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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard



Uchiha Itachi's triangular shuriken rotated slightly in his eyes, and his left eye was instantly filled with blood vessels as the silent Mangekyo Sharingan invaded Deidara's brain.


Deidara covered his head and fell to the ground, his body twitching uncontrollably, looking like he was on the verge of death.

Without paying attention to Deidara, who had been knocked out by his Tsukuyomi, Uchiha Itachi picked up the novel that Deidara had thrown on the ground. After glancing at it, a surge of killing intent emanated from him.

The book "Temptation to Return Home" in the Wrong Love series described how Uchiha Itachi struggled between Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Sasuke, perfectly portraying his image of being torn between two lovers. In the end, the main villain Danzo forced Uchiha Shisui to commit suicide in front of Uchiha Itachi, causing Uchiha Itachi to choose to leave Konoha under the influence of Zetsu and live out his life in loneliness.


Uchiha Itachi threw the book away and his right eye moved. Black flames instantly burned the entire book to ashes. Using two continuous eye techniques, Itachi's eyes suddenly felt like a knife was stirring in them, and two lines of blood slid down from the corners of his eyes.

"Itachi-kun, are you feeling guilty?" Kisame Hoshigaki guessed while rubbing his chin. "Are you trying to destroy evidence? But this book has already been spread throughout the ninja world. Burning just one copy won't do anything."

"Kisame, do you want to be a patient with Deidara?" Uchiha Itachi stared at him emotionlessly with his Mangekyo Sharingan, as if he was about to use Amaterasu or Tsukuyomi at any moment.

"No..." Kisame Hoshigaki shrank his head. Deidara was brainless and dared to provoke Uchiha Itachi. Now he was lying on the ground twitching. He didn't want to be hit by Mangekyo Sharingan, which could be deadly.

"I found that many of these books are related to the Uchiha clan!" Sasori sorted through the pile of books on the ground and made a summary. "No wonder the author added the sentence 'Don't look at pretty Uchiha' at the beginning and end of each one. It seems that we really can't look at the Uchiha clan too much, or we might be seduced!"

"By the way, are there no normal love stories in these books? Why are they all about men and men?" Uchiha Obito complained angrily. Whenever he thought of the book titled "One Glance for Thousands of Years" in the Wrong Love series, which portrayed him and Kakashi as having a love story, he felt a pain in his kidneys. Especially the scene where he was pinned under a rock and Kakashi made a confession, it made his internal organs ache. Did that genius really make a confession? He only said a few words to ask Kakashi to protect Rin at the time. How did it become a confession in the book?

"There are also stories about women and puppets. In the book 'This Life Cannot Be Exchanged' in the Wrong Love series, it tells the love story between Princess Kaguya Otsutsuki and her maid Aino. To be honest, the emperor in the story is really scum. If he existed in reality, even I, who have no emotions, would want to give him a good beating!" Kakuzu said regretfully. Even he, an emotionless old man, wanted to beat the emperor badly, which showed how much he was hated. "But this author is really good at fantasizing. A woman not only has Byakugan, but also Sharingan, and can even use ninjutsu like Wood Release. It's like blending the bloodlines of several families together!"

When Kakuzu first mentioned the name Kaguya Otsutsuki, Black Zetsu started flipping over on the ground, wondering how anyone could know this name. But when he heard Kakuzu's last sentence, he almost couldn't help but fight Kakuzu. What does it mean to mix several bloodlines together? Clearly, his mother was the origin of all chakra, and both the Byakugan and Sharingan, as well as Wood Release, were inherited from Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki and Otsutsuki Hamura, the two unfilial sons of his mother. It should be said that their bloodlines were impure.

When Black Zetsu found the book Kakuzu had mentioned, he was confused. At the moment he saw the cover, he almost exclaimed "Mom." The weeping woman on the cover was none other than his mother.

"I never thought you would like this kind of book, Zetsu. It's really unexpected..." Hidan looked at Zetsu, whose body was shaking slightly and whose emotions were not right, with a contemptuous expression. "Well, I can understand, after all, you don't even have a gender. It's not surprising that you would like such strange things!"

"Shut up..." Zetsu was almost driven to vomit blood by Hidan. What did he like? That was his mother, okay?

After putting down the book, Zetsu's thoughts suddenly became worried. The book was very realistic and consistent with the history he knew. Could it be that his mother really liked her Maid Aino, just like the book described?

"Kakuzu, your recent hobbies have become really strange. You not only like books about men and men, but also books about women and women. You see, this is the reason why you have no faith. Without a strong enough belief, it's easy to go astray!" Hidan tirelessly promoted his religion, constantly trying to pull his good partner Kakuzu into his worshiping sect.

"If you say one more word, do you believe I'll shut your mouth?" Kakuzu said with a sinister smile. "Then you won't be able to spread your religion anymore."

"I'll shut up, okay?" Hidan suddenly wilted. That was his weakness. If he couldn't preach, he might as well die.

"In addition to those strange pairings, there are also two normal ones. One is a love story between the Fourth Hokage of Konoha and his wife, and the other is also about Uchiha Obito, but the female lead is replaced by a little girl named Nohara Rin. But this book seems to be unfinished, with just the words 'to be continued' left!"

Kakuzu dug out two books with Earth Grudge Fear and showed them to everyone. One had a cover depicting the Fourth Hokage and his wife, and the other had a picture of young Uchiha Obito and Nohara Rin.

"Rin..." Uchiha Obito trembled, not daring to take a step forward. He was afraid that he couldn't control his emotions and would reveal something. The girl on the cover, who was smiling happily, he hadn't seen her for so many years.

"Why are almost all of them about people from Konoha?" Hidan complained. "Almost all the books are about Konoha. Are there no other ninja villages?"

"Tenka Kai is said to have originated from Konoha, so they must lean towards Konoha a bit!" Kakuzu's eyes turned into the shape of money when he talked about Tenka Kai. "That's one of the top large companies in the ninja world, and they've been rich for a long time!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 133: Boiled Chicken Base (Part 1)


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