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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


The Akatsuki organization was busy gossiping about things, but Sakura and her team seemed somewhat listless.

"Why isn't there an enemy jumping out?" Naruto kept turning his head around, hoping to find an enemy to get his blood pumping.

"Isn't it good that there's no enemy?" Sakura stopped drawing and said, "If we can have a peaceful journey, we can save a lot of energy!"

"That's true, but if there are no obstacles at all, then this mission is too easy, isn't it?" Naruto sighed and said, "I thought this mission would be exciting!"

"The excitement is about to come!"

Sakura glanced at the puddle on the road ahead, feeling helpless. Zabuza's two subordinates were obviously lacking in intelligence. They transformed into a puddle of water lying on the road on a sunny day. Anyone with a bit of sight could see that something was wrong.

"Huh?" Naruto, who was originally confused, suddenly changed his expression and looked at the puddle with a different look.

"How foolish!" Sasuke opened his eyes, and the three black tomoe in his eye appeared.

Just as the group was about to fly over the puddle, it suddenly changed. Two tightly wrapped ninjas jumped out of the water and threw their chains towards Kakashi.

"Why am I the first one to be targeted?" Kakashi sighed, but his eyes remained fixed on his book. Just as the two brothers were confident that they had wrapped Kakashi in their chains and were about to strangle him, a burst of lightning suddenly appeared.

"The first... ah..."

The lightning spread along the chains and hit the two brothers. Vaguely, Sakura and her team could smell the scent of grilled meat.

"Rasengan..." "Chidori..."

As the two brothers were electrocuted, Naruto and Sasuke also attacked. A Rasengan and a Chidori respectively hit the two brothers, directly causing them to fall to the ground and not get up.

"They're too weak?" Naruto complained, thinking that these two would be powerful, but they fell so easily. It was really disappointing.

"The rogue ninja brothers from the Mist Village, just ordinary chunin..." Kakashi looked down at the bodies on the ground, frowning. "I didn't expect them to be from the Mist Village. This could be troublesome."

"Are the ninja from the Mist Village very strong?" Naruto asked, puzzled.

"The strength of the ninja from the Mist Village is not the most important thing. What's crucial is their attitude towards the mission. They will go all out to complete the mission, no matter what. It will be troublesome to face them!" Sakura explained the style of the Mist Village's missions. Although the strength of the Mist Village may not be the strongest, their mission style makes many people reluctant to face them.

"Hmph, let as many enemies come as they want!" Sasuke snorted, and the blood in his eyes became more intense.

"I mean, you're already so arrogant with just the Three Tomoe Sharingan. If you get the Mangekyo Sharingan, won't you be invincible?" Sakura glanced at him and said sarcastically.

"By the way, how did Sasuke activate his Three Tomoe Sharingan?" Kakashi curiously asked. "Usually, the Sharingan needs to be stimulated to activate or upgrade. Sasuke has only been doing ordinary small missions recently. How could he have been stimulated?"

"Hmph..." Sasuke's expression instantly froze, and after a cold snort, he closed his eyes and sat silently on the side.

"What's wrong with him?" Kakashi was confused.

"He's fine, just not feeling good," Sakura smiled and waved her hand. "I helped him activate his Three Tomoe Sharingan. I cast a Genjutsu on him and made him see Itachi and Shisui making love. That's what stimulated his Sharingan. But the stimulation was a bit too much, and he hasn't recovered yet."

"Itachi and Shisui...making love?!" Kakashi almost threw his Icha Icha Paradise book. This way of upgrading the Sharingan was unheard of.

Sasuke's face was bleak, and he exuded a dark aura all over his body. The illusion was still playing back in his mind, giving him a constant feeling of betrayal.

"By the way, shouldn't you give us an explanation?" Kakashi looked at Tazuna. "These two were obviously targeting you. According to the rules, C-rank missions should not encounter enemy ninjas. By falsely reporting the mission level, aren't you afraid of punishment from Konoha?"

"I...I didn't mean to. It's just that the Land of Waves is really broke..." Tazuna trembled and explained in a stuttering voice. "The Land of Waves is now controlled by a very terrifying person. The whole country is broke. I barely managed to escape and came to Konoha to post a mission. A C-rank mission is the most money we can afford."

"Then where did you get the money for the alcohol you drink every day?" Sakura glanced at the bottle hanging from Tazuna's waist. If the money was only enough for a C-rank mission, how could he afford to drink every day?

"Well..." Tazuna hesitated and couldn't say a word. In fact, the mission commission was originally enough for him to post a B-rank mission, but he bought some alcohol and ran out of money. In addition, Tazuna's purpose was to attract just-graduated Genin to perform the mission, so that he could get a Jōnin-level fighter for free, which was why he only posted a C-rank mission.

"Who's this terrifying person you speak of?" Kakashi asked.

"It's Gatou. I barely managed to escape from his pursuit. Gatou is just a seemingly ordinary businessman, but in fact, he colludes with the Black Sickle Organization and controls the economic lifeline of the entire Land of Waves. I want to build a bridge to connect the Land of Waves with the outside world, but Gatou won't allow it..." Tazuna cried with tears in his eyes. "I had no choice but to come up with this plan and hope that you can help me build the bridge. It's our last hope for the Land of Waves."

"When you came up with this plan, did you ever think about the danger that the Ninja you deceived would face?" Sakura's expression was cold. "If you had directly asked Konoha for help, without posting any missions, Konoha would still have sent people to help. But by doing this, not only did you put the Ninja who took the mission in danger, but more importantly, you made us help you build the bridge under what name?"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 134 Boiled Chicken Base(Part 2)


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