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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


If Tazuna had directly spoken about the situation in the Land of Waves and requested the Third Hokage's help when he posted the mission, the Third Hokage would have had enough reason to intervene in the affairs of the Land of Waves. However, Tazuna's idea of only posting an escort mission and hoping that Konoha's ninjas would interfere in the affairs of other countries was just wishful thinking.

The ninja world has clear rules. Ninjas can enter other countries while doing missions, but they are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of other countries without permission. In other words, even if Kakashi and his team went to the Land of Waves and had the ability to handle the situation there, they were not allowed to take action.

"I..." Tazuna's lips moved, but he didn't know what to say. He only wanted to hire just-graduated Genin to get a Jōnin-level fighter for free, and he didn't consider anything else.

"We'll safely take you home according to the task description, and we won't pursue the enemies we encountered along the way this time. But after we take you home, we have nothing to do with anything else!" Kakashi didn't want to waste any more time with Tazuna. After speaking, he directly disposed of the bodies of the duo, and urged Sakura to accelerate.

The noon sunlight was a bit dazzling, but fortunately, there were many tall trees on the roadside, and the shadows of the trees brought a little coolness to the pedestrians on the road.

"There's someone on the roadside..."

Naruto, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes and took out a shuriken and threw it.


The shuriken hit the trunk and made a muffled sound, and then a trembling rabbit ran out of the bushes.

"It's just a little rabbit. Did you have to make such a fuss?" Sasuke opened his eyes, glanced at it, and then retracted his gaze.

"I clearly felt a chakra response, how could it be a rabbit?" Naruto was a little puzzled.

"This is not an ordinary rabbit, it is specially raised to launch substitution jutsu!" Sakura looked at it and jumped off Demon Sword to the ground.

When watching anime in her past life, Sakura once thought that substitution jutsu was some kind of divine technique, but it wasn't until she actually came into contact with substitution jutsu that she realized that the so-called substitution jutsu was not like many people in her past life thought, which could exchange positions with any object anytime and anywhere. Instead, it was a kind of ninjutsu similar to Genjutsu.

Substitution jutsu usually uses wooden stakes as substitutes, because the condition for activating substitution jutsu is that the object used for substitution must be able to allow chakra to flow inside, so that substitution jutsu can be successfully activated. Moreover, the range of substitution jutsu is very small, and it is useless against large-scale attacks. Substitution jutsu is also easy to be recognized by others, and only has some use in battles between Genin and Chunin. When using substitution jutsu, one must first prepare something to be used as a substitute, then use substitution jutsu to exchange positions with the object, and it takes time to form seals or activate ninjutsu, which is almost useless in the life and death battles of ninjas.

"It seems that the enemy has already arrived..."

Looking at the gradually emerging mist around him, Kakashi slowly put away his beloved Icha Icha Paradise, and then pulled up the forehead protector that covered his left eye. The three tomoe in his eye emitted an invisible power.

"Mist Concealment Technique? Are they going to attack directly without giving us time to talk?"

"Sakura suddenly drew her sword from its sheath and swiftly turned around, slashing the blade towards her back.

"Clang!" The sound of metal clashing rang out, and a spark flew out from the point where the two swords collided. Kubikiribocho, flying towards Sakura, was deflected by her swift strike.

"Wow, that's some strength..." Sakura shook her wrist. If she hadn't been prepared, it would have been difficult to block that strike. Kubikiribocho was already a large and heavy weapon, and the force of its rotation only added to its impact. If Sakura hadn't been boosted by the Power Stone's invisible power, it would have been difficult to block.

"Is that Kubikiribocho? The Demon of the Hidden Mist, Zabuza Momochi?" Kakashi chuckled, but his voice carried a hint of seriousness. Zabuza had managed to assassinate the Fourth Mizukage and escape unscathed. Although Sakura had informed them that Yagura had allowed it to happen, Zabuza's strength was not to be underestimated.

"I never thought I would run into you here!"

A figure suddenly appeared, balancing on the hilt of the sword. Zabuza had imagined that Kubikiribocho would be resting horizontally on a tree, with him standing on the blade and giving an intimidating speech. But who would have thought that the pink-haired girl in front of him would knock Kubikiribocho away with a single strike, causing it to embed vertically in the ground and leaving him standing on the hilt.

"Oh? The Demon recognizes me?" Kakashi squinted his eyes. "Zabuza Momochi, the rogue ninja of the Hidden Mist, who failed to assassinate the Fourth Mizukage and fled the village. The user of Kubikiribocho, one of the Seven Swords of the Mist, and the person who killed all his classmates during the graduation exam at the Ninja Academy. It's my honor to be recognized by you!"

"I remember you from my time in ANBU in the Hidden Mist," Kakashi continued. "Your name was in the village's intelligence reports. Kakashi Hatake, Konoha's number one technician, the Copy Ninja, Sharingan Kakashi, the Third Hokage's trusted subordinate, a genius ninja who was promoted to Jonin at the age of 12, and whose former student was the Fourth Hokage. Your father was Sakumo Hatake, also known as the White Fang of Konoha..."

Zabuza, with his face covered in bandages, listened to Kakashi's biography and suddenly realized that the other man was even more powerful than he was.

"Well, I'm honored..." Zabuza replied.

"Likewise..." Kakashi said.

As Kakashi and Zabuza faced off, Sakura began to teach Naruto and Sasuke.

"See, you should learn from Kakashi-sensei," Sakura said. "What are you learning?" Naruto looked puzzled.

"Learn how to promote yourself in business!" Sakura explained. "Look at Kakashi-sensei and the guy in the cow outfit on the other side. They're both talking up each other's accomplishments, so that we can know how powerful they are. It's a very savvy business tactic!"

"Business promotion?" Naruto was very curious, and Sasuke also perked up his ears and listened carefully.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 135: White Fang Foundation [Part 2]


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