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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard



Naruto and Sasuke also stared at Gato and his group with an aura of killing intent, their imposing presence overwhelming the hundreds of people on Gato's side.

"Hey, need my help?" Zabuza walked out, holding the half of Kubikiribocho, and asked.

"No need, just wait for Kubikiribocho to absorb blood later!" Sakura's expression was blank. Today, Gato and his group were doomed.

"Alright!" Zabuza didn't say much. One look at this girl and it was clear that she was not someone to mess with. It would be better to keep his distance.

"Huh? Zabuza? You traitor!" Gato saw Zabuza and became furious. "You dare betray your employer. Aren't you afraid that no one will hire you in the future?!"

"Not afraid!" Zabuza honestly replied. He was about to start a new life in Konoha, and he had also gained the support of a wealthy and influential person. If he continued to be hired like before, he would even look down on himself. "And the reason I chose to betray you is simply because you're too stingy. You only gave me one percent of the total commission as an advance payment, and you didn't even provide living expenses. I had to take care of everything myself. The reward you gave me wasn't even enough to cover the expenses of the mission!"

Just thinking about the money Gato gave him made Zabuza want to curse. According to the rules, the advance payment should be at least ten percent of the commission, but this stingy guy Gato only gave one percent. Moreover, Zabuza had to take care of all his own expenses for food, clothing, and shelter during the mission. With the commission Gato gave him, there was hardly any money left after completing a mission. In the past, when he accepted contracts, although he had to pay for things like explosive tags himself, the employer would provide food, clothing, and shelter. Gato was the first person he had encountered who was like this.

"You, Zabuza, you traitor..." Gato was furious, already stingy by nature. In his eyes, ninjas were nothing more than cheap tools. Since he hired them, they had to listen to him and had no right to resist. But Zabuza had just given him a resounding slap.

"Hehe..." No matter how Gato scolded, Zabuza remained unaffected, his expression calm. He now held a golden opportunity with money, power, and influence. If it weren't for Gato sending him to assassinate Tazuna, he might not have encountered such a stroke of luck. Thinking about it, Zabuza looked at Gato as if he were a great benefactor. Although this guy was ugly, short, and fat, he had done a good deed.

"..." After scolding Zabuza for a while, Gato realized that Zabuza didn't react at all. It made him so angry that he almost spat blood, but he had to reluctantly stop and remain silent.

"Naruto, Sasuke, take care of those two wandering ninjas, and I'll handle the rest of the wandering samurai!" Sakura directly assigned the opponents. The two Chunin would be practice for Naruto and Sasuke, while Sakura could test her wide-range Wood Release on the remaining hundred-plus wandering samurai.

"No problem!" Naruto and Sasuke exchanged smiles. The two Chunin were nothing more than ninjas from an unknown little village, lacking in foundation. They weren't afraid of any secret techniques or deadly moves. It would be like a casual warm-up for them. As for the remaining wandering samurai, they didn't dare to compete with Sakura. It was evident that Sakura was in a bad mood, and they didn't want to provoke her.

"How dare you look down on us, you three brats?!" The two wandering ninjas were provoked by Sakura's attitude. If it were Zabuza speaking, they wouldn't dare to object. After all, Zabuza had a fearsome reputation and was stronger than them. They had no ability to resist. But Sakura and her team had just graduated as Genin, yet they dared to look down on them. That was unbearable.

"You're overthinking. We're not looking down on you; we simply haven't paid any attention to you..." Naruto smiled and stabbed his kunai into the opponent's heart. He had already passed a death sentence on them when they disrespected Sakura. As for the sharp tongue, that was completely inherited from Uzumaki Kushina. Back in the day, Uzumaki Kushina didn't hesitate to stab knives into Jiraiya and the Third Hokage. She was much better at it than Naruto.

"You damn brat, you're doomed today..." The two wandering ninjas drew their blades from their backs and looked at Naruto, their mouths forming cruel smiles. "You two young brats look so tender. We can have some fun with you today!"

"... " Upon hearing this, Naruto and Sasuke's faces turned green. So those two guys were homosexuals, and they shamelessly targeted them.

"What the hell? Are you into such kinky stuff? Is it because you've enjoyed Gato's body that you're willing to work for him?" Zabuza could barely hold onto Kubikiribocho in his hand. But when he turned to look at Naruto and Sasuke, he suddenly understood the two guys in front of him. "But it's not surprising that you're eyeing these two brats. They do look quite pretty..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zabuza was immediately dragged backward with a hand covering his mouth, and two small blocks of ice were kindly created to block Zabuza's nose to prevent him from inhaling any unhealthy air. Although Zabuza's face started turning red, blood vessels popped up in his eyes, and his body struggled and writhed, Sakura and her team understood. After being a lonely dog for so many years, being suddenly embraced by a girl, with physical contact, it was inevitable for emotions to be stirred up. As for what Zabuza said just now, they pretended not to hear it.

"Be good. After causing such a commotion, this girl turned out to be a little devil with a sweet face and a dark heart..." Kakashi looked at Zabuza, who was on the verge of suffocation, and suddenly felt endless sympathy. Fortunately, his Ayame never treated him like this. He was grateful that his deceased father had blessed him with such a good wife.

"I originally planned to have a good fight with you, but now, I've changed my mind..." Naruto took out a trident-shaped kunai, his face filled with killing intent. "Entangling with people like you will only dirty my hands. You should thank yourselves because you can die immediately later without suffering too much!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 148: Wood Release - Chaos of Hell [Part 2]


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