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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"My sword..."

Zabuza held the remaining half of the Kubikiribocho, his face filled with pain, almost on the verge of tears.

"I say, can you stop howling like that? It's just a broken sword. Do you have to scream so miserably?" Sakura sealed the broken half of the blade into a sealing scroll, and she rubbed her ears that were hurting from Zabuza's shouting, saying, "Kubikiribocho can regenerate itself through the iron elements in blood. Since Gato brought so many people here, are you worried that Kubikiribocho won't be able to repair itself?"

"It can be repaired, that's true, but it still hurts my heart!" Zabuza caressed the half of the Kubikiribocho, feeling as though he was bleeding internally. "Why did you have to smash my sword? Poor Kubikiribocho, it was forcefully broken by you!"

"Last time, Kubikiribocho was blown apart by Yagura's Tailed Beast Ball. One half of the blade was taken by Juzo Biwa to the Land of Snow, while the remaining half was taken back to the Mist Village by Yagura. After absorbing enough fresh blood, it regenerated into a complete state. However, Juzo Biwa only had the half of the blade, and he had gotten used to using Kubikiribocho as his weapon. It would take him some time to adjust if we switched to another weapon. So I thought about helping him reforge a new Kubikiribocho. And now, with the half of the blade I broke off, it's just enough to create the necessary weight for a new Kubikiribocho..."

Sakura explained her reasons for doing so, leaving Zabuza dumbfounded. Who knew such a method was possible?

"Speaking of which, Sakura, are you sure you can bring yourself to kill Gato and his men?" Kakashi suddenly asked. Sakura and her team hadn't experienced many hardships yet, especially when it came to killing. He doubted whether these three young brats could bring themselves to kill.

"Well, whether we can or not, we have to," Sakura furrowed her brow. Killing, she had never done it before. But in the current situation, even if she didn't want to kill, it was impossible. "As a ninja, killing is something we must experience. Even if we don't do it now, there will come a day when we have to learn to kill! And in this ninja world, it's cruel. If you don't kill, others will kill you. Just like Gato and his men. I could spare their lives, but if we were in a weak position, would they spare us?"

"Don't put too much pressure on yourselves. For a ninja, bloodshed is common, not just the blood of enemies, but also the blood of ourselves and our comrades!" Kakashi said, a hint of unnatural sadness appearing in his eyes. Although he knew that Rin's situation wasn't his fault, it wasn't easy to let go.

"I know, Kakashi-sensei. Don't be too sad. Besides, Rin forgave you already!"

Sakura patted Kakashi's shoulder on her tiptoes and said, "Let us handle these people. Consider it a taste of blood!"

"Are you sure?" Kakashi asked again.

"We're very sure!" Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke exchanged glances, nodding simultaneously and speaking in unison.

"Okay then, I leave the enemy to you..." Kakashi smiled. "But don't let killing scare you too much!"

Kakashi's words were not unfounded. Many ninjas leave psychological scars the first time they kill, and some even become petrified on the spot. It was a common occurrence but also an essential experience for ninjas.

"Our minds aren't so fragile!"

Sakura and the others smiled at each other, adjusted their equipment, and walked outside the house.

"Wait for me..." Zabuza hurriedly caught up, hugging the half of the Kubikiribocho. He still needed the blood of those people to repair it.

Outside the house, Gato and his gang were blocking the way, their faces filled with arrogance, especially the two Chunin hired by Gato, who looked invincible.

"Tazuna, how dare you defy my orders? You've got some nerve!" Gato looked at Tazuna and cursed angrily. But when he noticed Sakura and the others beside him, his eyebrows raised. "So, you have the guts to stand up against me. Turns out you found a few little brat ninjas to protect you. With the money you have, these little brats are the best you can afford!"

"The emblem of Konoha, newly graduated Genin from Konoha?" The two Chunin hired by Gato glanced at the forehead protectors of Sakura and her team with contempt, but then they became somewhat cautious. "Three Genin from Konoha are nothing to worry about, but a newly graduated Genin team is usually led by a Jonin. This might be a bit tricky!"

"Are you scared?" Gato's expression turned grim. "I paid you so much money to hire you, and you're already scared without even doing anything?"

"These little brats are nothing to fear, but we have to be cautious of their Jonin leader..." the two Chunin explained. They were only renegade Chunin and belonged to a small and unknown ninja village. If they were to face a Jonin from Konoha, they would have no chance of winning.

"What are you afraid of? Even if they have a Jonin, so what? Do you dare to attack me? As long as you deal with Tazuna and his group, I'll pay you extra!" Gato grew impatient. He wasn't a ninja, so he couldn't understand the vast power gap between Chunin and Jonin.

"Well, fine. Fortune favors the bold. We'll take on this mission..." The two Chunin glanced at each other, suppressing their fear with their greed for money. In the end, they decided to take the risk. The fact that their leader hadn't shown up even after so long meant that he might not be here at all.

"Oh, by the way, kill Tazuna and his grandson, but leave his daughter to me. Hmm, and this little girl here. I haven't tasted the flavor of a ninja yet..." Gato rubbed his stubble, his expression full of confidence.

"... " Hearing Gato's words, Sakura and her team's faces turned dark, and Kakashi, who was hiding in the shadows, flashed a hint of killing intent in his eyes. Zabuza quietly lit a stick of incense for Gato. He had seen many reckless individuals, but there were few like Gato. The little girl Gato referred to was clearly a demon disguised as a lamb.

"Once the boss tastes meat, maybe we can have some soup too..."

Gato's subordinates began to cheer, completely oblivious to Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke clenching their fists.

"No need to hold back later..." Sakura muttered with a chilling aura emanating from her.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 147: Wood Release - Chaos of Hell [Part 1]


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