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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Big Sister, it was this person who painted my face with oil colors and bullied me just now. He even said that people from Konoha don't dare to do anything to him. His attitude was so arrogant..."

Konohamaru cried with snot and tears, leaving Sakura and the others speechless. His level of complaining was like that of a drama queen. He was fine just a moment ago, but now he was crying as if he had suffered a great injustice.

Kankuro: "..." When did I say such things?! "You guys, judging by the headbands you're wearing, you must be from Hidden Sand Village, right? And you came to Konoha to bully people? You're really audacious!"

Hinata discreetly moved two steps away from Konohamaru, finding his snotty and teary state quite disgusting.

"That's right, Big Sister! They obviously don't take you seriously!" Konohamaru jumped up from the ground and pointed at Kankuro, saying, "Look at him, he doesn't show any remorse. It's clear he doesn't care about what we said!"

Somehow, watching Konohamaru's current series of actions, whether it was Sakura, Naruto, or Sasuke, the term "acting like a spoiled child" popped into their minds. As for Kankuro, one of the parties involved, he looked utterly bewildered. He hadn't said a word until now, huh?!

"You guys, speak up! How do you want to resolve this matter?" Hinata looked sternly at the trio from Hidden Sand Village and said, "Do you want to apologize sincerely, or should we beat you up first, and then you apologize?!"

"We apologize..."

Before Temari and Gaara could speak, Kankuro, with a gleam in his eyes, walked up to Hinata with a beaming smile. "Today's incident was our fault. I sincerely apologize for it. May I have the pleasure of knowing the young lady's name?!"

Temari: "..." Has this guy lost his mind?! "Young man, don't get ahead of yourself. With your demeanor, people like her wouldn't even glance at you!" Sakura stabbed his heart with her words like a sharp arrow. "To be a good person, the most important and basic thing is to have self-awareness. Before you daydream about such things, please consider your own situation. Let's not even talk about anything else; just with your appearance, you've already closed all the doors!"


Sakura's words pierced Kankuro to the core, instantly bringing him back to his senses.

"Kankuro, it's time to go..." Gaara's expressionless face showed that he really didn't want to deal with his foolish older brother.

"Yes!" As soon as Gaara spoke, Kankuro immediately cowered. Without a word, he meekly followed along. Although he was the older brother, facing Gaara, this ferocious younger brother, he didn't dare to resist in the slightest.

"It happens that I've heard there's a restaurant in Konoha known for its delicious food. Shall we go together and taste it?" Temari didn't know how to handle Gaara's character, even her way of speaking sounded like a discussion. Gaara just nodded in response and walked forward, enveloped in a lonely atmosphere that isolated him from all outside contact.

"These guys are really strange, aren't they? One looks down on everyone, another seems to have issues with his head, and the one who didn't speak also has a bad attitude. Is this the typical behavior of people from Hidden Sand Village?" Hinata frowned, not pleased with the attitude of the Hidden Sand Village trio.

"Their purpose in coming this time is not just for the Chunin exams!" Sakura looked at the backs of the three from the Hidden Sand Village and smiled. Orochimaru and the Hidden Sand Village's plan to destroy Konoha actually turned out to be quite helpful.

"Um, Big Sister, I'm going to go practice now..." Konohamaru tiptoed, wanting to leave the scene. He didn't want to be scolded by Hinata.

"You must achieve good results in this year's ninja school assessment, understood?" Hinata lightly patted Konohamaru's shoulder, and her oppressive aura made Konohamaru freeze in place. "Also, if you act recklessly like that again, you know the consequences!"

"Yes, Big Sister, I'll definitely change next time... I promise..." The once arrogant Konohamaru, who even faced the Third Hokage with arrogance, now didn't dare to argue with Hinata. While Third Hokage felt relieved about Konohamaru's change, he also lost quite a few hairs worrying that if Hinata continued like this, the next generation of Konoha would turn into a bunch of hooligans.

"Alright, as long as you know to change. Many outsiders have come to Konoha recently. If anyone causes trouble here, let me know. Konoha is not a place where they can act arrogantly, understand?" Hinata waved her hand and let Konohamaru leave.

"Let's go, since everyone is free today, let's gather and discuss the Chunin exams!"

After Konohamaru left, Hinata hooked Sakura's shoulder and walked towards Uncle Teuchi's ramen shop.

Outside Ichiraku Ramen shop, the faces of the rejected Hidden Sand Village trio looked grim.

"Hey, why don't you let us in to eat?" Kankuro asked angrily.

"I'm sorry, Ichiraku Ramen shop doesn't just accept walk-ins. To eat here, you need to make a reservation in advance, and there are only a few opportunities each month. Currently, reservations are booked for years in advance!" Ayame explained with a smile, not angry at all.

"What kind of shop are you running? You don't even serve customers who want to eat? Don't you want to make money?" Temari asked, surprised.

"Currently, the price of a meal at Ichiraku Ramen shop has been speculated to be one million ryo. Despite that, many people still flock to it, and some can't even get a chance to eat here. So, we're not short of money!" Ayame said with a smile, making the Hidden Sand Village trio feel like coughing up blood.

"One... one million for one meal?!"

Temari and Kankuro were completely dumbfounded. What was the concept of one million ryo? They worked hard on missions, and their rewards were just a pittance. Yet, here, one meal was sold for a million ryo. The difference was too huge! Even Gaara, who always wore an expressionless face, seemed a little taken aback.

"That's right, and the chance to eat here is not readily available. Besides having money, you also need a certain status!" Ayame continued to stab them with her words. "Usually, our customers are mainly ministers from the Land of Fire, clan elders, or renowned merchants in the ninja world. As for others, we often don't accommodate them!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 158: Ambition to Seize Land from the Wealthy in Hidden Sand Village [Part 1]


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