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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


Sasuke remained silent, but he gripped the hilt of his sword behind his back. In his crimson eyes, the three black tomoe on his Sharingan emitted a chilling killing intent.

"Little brat, don't act tough. Just accept death obediently..."

The two wandering ninjas rushed forward with their swords, completely disregarding Naruto and Sasuke. They didn't even consider them as a threat—just two freshly graduated Genin. While their own backgrounds weren't from prominent ninja villages, they had spent many years on the outside. If they were scared off by two little kids, it would truly be humiliating.

The three tomoe in Sasuke's eyes flickered slightly as his Lightning Release chakra gathered within him. The spectators only saw a flash of white light, and Sasuke appeared behind the charging wandering ninja. In his right hand, he held the White Fang short sword, retracting it into its sheath.

"How... How is this possible... Such a fast sword..."

The wandering ninja who had the sword aimed at him froze in place, his eyes widening, and blood sprayed from his mouth. He then collapsed to the ground.

"Has Sasuke already mastered the White Fang's Sword Technique to this level? His talent in kenjutsu is truly remarkable. Father, your White Fang's Sword Technique has found a suitable successor..." Kakashi's eye curved into a smile, and there was a hint of moisture in the corner of his eye. Sasuke's strike just now made him feel as if he had seen his late father. That unrivaled aura, as if there was nothing in the world that could withstand a single strike.

The so-called White Fang's Sword Technique didn't have many elaborate moves. It pursued three things: speed, accuracy, and ruthlessness. The White Fang's Sword Technique was an extreme offensive sword style that abandoned all defense, channeling all its power into a single strike. With one swing of the sword, either the enemy would die or one's own defense would be compromised, leading to death. The most challenging aspect of the White Fang's Sword Technique was its aura of being willing to die, completely forsaking everything for the sake of delivering a single strike. And the devastating power of that strike was terrifying. A single strike infused with spirit and energy was nearly unstoppable.

"What a powerful sword technique. How could someone like him be a Genin..."

The remaining wandering ninja trembled in fear. Even though Sasuke's strike hadn't been aimed at him, he could still sense the danger. Not to mention that his companion couldn't even withstand a single move. Even if they both attacked together, the outcome would undoubtedly be death.

"Your opponent is me. Don't get distracted..."

Naruto threw the kunai in his hand, but it wasn't aimed at the wandering ninja. Instead, it brushed past him. Then, with a quick movement of his right hand, Naruto caught another trident-shaped kunai. His figure disappeared from the spot in an instant.

"Where... is he... pu-"

The surviving wandering ninja nervously tried to locate Naruto, but suddenly, intense pain shot from his neck. Blood sprayed out like a fountain.

"Flying Thunder God Slash..."

Naruto appeared not far behind the ninja, holding the kunai in his right hand. A drop of blood quietly slid down the blade, while his left hand gripped the trident-shaped kunai he had thrown earlier.

"Sensei's Flying Thunder God technique, huh?" Kakashi lowered his forehead protector to cover his left eye, his right eye filled with a smile. Golden hair, blue eyes—the same as the Flying Thunder God technique. This Chunin Exam would surely leave many people astonished.

The Flying Thunder God Slash was a way of using the Flying Thunder God technique. First, a kunai marked with the Flying Thunder God seal was thrown. When the kunai reached the enemy and they dodged to the side, a Flying Thunder God technique was activated, allowing the user to appear in front of the enemy and launch an attack. By the time the kunai had passed the enemy, the user had attacked at incredible speed. After the swift attack, another Flying Thunder God technique was initiated, teleporting the user back to the kunai marked with the seal. Successfully executing this move required a strong neural reaction speed, being able to activate the Flying Thunder God technique twice in the instant the kunai flew by and delivering a lethal blow to the enemy. It was with this technique that the original Senju Tobirama had killed Uchiha Izumi on the battlefield.

"How is this possible? Hurry up, catch that little girl..." Gato hadn't yet realized what had happened. The two wandering ninjas he hired were already gone. Now, he looked at Naruto and Sasuke without the previous contempt in his eyes. But when he saw Sakura standing still, his eyes lit up. He immediately commanded his remaining wandering ninjas to capture her, planning to use her as leverage against Naruto and Sasuke.

"Go, capture that little girl..."

"Everyone, attack together! Don't let that little girl escape..."

The group of wandering samurai went mad. The two Chunin had already impressed them, and now they had been defeated without even putting up a fight. If they didn't seize this opportunity to quickly capture the little girl as a hostage, they would have no way out.

"Hey, Kakashi-sensei, do you know which technique enraged Obito Uchiha after Rin's death and wiped out an ANBU squad from the Mist Village?" Sakura stood in place, her expression unchanged, but her hands quickly formed several hand seals.

"Which technique?" Kakashi appeared next to Zabuza, asking with curiosity.

"That technique is called..." Sakura completed the final hand seal and shouted sharply, "Wood Release - Chaos of Hell!"

Countless thorny trees burst out from the ground in front of Sakura. The trees extended towards the sky, and once the thorns sensed the life force of living beings, they rapidly expanded and extended. Before the wandering samurai could even react, their bodies were impaled.

"Bandages, go and let Kubikiribocho absorb blood for regeneration!"

Sakura looked at Zabuza, who rolled his eyes at her comment. As soon as the bandages were released, Zabuza knelt down, clutching Kubikiribocho, and took a few deep breaths.

"This technique is so ruthless..."

Kakashi felt his throat dry up. Even he found it difficult to bear the aftermath of the Chaos of Hell technique. It was too brutal.

"While trees represent abundant vitality, Wood Release has never been a gentle ninjutsu!" Sakura's face paled as she clenched her fists. "Kakashi-sensei, don't forget, the most troublesome aspect of the First Hokage's Wood Release lies in its ability to absorb an enemy's chakra. And if a person's chakra is completely drained, do I need to explain the outcome?!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 149: Completion of the Great Bridge


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