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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Look, Kakashi-sensei and that weird guy in cow bandages on the opposite side are both enthusiastically praising each other, making people think they are powerful characters. So, if Kakashi-sensei loses in the end, it can be said that the opponent was too strong, no wonder he lost. But if Kakashi-sensei wins, it will be even better. If he can win against such a strong opponent, it will make Kakashi-sensei appear even more impressive. Therefore, in the end, whether they win or lose, there won't be any loss. That's the smartest thing about Kakashi-sensei and that weird guy in cow attire..."

Sakura explained quietly to Naruto and Sasuke, and concluded, "Kakashi-sensei truly lives up to his reputation as a sly fox. He always plans meticulously. We still have a lot to learn from him!"

"I see!" Naruto suddenly had an enlightening feeling. "So, when we encounter enemies in the future, should we also praise them like Kakashi-sensei does?"

"I think it's possible!" Sasuke pondered and wore a thoughtful expression. "Before a battle, we must consider the outcome thoroughly."

"You're right! Kakashi-sensei's behavior is actually setting up an advantage for himself in advance. It's a necessary quality for a qualified Jonin!" Sakura nodded in agreement. Mutual boasting is indeed necessary. If you don't praise each other, how would anyone know how capable you are?!"

"Ah..." Kakashi sighed quietly. The tense and serious atmosphere in the field disappeared instantly. If he continued to take these three brats on missions, he would eventually be in trouble.

"Kakashi Hatake, are all Konoha's Genin like this?" Zabuza Momochi, known as the weird guy in cow bandages, had an unpleasant expression on his face. In his heart, a little voice raged, cursing the damn mutual boasting and damn cow attire. What's wrong with wearing bandages on my face? Does it bother you?

"No, only these few recently graduated brats are a bit unruly!" Kakashi immediately distanced himself. In previous years, Konoha's graduates were well-behaved, but this year's twelve graduates were hard to describe.

"People with this kind of personality are not suitable to become ninjas. I should relieve them of their burden!" Zabuza Momochi formed hand seals, and the mist in the air instantly became denser, soon obscuring visibility.

"What a fool..." Sakura shook her head speechlessly. Kakashi and Sasuke both had Sharingan, so the Mist Concealment Technique wasn't as effective. Naruto possessed the unique Uzumaki clan's perception abilities and coupled with the cooperation of the Nine-Tails, his sensing abilities were heightened. Not to mention his extraordinary danger perception ability. It was impossible to ambush him with the Mist Concealment Technique.

As for Sakura herself, she relied on her spiritual sensing. The mixed chakra in the Mist Concealment Technique could confuse normal sensing methods, but it couldn't deceive the soul's perception.

"Heart, kidneys..." Zabuza Momochi's voice faintly echoed in their ears, and at the same time, a chilling killing intent surged.

"Alright, you don't need to enlighten us on the eight fatal points of the human body. There are many pressure points that can cause death. Sometimes, even a casual slap could hit a pressure point and cause death. With your limited knowledge, there's no need to show off here!" Sakura remained unfazed. This level of killing intent was nothing. The killing intent of the individuals in her inner world was much stronger. Even the widely acknowledged gentlest person, Minato Namikaze, had hands stained with blood, not to mention the Tailed Beasts. They were accustomed to the intense killing intent.

"..." Zabuza Momochi's voice suddenly faltered. He intended to intimidate Sakura and the others with his killing intent, then launch an attack. But why weren't these brats following the script? Wasn't this the moment they should be terrified and waiting for death? Why did they suddenly start discussing the human body's pressure points?!

"Chuckle..." Kakashi couldn't help but laugh but quickly restrained himself.

Annoyed, Zabuza Momochi no longer released his killing intent. He directly swung his blade toward Sakura's neck. He should have dealt with Tazuna, their mission target, first, but this pink-haired girl really angered him. He felt uncomfortable if he didn't deal with her first.

"White Fang's Sword Technique: Draw Cut..." Sakura whispered. Starry Night was unsheathed, and the blade pressed against the strands of hair hanging beside her forehead, but it couldn't make any further progress.

"Cut..." At that moment, Sasuke, who had spotted Zabuza's movements, swiftly drew a short knife from his back and swung it down with an ordinary strike. However, Zabuza's pupils suddenly contracted, and a strong sense of danger surged within him.

Drawing the knife back, Zabuza didn't hesitate. Being a seasoned fighter, he trusted his instincts. As expected, just as Zabuza had retreated, Sasuke's knife had already struck. As the blade came into contact with Zabuza's body, a blade aura shot out, creating a deep crack in the ground.

"Not bad swordsmanship..." Zabuza grinned, but his eyes revealed seriousness. He realized that these brats were not easy opponents. No wonder Kakashi, that guy, had no worries on his face earlier.

"You flatter us!" Sasuke's expression remained unchanged as he re-sheathed the short knife. Although he hadn't practiced the White Fang's Sword Technique for long, he had a natural talent for swordsmanship. In just a little over a month, he had already mastered it.

"Naruto, create several shadow clones to protect the client. This time, let's truly test our strength!" Sakura instructed.

"Understood!" Naruto replied. Three shadow clones took their place guarding Tazuna, while the three of them stepped forward and stood opposite Zabuza.

"Konoha Genin Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sasuke Uchiha are here..."

Sakura held Starry Night, Sasuke wielded the short knife named White Fang by Kakashi, and Naruto revealed two trident-shaped kunai in his hands. On the handle of the kunai, one could faintly see the words "Swords of Ninja Love."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 136: White Fang Foundation [Continued]


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