smiled and said nonchalantly. After being stabbed by the child, within two seconds, the wound had already started to heal rapidly. Even the muscle contractions during the wound healing directly pushed the knife out. Not even a drop of blood flowed.

"Although injuries can heal quickly for you, you're not a dead person without feeling. Being stabbed with a knife, doesn't it hurt?" Sakura felt remorseful. If she hadn't been softhearted, Naruto wouldn't have suffered such an injury. Although the wound would heal rapidly and there was no life-threatening danger, the feeling of being stabbed with a knife was undeniably real.

"It's okay. After all, I have strong vitality. A little injury is nothing. As long as Sakura is fine!" Naruto smiled indifferently. Ever since they first met when they were four years old, he had silently vowed to protect Sakura. Now, he finally had the ability to do so.

"Sakura, do you understand now?" Kakashi looked at Sakura and said, "On the battlefield, we may encounter many things that make us conflicted, but no matter what, we can't have any mercy towards the enemy. Your kindness towards the enemy often harms your teammates. Whether the opponent is old or young, male or female, familiar or unfamiliar, once they are identified as enemies, you must have the heart to kill them..."

"I understand, Kakashi-sensei. Lessons like this only need to be learned once!"

A glint of coldness flashed in Sakura's eyes. She placed her hand on the hilt of Starry Night and said, "I don't want my softheartedness to cause harm to the people around me again!"

"Now that you've understood, can you come and help me up?" Kakashi rolled his fish-like eyes, resembling a salted fish that had lost all its dreams. "I need to go to the hospital and lie down for a few days!"

"Kakashi-sensei, you should eat more kidney-tonifying foods. Being so young and already suffering from kidney deficiency can affect your married life..."

"My kidneys are perfectly fine, no need for tonifying..."

"Kakashi-sensei, it's not good to avoid treatment..."


The three of them, plus the salted fish, gradually moved away, leaving behind the burning bandit hideout, which was illuminated by flames in silence.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 156: Sand Hidden Trio


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